Sometimes I'm a sexist (In my mind)

Sun Devil

Death and Taxes
I want to apologize in advance if this little thread rant of mine offends the few ladies of the forum, however, this is something I think deep down a lot of men feel about the neural circuitry of the opposite sex. Now, I'm currently still at work at my job and typing this as we speak but I'm always fascinated at the amount (lackthereof) of common sense of a lot of the women I've come across. I'll be 32 years-old this tuesday (Tax Day for us U.S Americans) and since the age of 19 I think I've dated over 120 different women in my time and I'll tell you if I had known the concept of "Darwin Award" at 19 I think a large quantity of the women I've dated (mind you they're college educated at that) would've won that.

I have a theory on the contemporary thought of the inability or the lacking of common sense among SOME (I emphasize thios word) women of today's American society as I submit the following:

-Due to patriarchy women perceive their own inferiority by believing they need a man even for the simplest things
-Women, despite exclaiming their independence, autonomy, and sexual freedom, still buy into a male's point of view when it comes to beauty.
-Women like to remain helpless
-Women will substitute being independent for dependency
-From a psychobiological standpoint (which is not that far from the evolutionary theory) women prefer unsuitable men e.g "badboys" due to the impression that excitement is more suitable than stability.
-Due to patriarchy, in a situation where infidelity is known to a woman some women defer responisbility to the other woman involved as opposed to their significant other (the man), and sometimes women often go back to a man who has committed infidelity.
-As per the influence of patriarchy, women have bought into the capitalistic mindset of the social hierachy of power therefore, are more likely to gravitate towards men of powerful standing e.g doctors, lawyers because of the fact that they buy into their dependency, and a man's authoritarian rule, they love men with power who have high incidence of infidelity

(See Reference:

Regarding the above I especially see this all the time with nurses when it comes to police officers that come into my hospital who get all wet when a cop comes in holding his belt like he is the shit. On occasion I hang out with a couple security officers from my job and when we go out we are pretty much the pretty boys who clean up and pick up all the women. But for these nurses, it is not such about looks its about being a cop and having the authority as opposed to being a "rent-a-cop" which in my opinion can be just as dangerous especially with all the PCP and gang members that come into our emergency room.

I know some of the men here are married and/or are older than me so I would like to hold their wives in exempt to my generalization but as a young single man it seems that a lot of women I've met, work with, go to school with lack freggin common sense. I mean, all that bullshit about women maturing faster than men, well perhaps from a biological standpoint but from a logical-common sense-know-what-the-fuck-you're-talking-about standpoint no. I remember not too long ago I was dating a nurse and I told her my background was in Neuropsychology. Her reaction? That sounds smart.....


Neuropsychology sounds smart?

I told her I did a power point presentation orally defending my thesis after drinking a pitcher of beer in under 5 minutes. Her reaction?

Damn that sounds cool.....

So my degree automatically sounds cool and my alcoholism is also cool...Got it!

Mind you these so-called women are in colleges that cost tens of thousands of dollars per year and yes i know just because you go to college doesn't mean you're intelligent. Yes I know. Common sense isn't common and knowing the world around you is not an innate axiom apparently and even though college is supposed to teach you that, it seems a lot of women who excel academically just read the book and years later forget that it's common sense to not do your nails on one hand and trying to smoke a cigarette with the other. Even at work there are certain codes all associates have to respond to such as a code which calls for "manpower" that all associates within proximity have to respond to. You know why female nurses don't respond? their excuse is "I'm a woman!"

Seriously ladies and I mean seriously.....
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Speculations about very large groups of people seem to me a bit aimless. The swine keep turning into individuals!
Speculations about very large groups of people seem to me a bit aimless. The swine keep turning into individuals!

Hence is why I try to carefully used the word some, but as a man one must wonder if gender based behavior are in actuality a trend.
I suppose anytime I look at a swimsuit calendar I'm a bet of a sexist...

To the famous hardcore feminist Catherine Mackinnon, you are fantasizing about a woman's vulnerability. Oh, it doesn't stop there either. To her, softcore is a form of rape and she believes even if a woman volunteers, somehow its a man's fault.