Spontaneous Horse Manure


Verified User
Regardless of the subject, parasites always pooh-pooh facts with doublespeak talking points. Remember population control. They told us population control is absolutely essential before the human race dies of starvation.

Everybody would have to die day on the same April Fools’ Day if there is any truth in that nonsense. If not, the human race is good for another 5,000 years when 10 percent fatten up on more available food than they can eat.

Abortion is double-doublespeak for population controls if you listen to John Kerry:

Crooked thought
William F. Buckley
February 26, 2004


Solar Panels and wind turbines are not only idiotic, they are exceptionally lucrative to the parasite class.

Environmental parasites swear global warming means the end of the world unless more parasites are given more tax dollars.

I do not know about you, but I do not give a flying f . . k about what happens to the planet a hundred years from now, nor does any intelligent person care. Everyone with a lick sense does care about NOT giving parasites tax dollars.


Spontaneous combustion was the rage among environmental wack jobs some years ago. Idiots, who will never see a penny of tax dollars, claimed global warming will make the atmosphere so hot spontaneous combustion will make forests burst into flames. The S.C. talking point dropped out of sight for a decade or so —— now it is making a comeback. Spontaneous combustion is the only thing that can explain Bill Nye’s little demonstration:

"By the end of this century, if emissions keep rising, the average temperature on earth could go up another four to eight degrees," Nye declared on the HBO show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. "What I’m saying is the planet’s on f**king fire. There are a lot of things we could do to put it out. Are any of them free? No, of course not, nothing’s free, you idiots." [You better believe nothing is free to the parasite class.]

Bill Nye Dismisses Green New Deal Cost: 'The Planet's on F**king Fire... Nothing's Free You Idiots'
By Tyler O'Neil May 13, 2019


Somebody should explain the flaw in the scare tactic before they run with it:

spontaneous combustion

ignition of a substance, such as oily rags or hay, caused by a localized heat-increasing reaction between the oxidant and the fuel and not involving additional heat from an outside source.

Incidentally, there are more trees in this country than there was when the Pilgrims landed; so if global warming parasites are correct about rising temperatures the entire planet should become a tropical forest.

Conservatives may sound the same because they are disputing the same designer-science fraud that is repeatedly peddled by the MSM. Global warming advocates have the advantage of inventing fantasies, while the Right is bound by the truth. The truth limits the number of arguments a conservative can use against global warming quacks. Try to understand it this way:

Lets say that a majority of people decided to prove to three year olds that Mickey Mouse was not real. Such people would have a few arguments based on fact. On the other side, adult Mickey Mouse supporters would counter their opponents with a never-ending stream of new cartoon characters. In short: It is more difficult to disprove the global warming fantasy to adults than it is to prove to a three year old that Mickey Mouse is not real. If adult Lefties defended Disney’s rat their argument would be "How can you deny Mickey Mouse when everyone knows that elephants fly and animals talk?" Three year olds grow up; rank and file environmentalists never mature out of their fantasies.

Even if the environmental movement is stopped in its tracks Socialism will remain largely unchallenged. It will only be a matter of time before another movement with the same political goal replaces the environmental movement. That goal is not to save the planet, it is lifetime tenure at the public trough for that movement’s faithful. What is clear to me is that every movement requires a priesthood and tax dollars to survive. A movement becomes a movement when the faithful acquire government funding.

I am not questioning the necessity to expose the scientific fraud that is global warming. Still, I think a lot more emphasis must be given to defeating tax dollar parasites. It would help if every private sector American asks "Will I be one of the parasites living on tax dollars?" To the many who buy into the scams the answer is always no. The sad truth is that the sign-carriers always end up making everybody pay for tax dollar beliefs.

NOTE: Once in a while you will come across a commentary written by a professional journalist who stresses the parasite aspect of environmentalism. It is slightly better on message boards but not by much.

Finally, Mayor de Blasio is getting advice from this clown:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.” He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”

The Congressional Budget Office, however, has stated in the past that a mandate forcing Americans to buy health insurance would be an “unprecedented form of federal action,” and that the “government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States.”

