Source: Iraq panel to advise gradual U.S. pullback


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Following an intense assessment of U.S. policies in the war in Iraq, the Iraq Study Group will recommend that a "gradual but meaningful" reduction of U.S. troops begin "relatively early in the New Year," a source familiar with the group's deliberations told CNN.</img>

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gthe dems are caliming they can fix the probem. a readical islam tak over isn't a fix. ask jimmuh cartuh. if you realy want to find the cause of the problem, look at jummuh cartuh and his huge f-up of setting up the shahnana to fall against the ayatollah kockamamie. if it hadn't been for jimmuh cartuh, we wouldn't be in iraq now.
gthe dems are caliming they can fix the probem. a readical islam tak over isn't a fix. ask jimmuh cartuh. if you realy want to find the cause of the problem, look at jummuh cartuh and his huge f-up of setting up the shahnana to fall against the ayatollah kockamamie. if it hadn't been for jimmuh cartuh, we wouldn't be in iraq now.

Maybe he's pretending to be "stooopid" exaggerating for effect because of the "expectation" of the opposition...
Maybe he's pretending to be "stooopid" exaggerating for effect because of the "expectation" of the opposition...

Lol you give him too much credit. Some days he is normal and other days he types like a retard..leading me to believe he is an alcoholic or drug addict.