South Carolina Predictions... Postmodern?


New member
It's the winner and all the rest lose.
Looks like the Donald

I wonder if the Second place matters, if its true that Donald is starting to falter in the polls, second place could be very important here.

Everyone but Trump have been competing to be the viable alternative if Trump falters.

Additionally if we are going to have a brokered convention, control over delegates could buy you a lot!
One poll is not faltering.
Brokered is already being handled and the party is handling it without the ugliness we see in the donkey camp.
Unity, or the appearance of it will be the face of the convention. They know better than to fool with messing with Trump's message and delivery. It's working like nothing we've seen before. The GOP is stupid but they do catch on eventually.
With the Trump model there is one winner only.
The old rules are not in evidence this time.