I really think that most "greed" is just another source of apathy, but I've heard people say opposite before.
The source of Evil is ignorance.
The source of Evil is ignorance.
Greed and fear are the two basic human emotions.
So sayeth Dickens.
How come southerners or cats aren't an option. Or children for that matter?
Apathy is essential to true understanding. The uncaring mind is less likely to blinded or confused, hence apathy, properly employed, can be very good.
when a baby is born it is greedy and fearful. It has to be taught to love and such.
No it is not. Ignorance can come from apathy, but it can also be willful. Much like Ahmadinejad saying the holocaust never happened is not a form of apathy.Ignorance is a form of apathy. Or the other way around.