Speach review!


Well-known member
I was just at lunch, two kinda tough looking guys were in the booth next to me. They were talking about the Presidents speach..

"That guy is a broken record"

"What the Fuck, how many times is he going to ask for 6 more months?"
Nothing like cutting straight through all of the BS.

I knew 6 months ago that this is the speech we'd get. I knew it didn't matter how badly or well things were going, or how well we were doing on the benchmarks.

This is a guy who is just looking to run out the clock, and praying for a miracle to save his legacy....
I was just at lunch, two kinda tough looking guys were in the booth next to me. They were talking about the Presidents speach..

"That guy is a broken record"

"What the Fuck, how many times is he going to ask for 6 more months?"

I bet four years ago these dudes were cheerleading bush into this war, and calling liberals traitors, for oppossing invading.
When the guy asked how many times Bush was going to ask for "6 more months"...

I almost leaned over and said, "Tell me how many more months are in his presidency and Ill tell you how many times he will ask."