APP - Something to think about

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Despite the media narrative of the democrat party being a peace loving party, history would tell us otherwise.

Let's review the long history of democrat party violence shall we?

1) Civil War - yes it was the democrat party that led us into the Civil War
2) Klu Klux Klan - this was the terrorist arm of the democrat party designed to terrorize blacks and republicans who supported their freedom. The entire point of the Klan was to keep blacks from voting
3) It was democrats who put Japanese into internment camps
4) The democrat party had an affinity with fascists. FDR actually sent members of his cabinet over to europe to study their economic model. FDR actually called Mussolini an “admirable Italian gentleman.”
5) It was the democrat party that pushed Jim Crow laws and committed violence against blacks
6) It was the democrat party that committed violence during the 1960s with terrorist groups like Bill Ayers (buddy of B. Hussein Obama)
7) It was the democrat party that exploded their national convention with violence
8) It is the democrat party that supports eco terrorists
9) It is the democrat party that supports ANTIFA who is their modern day KKK

The democrat party has a long history of violence in this country