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009


In plain English the government has the authority to force Americans to purchase products and services:

“President Trump, you’re on notice,” de Blasio said. “Your polluting buildings are part of the problem. Cut your emissions or pay the price.”

The fines are part of legislation passed by the city council in April that seeks to cut planet-warming emissions from the city’s largest buildings. All premises larger than 25,000ft – a total of 50,000 buildings – will be required to cut overall emissions 40% or face annual fines.

Notice that filthy United Nations scum have their global government agenda inside de Blasio’s head:

According to the International Energy Agency, the construction and operation of buildings is responsible for more than a third of global energy consumption.

Last year, a major United Nations report warned that the world must make an “unprecedented” effort to cut emissions by 45 percent by 2030 and then effectively to zero by 2050 to avoid the worst ravages of climate change, including severe heatwaves, flooding, ruinous storms and food insecurity. [Population Controls.]

Trump buildings face millions in climate fines under new New York rules
Oliver Milman in New York
Mon 13 May 2019 06.00 EDT

Regardless of the subject, parasites always pooh-pooh facts with doublespeak talking points. Remember population control. They told us population control is absolutely essential before the human race dies of starvation.

Everybody would have to die day on the same April Fools’ Day if there is any truth in that nonsense. If not, the human race is good for another 5,000 years when 10 percent fatten up on more available food than they can eat.

Abortion is double-doublespeak for population controls if you listen to John Kerry:

Crooked thought
William F. Buckley
February 26, 2004


Solar Panels and wind turbines are not only idiotic, they are exceptionally lucrative to the parasite class.

Environmental parasites swear global warming means the end of the world unless more parasites are given more tax dollars.

I do not know about you, but I do not give a flying f . . k about what happens to the planet a hundred years from now, nor does any intelligent person care. Everyone with a lick sense does care about NOT giving parasites tax dollars.


Spontaneous combustion was the rage among environmental wack jobs some years ago. Idiots, who will never see a penny of tax dollars, claimed global warming will make the atmosphere so hot spontaneous combustion will make forests burst into flames. The S.C. talking point dropped out of sight for a decade or so —— now it is making a comeback. Spontaneous combustion is the only thing that can explain Bill Nye’s little demonstration:

"By the end of this century, if emissions keep rising, the average temperature on earth could go up another four to eight degrees," Nye declared on the HBO show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. "What I’m saying is the planet’s on f**king fire. There are a lot of things we could do to put it out. Are any of them free? No, of course not, nothing’s free, you idiots." [You better believe nothing is free to the parasite class.]

Bill Nye Dismisses Green New Deal Cost: 'The Planet's on F**king Fire... Nothing's Free You Idiots'
By Tyler O'Neil May 13, 2019


Somebody should explain the flaw in the scare tactic before they run with it:

spontaneous combustion

ignition of a substance, such as oily rags or hay, caused by a localized heat-increasing reaction between the oxidant and the fuel and not involving additional heat from an outside source.

Incidentally, there are more trees in this country than there was when the Pilgrims landed; so if global warming parasites are correct about rising temperatures the entire planet should become a tropical forest.

Conservatives may sound the same because they are disputing the same designer-science fraud that is repeatedly peddled by the MSM. Global warming advocates have the advantage of inventing fantasies, while the Right is bound by the truth. The truth limits the number of arguments a conservative can use against global warming quacks. Try to understand it this way:

Lets say that a majority of people decided to prove to three year olds that Mickey Mouse was not real. Such people would have a few arguments based on fact. On the other side, adult Mickey Mouse supporters would counter their opponents with a never-ending stream of new cartoon characters. In short: It is more difficult to disprove the global warming fantasy to adults than it is to prove to a three year old that Mickey Mouse is not real. If adult Lefties defended Disney’s rat their argument would be "How can you deny Mickey Mouse when everyone knows that elephants fly and animals talk?" Three year olds grow up; rank and file environmentalists never mature out of their fantasies.

