something that really pisses me off

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
The pronunciation of LOL.

In the old days of the internet, it was very common for it to be pronounced L.O.L.

Now all these assholes pronounce it lawl. it is a complete corruption, and it totally pisses me off.
What really pisses me off is people who use right (or left) turn only lanes, lanes that are clearly marked as ending or emergency lanes to jump ahead of all the other traffic then force their way in at the last second, whether or not there is any room, and force everyone behind them to slam on their breaks.

Oh, and drivers with cell phones at their ears. Hang up and drive idiot!

What really pisses me off is people who use right (or left) turn only lanes, lanes that are clearly marked as ending or emergency lanes to jump ahead of all the other traffic then force their way in at the last second, whether or not there is any room, and force everyone behind them to slam on their breaks.

Oh, and drivers with cell phones at their ears. Hang up and drive idiot!


I agree with you here. And I will probably die at the hands of one of these assholes when I refuse to let them in and they kill me in a fit of road rage.

I am polite when the ask, but not when they try to force their way.
Yeah right this country was founded on natural rights. And the first thing we do is tax whiskey and take up arms against those who did not pay the tax.
A bigger force than in any revolutionary war battle.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was just a political selling speech.
The british were after the secret organizations like the masons, so the masons used everyone else to protect themselves.

Whether the cause of the reveloution or not it is a fact.
Yeah right this country was founded on natural rights. And the first thing we do is tax whiskey and take up arms against those who did not pay the tax.
A bigger force than in any revolutionary war battle.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was just a political selling speech.
The british were after the secret organizations like the masons, so the masons used everyone else to protect themselves.

Whether the cause of the reveloution or not it is a fact.

Okay, the second part is not worth addressing. As to the first part, the army was not deployed to punish tax evaders but to put down an insurrection. The tax was also pretty much designed by Hamilton to deliberately provoke a rebellion, so that Americans could see how much safer they were since the Shays Rebellion disaster.

Also, I see nothing wrong with a consumption tax. Its certainly preferable to pay a sin tax on whiskey than to have it banned by amendment.