Sound Sink Subs


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Russia is modernizing the Navy too, with heavy emphasis on a new class of noiseless nuclear submarines.

Russia’s New ‘Invisible’ Nuclear Submarines Will Be Undetectable to Enemy Forces
By Mikhail Klikushin
09/06/17 9:03am


VanHerck was referring to the "Yasen" class submarine, which possesses super-quiet capabilities and a new missile launch system.

First, the submarine has not been built that is so quiet advanced sonar technology cannot hear it.

The construction of such a submarine is a major advancement for the Russian Navy, which mostly still uses Cold War-era platforms. Moscow has at least two Yasen submarines, with more on the way.

Russian Nuclear Submarines ‘On Par’ With US, Top General Says
Jack Beyrer
June 17, 2021 12:55 pm

Second, it is cheaper for the U.S. to build and launch a thousand unmanned acoustic torpedoes than it is for China or Russia to built one unmanned submarine.

The developmental unmanned underwater vehicle, or UUV, when deployed, will be equipped with megaton-class warheads capable of blowing up key ports used by U.S. nuclear missile submarines, such as Kings Bay, Ga., and Puget Sound in Washington state.


". . . an unmanned sub that will have a high-speed and long-distance capability," said one official, who noted that the drone development is years away from a prototype and testing.

Russia Building Nuclear-Armed Drone Submarine
Bill Gertz
September 8, 2015 5:00 am

NOTE: Never believe the experts when they say a weapon “. . . is years away . . .”.

Finally, American Communists (DEMOCRATS) telling their pals in China and Russia everything about our technology sink nations. In short: China Joe Biden and his entire administration is a greater danger to this country than all of the foreign navies combined.
Russia is modernizing the Navy too, with heavy emphasis on a new class of noiseless nuclear submarines.

Russia’s New ‘Invisible’ Nuclear Submarines Will Be Undetectable to Enemy Forces
By Mikhail Klikushin
09/06/17 9:03am

VanHerck was referring to the "Yasen" class submarine, which possesses super-quiet capabilities and a new missile launch system.

First, the submarine has not been built that is so quiet advanced sonar technology cannot hear it.

The construction of such a submarine is a major advancement for the Russian Navy, which mostly still uses Cold War-era platforms. Moscow has at least two Yasen submarines, with more on the way.

Russian Nuclear Submarines ‘On Par’ With US, Top General Says
Jack Beyrer
June 17, 2021 12:55 pm

Second, it is cheaper for the U.S. to build and launch a thousand unmanned acoustic torpedoes than it is for China or Russia to built one unmanned submarine.

The developmental unmanned underwater vehicle, or UUV, when deployed, will be equipped with megaton-class warheads capable of blowing up key ports used by U.S. nuclear missile submarines, such as Kings Bay, Ga., and Puget Sound in Washington state.


". . . an unmanned sub that will have a high-speed and long-distance capability," said one official, who noted that the drone development is years away from a prototype and testing.

Russia Building Nuclear-Armed Drone Submarine
Bill Gertz
September 8, 2015 5:00 am

NOTE: Never believe the experts when they say a weapon “. . . is years away . . .”.

Finally, American Communists (DEMOCRATS) telling their pals in China and Russia everything about our technology sink nations. In short: China Joe Biden and his entire administration is a greater danger to this country than all of the foreign navies combined.

Didn't you see the word "Opinion" at the top of the web page?????????????????????
Didn't you see the word "Opinion" at the top of the web page?????????????????????

To Trumpet: The article you singled out went on to cite facts:

The noise from these pumps is a major risk and detection factor for any submarine.

The technical characteristics of these new noiseless sealed pumps are top secret, since they define the physical portrait of each particular submarine. If these parameters become known, the submarine can be easily detected against the background of natural noises in the ocean.

According to Izvestia, the new pumps “have a simple design, small dimensions, and improved vibro and sound insulation.” Working at full capacity, one of these pumps can hold a mid-size coin standing on its edge of its lid.

“The amount of noise that a submarine makes is influenced by a lot of factors,” Vladimir Shcherbakov, an expert on naval weaponry, told the newspaper. “First of all, it’s influenced by the main power plant—the nuclear reactor, pumps, diesel engines, shafts, propellers and water jets. In the case of propellers and water jets, noise reduction is achieved by improving their designs. Reducing the detectability of working diesel engines or of auxiliary motors can be achieved with the help of suspension systems and rubber mats onto which they are placed. It’s more complicated with the reactor, since it cannot be placed on the vibro-platform or covered with rugs. Therefore, it’s possible to achieve noise reduction by improving the operation of the reactor’s pumps. The noise of continuously circulating liquid is the loudest sound on the nuclear submarine.”

Strange that you did not object to my opinion:

. . . American Communists (DEMOCRATS) telling their pals in China and Russia everything about our technology sink nations. In short: China Joe Biden and his entire administration is a greater danger to this country than all of the foreign navies combined.

Here is another opinion:

The New World Order’s stooges in the media are working full-time to convince Americans that Biden & Company are not betraying the country for the United Nations.

Bottom line: Trying to make China Joe Biden look like a loyal American is the new game in town.

