APP - SpyGate fully explained


This is the best explanation I have read about how things went down using logic and the timelines

It is a long read, but I will give a brief synopsis

1) The Obama administration was using 702s via the Patriot Act to spy on President Trump's campaign
2) On April 18, 2016 Admiral Mike Rogers shut down the use of 702s after noticing it was being abused by the FBI
3) A text message from Strzok to Page on April 30th stated "So now we've switched from the Patriot Act to a wire carrying current (redacted)".
4) With 702s shut down, the only way the FBI could surveil the Trump campaign was through a FISA warrant. Not easy to get. Remember they were shot down
5) The infamous Trump Tower meeting was a means to get the Trump campaign to incriminate itself with a quid pro quo. They promised "dirt" on Hillary. Yet when they got there they only wanted to talk about the Magnitsky Act. They presumably wanted the Trump campaign to say "in exchange for the dirt we will do something about Magnitsky". The Trump campaign didn't bite.
6) Now their attempt at taking down Trump failed. So they went to get a FISA against Manafort. But, Trump fired Manafort
7) In comes Carter Page and his infamous FISA warrant

Remember, on numerous occasions the Trump campaign was approached by known associates of the FBI with "Hey, I hear the russians have dirt on Hillary"

This whole thing has been a set up from day one. The Obama administration used our intelligence agencies to spy on a rival campaign. This is bigger than Watergate