Spawn of "Cum-a-lot" nominated by Obama

Big Money

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Many of President Obama’s nominees have faced grillings on Capitol Hill.

But Caroline Kennedy, Obama’s pick to be ambassador to Japan, was greeted Thursday with the chamber’s equivalent of a big, wet kiss.

First up was Sen. Chuck Schumer, the New York Democrat who beamed as he introduced Kennedy, his constituent.

He was clearly in an effusive mood before launching into his ode to Kennedy.

He lauded Kennedy’s most recent coup: successfully swimming three miles in the Hudson River for charity. “I’m not sure either of us could have accomplished this feat,” Schumer marveled to Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), the committee’s chairman.

Next, New York’s other senator, fellow Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand, took a turn at introducing the woman she called a “favorite daughter of New York”.

Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) might be new to the chamber, but his homage to Kennedy fit right in. “You are the pluperfect embodiment of someone who has dedicated her life to helping others,” he informed her.

Kennedy returned the love. When Menendez asked a stock question about whether she would keep the Senate apprised of developments on bilateral talks between the United States and Japan, she displayed formidable diplomatic skills.

“If confirmed, I hope to spend even more time with all of you than I have already,” she said.

Kennedy was accompanied by a family contingent that included two of her three children, as well as her aunt Vicky Kennedy, the widow of Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.).
Your gonna lick Hillary's taint and like it. Just like you do obama's

Is the Muslim Brotherhood member Huma Abadeen going to make room? Plus with your lips firmly planted on her ass there may not be.


Her Thighness Hitlery Clintoon does have a pretty wide ass.

Tough call
again... does anyone really believe that Caroline Kennedy is less qualified to be an ambassador than Shirley Temple was?
again... does anyone really believe that Caroline Kennedy is less qualified to be an ambassador than Shirley Temple was?

Actually, I don't give two shits about Caroline Kennedy or her criminal enterprise of a family. I actually think it is laughable when I see the pedestal that libtards put the Kennedy's up on and continually overlook their transgressions. I mean we aren't talking about a family that has a few speeding tickets.

But, for some reason you lefties get all warm and moist in your private regions when you hear the name Kennedy.
Actually, I don't give two shits about Caroline Kennedy or her criminal enterprise of a family. I actually think it is laughable when I see the pedestal that libtards put the Kennedy's up on and continually overlook their transgressions. I mean we aren't talking about a family that has a few speeding tickets.

But, for some reason you lefties get all warm and moist in your private regions when you hear the name Kennedy.

speak for yourself. or have you been down nuzzled in amongst a liberal's private parts when Kennedy's were mentioned? If so, who was he?
Eleven posts and you Americans have done nothing but demonstrate again that you are nothing but ugly hating fucking pigs.
Is the Muslim Brotherhood member Huma Abadeen going to make room? Plus with your lips firmly planted on her ass there may not be.


Her Thighness Hitlery Clintoon does have a pretty wide ass.

Tough call
You unwashed rednecks are going to blow a gasket when you lose yet again!
Teabag on taint lickers