Every other media lie has been put on the back burner until Biden’s partnership with China can be scrubbed clean —— including the lies about vaccinations.
To Trumpet: The article you singled out went on to cite facts:

The noise from these pumps is a major risk and detection factor for any submarine.

The technical characteristics of these new noiseless sealed pumps are top secret, since they define the physical portrait of each particular submarine. If these parameters become known, the submarine can be easily detected against the background of natural noises in the ocean.

According to Izvestia, the new pumps “have a simple design, small dimensions, and improved vibro and sound insulation.” Working at full capacity, one of these pumps can hold a mid-size coin standing on its edge of its lid.

“The amount of noise that a submarine makes is influenced by a lot of factors,” Vladimir Shcherbakov, an expert on naval weaponry, told the newspaper. “First of all, it’s influenced by the main power plant—the nuclear reactor, pumps, diesel engines, shafts, propellers and water jets. In the case of propellers and water jets, noise reduction is achieved by improving their designs. Reducing the detectability of working diesel engines or of auxiliary motors can be achieved with the help of suspension systems and rubber mats onto which they are placed. It’s more complicated with the reactor, since it cannot be placed on the vibro-platform or covered with rugs. Therefore, it’s possible to achieve noise reduction by improving the operation of the reactor’s pumps. The noise of continuously circulating liquid is the loudest sound on the nuclear submarine.”

Strange that you did not object to my opinion:

Here is another opinion:

The New World Order’s stooges in the media are working full-time to convince Americans that Biden & Company are not betraying the country for the United Nations.

Bottom line: Trying to make China Joe Biden look like a loyal American is the new game in town.

Every other media lie has been put on the back burner until Biden’s partnership with China can be scrubbed clean —— including the lies about vaccinations.

Do you have any reliable information on how they compare to our submarine???????????????
That's just an admission that you don't know what you're talking about.

To Trumpet: Now you are trying to be clever again —— Asshole. Show us how smart you are by doing some research and post what you learn about how American submarines compare to enemy subs.

NOTE: The evolution of the torpedo is far more interesting than the evolution of submarine politics.
Finally, American Communists (DEMOCRATS) telling their pals in China and Russia everything about our technology sink nations. In short: China Joe Biden and his entire administration is a greater danger to this country than all of the foreign navies combined.

Forget about China and North Korea in this article:

July 25, 2021
China's Weaponized Fishing Fleet
By Steven Neill

Unlike Bush the Elder in 1990, China Joe Biden will give Communist China MFN (Most Favored Nation Status) when they fish in our waters.

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- The Coast Guard seized a Japanese fishing vessel Friday for allegedly operating in U.S. waters without permission and was escorting the ship to an Alaska port, authorities said.

This is the second time the Koei Maru No. 20 has been spotted fishing inside American waters, according to Coast Guard officials at the Alaska operations center in Juneau.

The last time this Japanese vessel was seen fishing in the U.S. zone was exactly one year to the day before the vessel was seized for conducting new illegal fishing operations in American waters, Coast Guard spokesman Ed Moreth said.

No Coast Guard law enforcement vessels were on hand when the alleged violation occurred one year ago, but government lawyers developed a case which they still have a file on, Lt. Susan Hargis said.

But this time the Coast Guard says it caught the Japanese fishing 2 miles inside the U.S. exclusive economic zone Thursday night. The vessel was taken into custody Friday afternoon north of the Aleutian Island chain in the Bering Sea west of the Alaska mainland.

A Coast Guard boarding party reported that it found 320 metric tons of pollock on the Japaness stern trawler.

The Coast Guard cutter Storis was escorting the Koei Maru No. 20 to the Aleutian Islands fishing port of Dutch Harbor where it was due Sunday.

Normally, the Coast Guard takes seized vessels to its base on Kodiak Island, but Hargis said the cutter was taking the ship to the nearest available port so the cutter could return to enforcement duty in the Bering Sea where surveillance flights recently have spotted six foreign vessels fishing in U.S. waters.

The Japanese ship is the second foreign fishing vessel to be seized in U.S. waters off Alaska in the last two weeks. The cutter Yocona seized the Soviet trawler Ilya Ilyin April 26 in the Bering Sea and took it to Kodiak where the Soviet vessel remains in custody with its crew detained on board.

The U.S. attorney for Alaska filed a complaint May 2 against the Soviets seeking forfeiture of the vessel for violation of the Magnuson Fisheries Conservation and Management Act. Action is pending against the Japanese vessel.

Foreign flag vessels are prohibited from fishing in U.S. waters.

Fleets are known to operate in an area of international waters known as the doughnut hole, surrounded by U.S. and Soviet waters. American fishermen and the Coast Guard have accused these vessels of working near the eastern edge of the international zone to stage forays across the line into U.S. waters.

Coast Guard seizes Japanese trawler
May 11, 1990 Guard seizes Japanese trawler

Aller funkwerker ist landest verrat... "All radio traffic is high treason." That was the motto of the German Y-Denist, radio intelligence branch in WW 2. It goes for sonar too.

I don't care how quiet you are as a sub. More and more, the combination of processing power, sound data banks, and good operators is making the ocean transparent. It won't be too long before a sub, no matter how quiet, can't hide from detection if that already hasn't happened.

There are several guys like this one on the internet that go through sonar returns and show you what's happening.

This guy, also known as "Jive Turkey" is particularly good at this.