APP - Soon this will all break wide open

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

I am sure that Obama knew what a failed candidate Crooked Hillary was. Which is why he had to tilt the election her way. And for obvious reasons he could let himself be followed by President Trump

This was a conspiracy of monumental proportions. The World Order will do everything it can to keep it from coming to light. But, it will come too light. Will people go to prison? I am hopeful, but doubtful. I would really like to know how President Trump got the names of Carter Page and Papadopolous to begin with. I suspect that they were given to him by another Deep Stater as a friendly gesture knowing that the Deep State was going to unleash on them.

Remember, it all got started when the complaint media started hammering Trump about not having a foreign policy cabal in his campaign. So Trump hastily put names together. He had to get those names from somewhere. Given his background he couldn't know who to reach out to.
That's a unique twist. 'We didn't know we hired Russian agents'.

How many times will trump claim stupidity, whilst simultaneously claiming 'stable genius' status?
That's a unique twist. 'We didn't know we hired Russian agents'.

How many times will trump claim stupidity, whilst simultaneously claiming 'stable genius' status?

If you get your news from Rachel Maddow and late night comedy hosts, you probably wouldn't know.

I am sure that Obama knew what a failed candidate Crooked Hillary was. Which is why he had to tilt the election her way. And for obvious reasons he could let himself be followed by President Trump

This was a conspiracy of monumental proportions. The World Order will do everything it can to keep it from coming to light. But, it will come too light. Will people go to prison? I am hopeful, but doubtful. I would really like to know how President Trump got the names of Carter Page and Papadopolous to begin with. I suspect that they were given to him by another Deep Stater as a friendly gesture knowing that the Deep State was going to unleash on them.

Remember, it all got started when the complaint media started hammering Trump about not having a foreign policy cabal in his campaign. So Trump hastily put names together. He had to get those names from somewhere. Given his background he couldn't know who to reach out to.

You meant the compliant media, didn't you?

Although both adjectives are appropriate.