Sometimes what we call conventional Western science is in fact scientism.


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One of the powers of Western science that has brought us so much understanding and benefit is this separation of the observer and the observed. Absolutely, but there are lots of truths. I like to say that there are multiple ways of knowing, and we could benefit by engaging more of them.

But sometimes what we call conventional Western science is in fact scientism. Scientism being this notion that Western science is the only way to truth. It’s a powerful way to truth, but there are other ways, too.
There are multiple ways to truth, perhaps, but there are no contradicting truths.

If two avenues to truth reveal different results, at least one of them is invalid.
One of the powers of Western science that has brought us so much understanding and benefit is this separation of the observer and the observed. Absolutely, but there are lots of truths. I like to say that there are multiple ways of knowing, and we could benefit by engaging more of them.

But sometimes what we call conventional Western science is in fact scientism. Scientism being this notion that Western science is the only way to truth. It’s a powerful way to truth, but there are other ways, too.

Gonna pay for my subscription to view this post?
There are advances beyond Aristotle's logic. You would not know, you think gambling is more important than understanding the world.

I understand the world all too well with my decades of observations
and with the formal study to which I has access,

and in understanding it,
I need to find things to get my mind off of it.
One of the powers of Western science that has brought us so much understanding and benefit is this separation of the observer and the observed. Absolutely, but there are lots of truths. I like to say that there are multiple ways of knowing, and we could benefit by engaging more of them.

But sometimes what we call conventional Western science is in fact scientism. Scientism being this notion that Western science is the only way to truth. It’s a powerful way to truth, but there are other ways, too.

Keeping in mind that the WOKE Religion is well on its way to destroying all of STEM.

Jordan Peterson says that they will be successful.
Aristotle would agree with me according to the tenets of Aristotelian logic.

Aristotle or BidenPresident?

Tough call, there.

Between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the foundations of logic and mathematics were affected by the discovery of a number of difficulties—the so-called paradoxes—involving fundamental notions and basic methods of definition and inference, which were usually accepted as unproblematic. Since then paradoxes have acquired a new role in contemporary logic: indeed, they have led to theorems (usually negative results, such as unprovability and undecidability) and they are not simply confined to the realm of a sterile dialectic.
You seem very dumb.

I question your qualifications to cultivate an informed opinion of any kind on any subject.

We've both already arrived at these conclusions, by the way.
No need to constantly repeat them.
Best to comment on each other's points rather than on each other.,,if we choose to comment at all
I question your qualifications to cultivate an informed opinion of any kind on any subject.

We've both already arrived at these conclusions, by the way.
No need to constantly repeat them.
Best to comment on each other's points rather than on each other.,,if we choose to comment at all

just shut up