Even if the environmental movement is stopped in its tracks Socialism will remain largely unchallenged. It will only be a matter of time before another movement with the same political goal replaces the environmental movement. That goal is not to save the planet, it is lifetime tenure at the public trough for that movement’s faithful. What is clear to me is that every movement requires a priesthood and tax dollars to survive. A movement becomes a movement when the faithful acquire government funding.

I am not questioning the necessity to expose the scientific fraud that is global warming. Still, I think a lot more emphasis must be given to defeating tax dollar parasites. It would help if every private sector American asks "Will I be one of the parasites living on tax dollars?" To the many who buy into the scams the answer is always no. The sad truth is that the sign-carriers always end up making everybody pay for tax dollar beliefs.

NOTE: Once in a while you will come across a commentary written by a professional journalist who stresses the parasite aspect of environmentalism. It is slightly better on message boards but not by much.

Finally, Mayor de Blasio is getting advice from this clown:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that the individual health insurance mandates included in every health reform bill, which require Americans to have insurance, were “like paying taxes.” He added that Congress has “broad authority” to force Americans to purchase other things as well, so long as it was trying to promote “the general welfare.”

The Congressional Budget Office, however, has stated in the past that a mandate forcing Americans to buy health insurance would be an “unprecedented form of federal action,” and that the “government has never required people to buy any good or service as a condition of lawful residence in the United States.”

Hoyer Says Constitution’s ‘General Welfare’ Clause Empowers Congress to Order Americans to Buy Health Insurance
October 21, 2009


In plain English the government has the authority to force Americans to purchase products and services:

“President Trump, you’re on notice,” de Blasio said. “Your polluting buildings are part of the problem. Cut your emissions or pay the price.”

The fines are part of legislation passed by the city council in April that seeks to cut planet-warming emissions from the city’s largest buildings. All premises larger than 25,000ft – a total of 50,000 buildings – will be required to cut overall emissions 40% or face annual fines.

Notice that filthy United Nations scum have their global government agenda inside de Blasio’s head:

According to the International Energy Agency, the construction and operation of buildings is responsible for more than a third of global energy consumption.

Last year, a major United Nations report warned that the world must make an “unprecedented” effort to cut emissions by 45 percent by 2030 and then effectively to zero by 2050 to avoid the worst ravages of climate change, including severe heatwaves, flooding, ruinous storms and food insecurity. [Population Controls.]

Trump buildings face millions in climate fines under new New York rules
Oliver Milman in New York
Mon 13 May 2019 06.00 EDT

On the surface, it appears to be the usual right-wing lies and paranoia.

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Notice that filthy United Nations scum have their global government agenda inside de Blasio’s head:​



Number one, the other halfwit, Joe Biden, is sick with envy. Number 23, Bill de Blasio, does have one claim to fame Biden the other 21 lack —— de Blasio is the long-awaited poster boy for all Northeast Liberals:


Last edited:
Finally, Mayor de Blasio is getting advice from this clown:

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.)


Now Australia is getting advice from the most famous global warming clown of them all.

Of course, the clown who refuses to debate global warming garbage is lying. He dare not mention the third path, the one he is advocating. TRANSFORM AUSTRALIAN INTO A PARASITE ECONOMY AND GOVERNMENT.

“This election is about two clear paths on the climate crisis — one is about setting ambitious achievable targets, and another is about taking Australia in the wrong direction, and I trust that Australian voters will choose the right path,” he said.

Al Gore weighs in on Australian election, urges Australia to ‘choose the right path’
Nick Whigham
May 16, 2019 7:24am

“This election is about two clear paths on the climate crisis — one is about setting ambitious achievable targets, and another is about taking Australia in the wrong direction, and I trust that Australian voters will choose the right path,” he said.​

Al Gore lost another election. Australians better watch out —— Gore might challenge the vote count in the U.N.’s World Court:

Labor has lost the “unloseable” election [Shades of UNLOSEABLE Hillary Clinton in 2016.]

