Southerners deserve their self-inflicted poverty


So I was doing something most southerners are incapable of today, namely, reading, and I came upon this snippet from an article:

This theory of white working-class alienation from the Democratic Party derives from Thomas Frank's compellingly argued 2004 book, What's the Matter With Kansas?To Frank, the proletariat suffers from a form of "derangement" in believing that its woes derive from the decline of traditional values—patriotism, organized religion, self-reliance, the heterosexual two-parent nuclear family, etc.—when the true source of its troubles is a set of economic policies that favors the rich. Republicans have come to win blue-collar votes in elections by portraying Democratic tolerance of racial and cultural diversity as depravity—"abortion, amnesty, and acid," in the famous slogan used against George McGovern in 1972. (This is not a new trick.) GOP officeholders typically set their conservative cultural agenda aside after the election is over to concentrate on cutting taxes, reducing regulation, busting unions, and so forth. But the white working class continues to fall for the bait-and-switch because the demoralized Democratic Party lacks the courage to lure it back with a muscular appeal based on economic justice.

You know what? Fuck them. They are poor because they deserve to be poor, and the rich are rich because they deserve to be rich. You've got to be pretty fucking stupid to keep on voting in Republicans after no gains in middle class income for the last 30 years, and you've got to be pretty smart to convince these idiots to allow you to take all of their produce without contributing anything to the economy. I tip my hat to the robber baron, and I spit on the proletariat. If you're too stupid to free yourself, you're unworthy of freedom.

The proletariat are presented with slavery and told it's freedom; they unquestioningly accept. What idiots! Yes, you do deserve to be a slave in that situation. I am a happy proponent of slavery for this individual. God, Orwell was such a naive, delusional idealist! Really? You thought there would be resistance? Like a dictator is going to have to force people under their boots, when they'll gladly put their own faces there themselves, and thank you for every kick.

Thankyou for voting Republican, southerners, useful idiots all of you! You have proven that social Darwinism truly is in action, that this is a just world, that those who suffer are truly worthy of their suffering! I will enjoy watching you suffer some more! The strongest rise to the top, and the weak fall to the bottom. That's why the south has been at the bottom for the past 200 years of America's existence, always America's greatest embarrassment. Because the south is weak, and pathetic, while the rest of America is strong, and proud.
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yes the south has poor, thankfully nobody in the north or the NY area is poor.

That might mean something if it weren't coming from a pampered 25yr old 7th yr senior flipping burngers.
derp herp derp derp derp derp

Yes, there are poor elsewhere, but the white poor in the south are the ones who vote Republican. And I will vote Republican with them, because I want to see them suffer.
So I was doing something most southerners are incapable of today, namely, reading, and I came upon this snippet from an article:

You know what? Fuck them. They are poor because they deserve to be poor, and the rich are rich because they deserve to be rich. You've got to be pretty fucking stupid to keep on voting in Republicans after no gains in middle class income for the last 30 years, and you've got to be pretty smart to convince these idiots to allow you to take all of their produce without contributing anything to the economy. I tip my hat to the robber baron, and I spit on the proletariat. If you're too stupid to free yourself, you're unworthy of freedom.

The proletariat are presented with slavery and told it's freedom; they unquestioningly accept. What idiots! Yes, you do deserve to be a slave in that situation. I am a happy proponent of slavery for this individual. God, Orwell was such a naive, delusional idealist! Really? You thought there would be resistance? Like a dictator is going to have to force people under their boots, when they'll gladly put their own faces there themselves, and thank you for every kick.

Thankyou for voting Republican, southerners, useful idiots all of you! You have proven that social Darwinism truly is in action, that this is a just world, that those who suffer are truly worthy of their suffering! I will enjoy watching you suffer some more! The strongest rise to the top, and the weak fall to the bottom. That's why the south has been at the bottom for the past 200 years of America's existence, always America's greatest embarrassment. Because the south is weak, and pathetic, while the rest of America is strong, and proud.
Excellent post Skidmark.....just one thing.....It probably would have had a little more credibility if your current avatar wasn't "General Sherman". LOL

But yea, you're essentially right. The GOP has succesfully used the culture wars and divisive wedge issues to divide and conquer and then when elected implement policies which favor the wealthy over the middle class. If those people are to fucking stupid to understand what is happening and they pay the financial consequences the tendency tend to be to laugh at the dumb asses and say "Fuckem, their getting what they deserved."

The problem with that thinking is that it doesn't advance your cause any.
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Groucho Marx was truly a sage. :clink:

You have to go further back to Dorothy Parker for that one. She said so many great one liners, here are a few of the best.

Ducking for apples -- change one letter and it's the story of my life.

I like to have a martini, two at the very most. After three I'm under the table, after four I'm under the host.

The two most beautiful words in the English language are 'cheque enclosed.'

Money cannot buy health, but I'd settle for a diamond-studded wheelchair.

If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to.

The only ism Hollywood believes in is plagiarism.

If all the young ladies who attended the Yale prom were laid end to end, no one would be the least surprised.

You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think.

It serves me right for putting all my eggs in one bastard.

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