Sorry Darla

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Ok. You have issues with a certain word. How about instead of making rules about speech, which is a road we don't want to go down, I just promise not to use THAT ONE SPECIFIC WORD in referenct to YOU. Probably this word is emotionalized with you from some traumatic event, hence, I will modify my vocabulary with you on this one. We don't need a rule, but I do apologize for this instance of assholery.

Now get your bitch ass back on here. Notice I said bitch, not the other.:)
What is the word?

Cunt? I think the word describes Darla rather accurately.

Darla is a CUNT.

I've been called every name in the book, Darla. GET OVER IT.
If Darla prefers 'bitch', however, I will be happy to oblige. :)

I really am a nice guy. Darla and me, we're tight. :clink:
Personally, since she has gone out of her way to antagonize me, I don't really care what you people say to her, but for now I will refrain from calling her one until such time as I just have zero sympathy left for her. Perhaps its just stress from having people around her talk to themselves all day long, remorse from all of the men she has whipped in her life (and probably a few that she drove to institutionalization), disgust with having to keep her snob credentials current by eating expensive veggies in the cafeteria, and stuff like that. Either way, its annoying.

Now, Watermark on the other hand is clearly an unrepentant cunt, and there is probably no hope for him to ever rise above that level.
What is the word?

Cunt? I think the word describes Darla rather accurately.

Darla is a CUNT.

I've been called every name in the book, Darla. GET OVER IT.
*sigh*... Just quit it. It's an equivalent to running around shouting the "n" word.