Australia’s conservative party retains power in shocking election result
By Rachel Withers
Updated May 18, 2019, 11:12am EDT


Frankly, I will never understand why women listen to this guy?

Former Vice President Al Gore has been hit by new allegations of sexual assault. This time, it's two more massage therapists bringing the charges.

*** The new allegations are said to have taken place at two hotels - one in Beverly Hills in 2007, when Gore was in Hollywood for the Oscars, the other in Tokyo in 2008. *** Molly Hagerty, the Portland victim, has also recently piped up with some new evidence: a pair of stained black pants and the remains of some candy supposedly gobbled by Gore.

(Excerpt) Read more at businessinsider.com ...

Two More Massage Therapists Accuse Al Gore of Sexual Assault
Business Insider ^
Posted on 10/14/2017, 10:59:32 AM by ameribbean expat


And lets not forget the scourge of hotel masseuses solution to manmade climate change:

LOS ANGELES – Al Gore wants to combat global warming by controlling the population – sterilizing women.

By Frank Lake on June 25, 2011


Giving Al Gore a magic word does not cut it:


Climate change parasites better find a new super hero. Their guy is sinking in deep doo-doo.

The Guardian newspaper of London will no longer refer to “climate change” in its stories.
No, the iconic, left-leaning broadsheet hasn’t become a convert to climate skepticism.
Instead, the paper is upping the ante, directing its staff to use the terms “climate emergency” and “climate crisis,” the Washington Examiner reported.

Guardian to staff: Use 'climate crisis' in stories
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 05/18/2019 @ 5:34 pm


Finally, is the Guardian’s little word game doublespeak? or is it newspeak?
NOTE: Once in a while you will come across a commentary written by a professional journalist who stresses the parasite aspect of environmentalism. It is slightly better on message boards but not by much.

Maybe I am going at the global warming fraud from the wrong direction.

Socialism/Communism is a religion. Communist freaks latched onto the environment scam soon after the Soviet Union imploded, but it never dawned on me that environmental freakazoids are Luddites until I read this:

U.N. chief Antonio Guterres warned Sunday climate-related devastation is striking the planet on a weekly basis and global action must be undertaken immediately with U.N. agencies in the lead or else the earth is doomed.

“We are here because the world is facing a grave climate emergency,” Guterres told a two-day Abu Dhabi climate meeting ahead of a Climate Action Summit in New York in September.

“Climate disruption is happening now… It is progressing even faster than the world’s top scientists have predicted,” the UN secretary general said. “It is outpacing our efforts to address it. Climate change is running faster than we are.

U.N. Chief Sees Climate Doom Everywhere: ‘Floods, Drought, Heatwaves, Wildfires and Super Storms’
30 Jun 2019


Add Luddite to the list of religions:

Luddite (noun)
plural Luddites (noun)

1. derogatory a person opposed to new technology or ways of working. "a small-minded Luddite resisting progress"

2. historical a member of any of the bands of English workers who destroyed machinery, especially in cotton and woolen mills, that they believed was threatening their jobs (1811–16).

Luddite’s high priest is not out to destroy a few machines in one industry, he wants to destroy the machinery of energy itself and replace it with solar and wind power.

At least the original Luddites wanted job security. Today’s Luddites are parasites like every other organized religion fanatic that ever lived. Getting paid to preach their morality is the only job Luddites want.
The pro-life, antiGW, creationist, and anti-vax crowds share the same weakness of the OP: they are wrong. They are immoral cultural luddites wanting to return to the past's never-existed imaginary golden age of America.
The pro-life, antiGW, creationist, and anti-vax crowds share the same weakness of the OP: they are wrong. They are immoral cultural luddites wanting to return to the past's never-existed imaginary golden age of America.

To jimmymccready: What are you talking about? The positive benefits of job-creating technology moved this country and the world forward not to mention limited government. The moral horseshit you and your kind preach will return mankind to the bloodsucking tyrannical governments that existed before the American Revolution.

