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Iraq blasts toll mounts to 250

BAGHDAD: Rescuers used bare hands and shovels yesterday to claw through the wreckage of clay houses as the death toll rose to at least 250 in a string of suicide bombings against an ancient religious sect, making it the deadliest such attack after the invasion.The US military blamed Al Qaeda in Iraq and a commander called it an "act of ethnic cleansing".

The victims of Tuesday's co-ordinated attacks in northwestern Iraq were members of the Yazidis, a small Kurdish-speaking sect that has been the target of Muslim extremists who say sect-member's are blasphemers.

Four suicide truck bombers struck nearly simultaneously in two villages near the Syrian border, causing buildings to crumble and trapping entire families underneath piles of mud bricks and rubble.

Entire neighbourhoods were levelled.

"This is an act of ethnic cleansing, if you will, almost genocide, when you consider the fact ... the Yazidis are really out in a very remote part of Nineveh province where there is very little security, and really no security required up until this point," said Army Major General Benjamin Mixon, the commander of US forces in northern Iraq.

Northeast of Baghdad, Iraqi civilians joined police to rise up against suspected Al Qaeda-linked gunmen after a mortar attack in Buhriz, and eight gunmen and six civilians were killed in the fighting.

Iraq blasts toll mounts to 250

BAGHDAD: Rescuers used bare hands and shovels yesterday to claw through the wreckage of clay houses as the death toll rose to at least 250 in a string of suicide bombings against an ancient religious sect, making it the deadliest such attack after the invasion.The US military blamed Al Qaeda in Iraq and a commander called it an "act of ethnic cleansing".

The victims of Tuesday's co-ordinated attacks in northwestern Iraq were members of the Yazidis, a small Kurdish-speaking sect that has been the target of Muslim extremists who say sect-member's are blasphemers.

Four suicide truck bombers struck nearly simultaneously in two villages near the Syrian border, causing buildings to crumble and trapping entire families underneath piles of mud bricks and rubble.

Entire neighbourhoods were levelled.

"This is an act of ethnic cleansing, if you will, almost genocide, when you consider the fact ... the Yazidis are really out in a very remote part of Nineveh province where there is very little security, and really no security required up until this point," said Army Major General Benjamin Mixon, the commander of US forces in northern Iraq.

Northeast of Baghdad, Iraqi civilians joined police to rise up against suspected Al Qaeda-linked gunmen after a mortar attack in Buhriz, and eight gunmen and six civilians were killed in the fighting.
Where do you get that ridicules idea??
What struck me is the propaganda claim that it's the dealiest attack. I doubt it is even close. It's the deadliest by non occupying military, maybe.
What struck me is the propaganda claim that it's the dealiest attack. I doubt it is even close. It's the deadliest by non occupying military, maybe.

Who is it not the deadliest attack after the invasion? Discounting anything the US has done, I'm sure it is.

Reuters has 0 propaganda, by the way. They are the most careful of any news service in the world about language and go to great lengths to purge any indication of bias from their reports (way more than anyone else in the world, is my understanding). I know this for a fact. You can message me if you want specifics.
Who is it not the deadliest attack after the invasion? Discounting anything the US has done, I'm sure it is.

Reuters has 0 propaganda, by the way. They are the most careful of any news service in the world about language and go to great lengths to purge any indication of bias from their reports (way more than anyone else in the world, is my understanding). I know this for a fact. You can message me if you want specifics.

Reuteurs refuses to call terrorists terrorists. Reuters won't even call 9/11 an act of terrorism.
Damn, you are such a sensitive little bitch, whenever anyone questions your "honored" profession (lol). I saw the article ealrlier today, so my first impression was on that one. I am not sure where it was as a coworker showed it to me. It may have been this one below, but the headline was much like it if not exact.

Iraq Toll at 250 in the Deadliest Attack of the War

The reuters article above is more specific in saying "of this kind."
It's easy to discount legitimate media sources by throwing around words like "propaganda." It's much harder to address real problems. I guess that's why guys like you are attracted to politicians like Ron Paul who throw around big ideas like "constitution" and "freedom" and reel you in like suckers to back his vision of dismantling government.

But anyway, Reuters is VERY neutral. The only reason I mentioned anything is because of ALL the news organizations you could accuse of spreading propaganda, Reuters is the most unworthy of that branding.
And you still have yet to show us an attack that totaled more deaths since the invasion. It should be easy since you think this probably doesn't even come close.
It's easy to discount legitimate media sources by throwing around words like "propaganda." It's much harder to address real problems. I guess that's why guys like you are attracted to politicians like Ron Paul who throw around big ideas like "constitution" and "freedom" and reel you in like suckers to back his vision of dismantling government.

But anyway, Reuters is VERY neutral. The only reason I mentioned anything is because of ALL the news organizations you could accuse of spreading propaganda, Reuters is the most unworthy of that branding.

I did not say a thing about Reuturs.

The headline clearly overstates it and then they qualify it later down to something less, by noting the type of attack, since the invasion, blah blah. This is standard practice.

They so rarely report when the US kills (unless they are in the stupid deck of cards) what would the point be of me trying to find such info. The US refuses to even release numbers. You're such a schmuck.
The US doesn't exactly run bombing missions anymore. And independent journalists do in fact run write those stories when the US kills civilians and if you go to the source you'll find them. It's the gatekeepers in the US media that rarely pick them up and republish them for consumption by people in the dark, such as yourself.

The truth is out there. ;)
Bombing missions in the middle of urban centers I mean. That ended with Shock and Awe (which if you say it really fast sounds like some kind of Jewish holiday).
The US doesn't exactly run bombing missions anymore. And independent journalists do in fact run write those stories when the US kills civilians and if you go to the source you'll find them. It's the gatekeepers in the US media that rarely pick them up and republish them for consumption by people in the dark, such as yourself.

The truth is out there. ;)

Uh, I am not in the dark. Your the one who seems to want me to go digging around to prove we have killed more in a single battle. Of course, we have. I am not going to bother looking, because I know it (anybody with an IQ above what it takes to work a camera does and does not need precious Reuters to tell them) and those numbers are rarely reported. Again, the headline type claim I was referring to said nothing about, "since the invasion" or any other qualifications.

And, whether they are written or not has nothing to do with anything I said. I don't have access to sources that end on the editing room floor and would not hunt through them if I did. I know that the claim is slanted, if you don't, go look yourself or have fun continuing in your incredible ignorance.