Springfield police report on August 28 records resident reporting a neighbor's cat was stolen and cut up

Ohio city’s schools get extra police as bomb threats follow false Trump claims​

Ohio’s governor is deploying the Ohio state highway patrol to provide security to schools in the city of Springfield in response to more than 30 bomb threats the schools have received since former president Donald Trump repeated false claims about Haitian immigrants in the city eating people’s pets during the presidential debate last week.


Ohio city’s schools get extra police as bomb threats follow false Trump claims​

Ohio’s governor is deploying the Ohio state highway patrol to provide security to schools in the city of Springfield in response to more than 30 bomb threats the schools have received since former president Donald Trump repeated false claims about Haitian immigrants in the city eating people’s pets during the presidential debate last week.

So now the Haitians are calling in bomb threats :palm:

The FBI and Gov. DeWine have known for SEVERAL DAYS that the “b*mb threats” in Springfield were hoaxes from overseas, but they INTENTIONALLY hid it to drive headlines blaming TrumpAnd their media lapdogs played right along!We’ve been calling them out for this for DAYS! The mainstream media is NOT on your side.We’re on our own.


Our abuse at the hands of the Overlords only gets worse from here.
I'm glad I don't have to try to dehumanize an entire community of people just to try to defend a political candidate.
Sure ... you just call the White race nazis, bitter clingers and white supremacists in America, and call heterosexual men toxic, and Christians and Jews evil, and before birth humans garbage.. :palm:
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