Speculation (For Klaatu)


Since you asked about this a month or so ago, I thought you might be amused by this article in today's S.F. Chronicle. The writer, Ray Ratto, is one of my favorites in the Sporting Green section -- which is no longer green, but I digress.

I won't post the entire article: use the link for that. I will post an excerpt though. For the record, I think Ratto's right on. ;)

BTW -- "Borris" refers to Bonds' agent, Jeff Borris.

Investing in more Bonds
Giants are the best match, but how much will they have to pay?

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-- The Giants want to pay as little as possible for Bonds to come back, and would like it with as both a low base and incentives, just in case he finally does break down.

-- Any other bidders would want the same thing, because unlike San Francisco, Bonds is a harder ticket in any other cities.

-- Borris knows he has Magowan interested, and has known that for months.

-- He has to find that second bidder, or, if he's as clever as his namesake Scott Boras was in bamboozling the Texas Rangers on the Alex Rodriguez $252-million deal, convince Magowan into thinking he has one.

So Bonds can ultimatum all he wants. He can say the choice about him playing in 2007 is up to his family. He can dress up like Madame Curie and claim that he discovered radium for all that will help.

But only a certified public idiot thinks that retirement is an option for him. Not this close to Henry Aaron it isn't. And his family knows the answer as well as anyone. The man is playing in 2007, unless he spontaneously explodes.

Thus, his contract will be determined not by what he demands four days before the end of a lost season (well, except for him), but what Borris can shake loose for him. And Borris has some dancing to do
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Good stuff!! I agree... but Giant Fans are loyal to him.. so passing Aaron will guarentee The Giant organization fanny's in the seats .. so in that perspective a Bonds return is worth quite a bit.. which means they should expect to pay for that luxury... the Giants need Bonds as much as Bonds needs the Giants.
Question is.. outside The Bay Area .. how will baseball fans respond to him breaking the record? What a shame .... such a great ball player having such a dark cloud hanging over his head.