Finally, I once believed that the American people would someday take an important step on the evolutionary road to individual liberty; that is to say freedom from oppressive government through limited representative government. I had hoped that it would happen in my lifetime whatever that advance turned out to be. I now believe that instead of moving forward the American people are going backwards. If not going in reverse, it is at least fair to say that the Democrat Party has so locked this country into the evil ways of past governments it has become impossible to move forward.

The U.S. Constitution gave Americans, and much of the world, the highest standard of living for the most people, but it did not provide the machinery necessary to take one important step forward in the field of government and private sector intercourse since the Bill of Rights was ratified. It is those missing components that allow Democrats to tear down the parts they despise.

jimmymccready The pro-life, antiGW, creationist, and anti-vax crowds share the same weakness of the OP: they are wrong. They are immoral cultural luddites wanting to return to the past's never-existed imaginary golden age of America.

To jimmymccready: What are you talking about? The positive benefits of job-creating technology moved this country and the world forward not to mention limited government. The moral horseshit you and your kind preach will return mankind to the bloodsucking tyrannical governments that existed before the American Revolution.

Finally, I once believed that the American people would someday take an important step on the evolutionary road to individual liberty; that is to say freedom from oppressive government through limited representative government. I had hoped that it would happen in my lifetime whatever that advance turned out to be. I now believe that instead of moving forward the American people are going backwards. If not going in reverse, it is at least fair to say that the Democrat Party has so locked this country into the evil ways of past governments it has become impossible to move forward.

The U.S. Constitution gave Americans, and much of the world, the highest standard of living for the most people, but it did not provide the machinery necessary to take one important step forward in the field of government and private sector intercourse since the Bill of Rights was ratified. It is those missing components that allow Democrats to tear down the parts they despise.


Flanders is shifting the conversation to avoid admitting the neanderthals culturally and morally and politically with whom he associates. Who has problem with advancing technology: it will easily provide the $$$ for a robotic labor tax that will create a basic UBI for all citizens.

Flanders simply needs to understand, accept, and embrace that all Americans have the same right to the quality of life that some of us, including me, live every day. The right wing of divide and conquer is going down next year in a new was of progressivism and civil liberties.
Maybe I am going at the global warming fraud from the wrong direction.

Socialism/Communism is a religion. Communist freaks latched onto the environment scam soon after the Soviet Union imploded, but it never dawned on me that environmental freakazoids are Luddites until I read this:

U.N. chief Antonio Guterres warned Sunday climate-related devastation is striking the planet on a weekly basis and global action must be undertaken immediately with U.N. agencies in the lead or else the earth is doomed.

“We are here because the world is facing a grave climate emergency,” Guterres told a two-day Abu Dhabi climate meeting ahead of a Climate Action Summit in New York in September.

“Climate disruption is happening now… It is progressing even faster than the world’s top scientists have predicted,” the UN secretary general said. “It is outpacing our efforts to address it. Climate change is running faster than we are.

U.N. Chief Sees Climate Doom Everywhere: ‘Floods, Drought, Heatwaves, Wildfires and Super Storms’
30 Jun 2019


Add Luddite to the list of religions:

Luddite (noun)
plural Luddites (noun)

1. derogatory a person opposed to new technology or ways of working. "a small-minded Luddite resisting progress"

2. historical a member of any of the bands of English workers who destroyed machinery, especially in cotton and woolen mills, that they believed was threatening their jobs (1811–16).

Luddite’s high priest is not out to destroy a few machines in one industry, he wants to destroy the machinery of energy itself and replace it with solar and wind power.

At least the original Luddites wanted job security. Today’s Luddites are parasites like every other organized religion fanatic that ever lived. Getting paid to preach their morality is the only job Luddites want.

While these parasites do ignore theories of science and mathematics, I do not consider them Luddites. Indeed, many of them work in high tech industries.

