Speaker Of The House —— Adam Schiff


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Republicans either blew it in 2018 like a bunch of amateurs, or they did it intentionally. Look at the retards that won seats in the House if you doubt me. Had the RNC concentrated on running against Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi they would not have lost the House. Instead of holding the House they got Pelosi in addition to a new crop of clowns.


The RNC did not listen to me in 2018. In early 2018 I said that if Republicans want to keep the House they should run against Nancy Pelosi. Republicans had to be pretty stupid not to know that Pelosi & Company were campaigning on open-borders for the sole purpose of bringing in tens of millions of illegal aliens. Trump won in 2016 by promising to secure the borders; so how could Republicans not know they had a winning hand in 2018 when Diarrhea Mouth informed the RNC up-front?

In her address, Pelosi described illegal aliens as “more American than Americans.”

“Illegal immigrants are a blessing, they are doing what the Founding Fathers would wish, they are the best of the best, more American than Americans, reinvigorating, they are fabulous, beautiful, and patriotic, yes, very patriotic,” she said.

Nancy Pelosi: Voting for Democrats Gives ‘Leverage’ to Illegal Aliens
by Robert Kraychik
8 Aug 2018


Pelosi will never be voted out of office by the freaks and parasite in San Francisco, while Republicans running against her becoming Speaker of the House a second time would have defeated Democrats that eventually won in districts all across the country. More than any other Democrat, Diarrhea Mouth gave American voters a clear choice in the 2018 midterms. Establishment Republicans helped them make the wrong choice.

Reminding voters that the people who made Pelosi the Speaker will keep the majority should they beat the odds in November —— even if Pelosi is replaced by a clone.

Democrats in the House began conspiring to impeach President Trump while he was taking the oath of office. It took them all of three seconds to come up with unconstitutional charges. The conspiracy backfired when it taught Americans just how much political power a Democrat Speaker has. Trump might be an hour late and a dollar short, but the failed conspiracy makes it a lot easier to defeat Democrats this time.

“We need to win back the House to retire Nancy once and for all, and to elect Kevin McCarthy as speaker,” Trump told Breitbart News exclusively for this story.

Exclusive: Kevin McCarthy Sets All-Time Annual Fundraising Record as GOP Embarks on Effort to Retake House Majority
by Matthew Boyle
27 Jan 2020


If Republicans blow it in November they deserve Adam Schiff taking over for Pelosi.



Pelosi has quietly been grooming potential successors, among them Rep. Adam Schiff of Burbank, . . .

Bombshell: Nancy Pelosi Has Been ‘Grooming’ Adam Schiff As Possible Successor


Finally, Pencil Neck is Nancy Pelosi’s frontrunner for the Speaker’s job. From Nutso’s perspective I do not see how she can support anybody else for Speaker after he did such a good job impeaching President Trump:


Jeez, this halfwit took the cartoon seriously:

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) said on Tuesday during MSNBC’s impeachment coverage that “hypothetically,” President Donald Trump could be impeached for a “hateful, racist position” that he tweets about.

There is no doubt what the Founders meant by freedom of speech:

He continued, “It is a political process, Chuck. You’re right that we don’t have detailed documentary evidence of what the Founders meant by high crimes and misdemeanors. We have some history from the United Kingdom, where they used that term in impeachment over a long period of time. Understanding this is the Constitutional mechanism for removing the president, I find it hard to believe that it has to be a specifically plead federal crime.”


He added, “If the president hypothetically were to start adopting some hateful, racist position and tweeting and saying things that violated all of our values and were offensive to every American and didn’t specifically commit a crime, couldn’t we remove him in that instance?”

Dem Sen. Coons: ‘Hypothetically’ Trump Could Be Impeached for ‘Hateful, Racist’ Tweets
by Pam Key
28 Jan 2020


Television mouths give Democrat morons all of the freedom of speech they want. Maybe someday a mouth will ask clowns like Senator Coons to show us where the Founders put a limit on freedom of speech? How many times did James Madison cite exceptions to freedom of speech let alone place a limit on freedom of political speech? In the real world offensive speech requires the most protection. Even disgusting touchy-feely sermons delivered on television’s pulpit by dirty little moralist freaks like Senator Coons is protected.

In bygone decades the opponents of free speech confined their attacks to silencing average Americans. Today, Democrat priests insist that everybody listen to their garbage. The things you cannot say, and the things you must say, is clearly a step backwards in a free people’s constitutional freedoms.

p.s. I have a suggestion for da Reverend Coons. Impeach every government official that tweets about the joys of abortion. Butchering infants in the womb and selling their body parts is certainly offensive to a majority of Americans.