Spring Break Last Week


Loyal to the end
We skied the upper mountain on Sunday, my son did the day-long demo program and tried five different skis, advancing in width up to 98. We don't ski that stuff here- his gear is all wold cup race stuff, like 64 or maybe 68, and I wanted him to experience a different type of skiing. My wife and daughter kept up with us the whole day.

Monday high winds forced that portion to close. My son rented some mid-fats and he and I skied KT-22 and that was awesome. They groom a wide portion of the upper bowl and its so steep that when turning my hand contacts the slope. I absolutely love that type of skiing. That's what we do here in the east and we showed the locals how to do it. Then I got brave and followed him to the right side of the bowl which was all moguls and I can't ski those. I ended up traversing and see-sawing to get down.

Tuesday we woke to more wind and 6" of snow and snowing. My wife and daughter stayed in. At 9 they had everything shut down but at 10 they opened up three lifts on the left side, lower mountain along the golf course. That was fun but the powder was heavy and difficult for an old man like me to ski. My son rented some fat skis and I had the ones that I brought with me, which are 76mm. I took a lot of time outs but he skied the trees and lift lines and all over- had a great time.