Special LIVE Q&A Webinar: What’s Behind China’s Cyberwar?


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Special LIVE Q&A Webinar: What’s Behind China’s Cyberwar?


There are regular news stories about Chinese #EconomicTheft, #Cyberattacks , and digital spy operations. Yet less has been said about what ties these operations together. President Joe Biden recently warned that cyberattacks against the United States could lead to a “real shooting war.” What’s really behind the cyber threat? How does the cyber theft system work? And how does the recent Chinese propaganda campaign fit in with the cyber threat? And we also speak to our panelists about what’s happening with #Afghanistan and how the Chinese Communist Party is involved. Join Joshua Philipp, senior investigative reporter and host of “Crossroads,” to explore these topics and more in this Epoch Times webinar. Panelists: 1. Casey Fleming, CEO of BlackOps Partners 2. Gregory Copley, President of International Strategic Studies Association 3. Gordon Chang, Columnist, Author of “The Coming Collapse of China” and “The Great U.S.-China Tech War” 4. Nan Su, Senior Reporter at The Epoch Times.