Antonio Guterres is an avowed socialist. She is hell bent on implementing fascism by dictatorship (with her as the dictator, of course). Failing that, she would be at least like to see fascism by oligarchy. She believes she will be one of the 'elite' that will be in charge.
The pro-life, antiGW, creationist, and anti-vax crowds share the same weakness of the OP: they are wrong. They are immoral cultural luddites wanting to return to the past's never-existed imaginary golden age of America.

So you consider saving a child's life 'immoral'. So you consider theories of science 'immoral'. So you consider a belief in the Theory of Creation 'immoral'.
Finally, I once believed that the American people would someday take an important step on the evolutionary road to individual liberty;
They already have.
that is to say freedom from oppressive government through limited representative government.
They already have.
I had hoped that it would happen in my lifetime whatever that advance turned out to be.
While the government has deviated from the Constitution in many ways, to a large degree what you describe still exists today.
I now believe that instead of moving forward the American people are going backwards.
It could be argued so, but you need to be specific.
If not going in reverse,
Backwards IS reverse. See the transmission controls on your car. 'R' doesn't mean 'race mode'.
it is at least fair to say that the Democrat Party has so locked this country into the evil ways of past governments it has become impossible to move forward.
No, they are trying to destroy the government and replace it with fascism by oligarchy.
The U.S. Constitution gave Americans, and much of the world, the highest standard of living for the most people,
It allowed for it, but it was capitalism that gave us that.
but it did not provide the machinery necessary to take one important step forward in the field of government and private sector intercourse since the Bill of Rights was ratified.
There is nothing to 'move forward'. Capitalism is capitalism. It is the same.
It is those missing components that allow Democrats to tear down the parts they despise.
The Democrats abhor capitalism. They want to kill it and replace it with socialism.
jimmymccready The pro-life, antiGW, creationist, and anti-vax crowds share the same weakness of the OP: they are wrong. They are immoral cultural luddites wanting to return to the past's never-existed imaginary golden age of America.

Flanders is shifting the conversation to avoid admitting the neanderthals culturally and morally and politically with whom he associates. Who has problem with advancing technology: it will easily provide the $$$ for a robotic labor tax that will create a basic UBI for all citizens.

Flanders simply needs to understand, accept, and embrace that all Americans have the same right to the quality of life that some of us, including me, live every day. The right wing of divide and conquer is going down next year in a new was of progressivism and civil liberties.

No. Socialism doesn't work. It can only exist by stealing wealth. Capitalism is the only system that can create wealth.
fully immersed in faith..

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Into the Night
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Into the Night
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Into the Night
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Today, 02:24 PM
Into the Night
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Spontaneous horse sh!t is the type of stuff tRump's brainwashed cult followers enjoy consuming as they kiss tRump crappy hide everyday.
fully immersed in faith..

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Today, 02:11 PM
Into the Night
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Into the Night
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Into the Night
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Today, 02:24 PM
Into the Night
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this message is visible because Jimmy wasted his time posting it.....
To jimmymccready: What are you talking about? The positive benefits of job-creating technology moved this country and the world forward not to mention limited government. The moral horseshit you and your kind preach will return mankind to the bloodsucking tyrannical governments that existed before the American Revolution.

Finally, I once believed that the American people would someday take an important step on the evolutionary road to individual liberty; that is to say freedom from oppressive government through limited representative government. I had hoped that it would happen in my lifetime whatever that advance turned out to be. I now believe that instead of moving forward the American people are going backwards. If not going in reverse, it is at least fair to say that the Democrat Party has so locked this country into the evil ways of past governments it has become impossible to move forward.

The U.S. Constitution gave Americans, and much of the world, the highest standard of living for the most people, but it did not provide the machinery necessary to take one important step forward in the field of government and private sector intercourse since the Bill of Rights was ratified. It is those missing components that allow Democrats to tear down the parts they despise.

What you want to do is turn the U.S. into a shithole banana republic, where the 1% live in luxury and everyone else lives in grinding poverty, with dirty water and air.

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