Spam, Phishing and Spyware


For those with some knowledge on the subject from someone who is supposed to be knowledgable .. how sophisticated are these tools getting ...?

What Ive noticed ....

Send a private e-mail out to some personal aquaitences and notice the spam coming in with the first or last names of these individuals ... its happened quite a bit over the past couple of days ...

For anyone in the know .... what spyware should I be looking out for? Or is the webmail service the party responsible for this personal privacy invasion?
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There are too many to name. Basically keep multiple scanner on your system and run them weekly.

As far as the names appearing in spam that is either caused by spyware or viruses mining a computer for email addresses. You may not be necessarily infected but someone who has your email address in their address book does. For others in the address book they may receive spam that appears to come from you.
There is currently no Spyware software that is complete, they will all miss things. You should get two that compliment each other.

Counterspy and Webroot's Spy Sweeper work fantastically together. What one misses the other catches and they both can remove some of the toughest spyware and are easy to use.
There's also the security of your recipients' computers to consider. If an email from you is found on an infected computer, guess what? You're spammed.
Good points all! I already run 3 different anti spyware programs .... good points about the recipients or senders being the one infected!!
I recommend AVG Anti-Virus and Webroot Spy Sweeper. My cousin has been influential in the devleopment of Spy Sweeper, which is how I was first introducted to the product. Prior to that, I always recommended Panda Internet Security, and I still do in some cases. Both are good products.

People don't realize how aggressive spyware is. I have a handful of computers come into the shop for spyware removals, and I always sell and install a copy of Spy Sweeper to keep their computers clean.

On my notebook, I run AVG + Spy Sweeper.
On my primary desktop, I run Panda Internet Security 2005.
On my secondary desktop, I'm running McAffee Internet Security.

I like to keep things diversified to see what works best.
Start with basics; like using a router, a firewall, and firefox. That alone does wonders. Making the switch over to a Unix/Linux based OS and you honestly won't have any spyware problems at all.