Squirrel goes on rampage, injures 3


Villified User
Squirrel goes on rampage, injures 3
Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:00AM EDT

BERLIN (Reuters) - An aggressive squirrel attacked and injured three people in a German town before a 72-year-old pensioner dispatched the rampaging animal with his crutch.

The squirrel first ran into a house in the southern town of Passau, leapt from behind on a 70-year-old woman, and sank its teeth into her hand, a local police spokesman said Thursday.

With the squirrel still hanging from her hand, the woman ran onto the street in panic, where she managed to shake it off.

The animal then entered a building site and jumped on a construction worker, injuring him on the hand and arm, before he managed to fight it off with a measuring pole.

"After that, the squirrel went into the 72-year-old man's garden and massively attacked him on the arms, hand and thigh," the spokesman said. "Then he killed it with his crutch."

Squirrel goes on rampage, injures 3
Thu Jun 14, 2007 11:00AM EDT

BERLIN (Reuters) - An aggressive squirrel attacked and injured three people in a German town before a 72-year-old pensioner dispatched the rampaging animal with his crutch.

The squirrel first ran into a house in the southern town of Passau, leapt from behind on a 70-year-old woman, and sank its teeth into her hand, a local police spokesman said Thursday.

With the squirrel still hanging from her hand, the woman ran onto the street in panic, where she managed to shake it off.

The animal then entered a building site and jumped on a construction worker, injuring him on the hand and arm, before he managed to fight it off with a measuring pole.

"After that, the squirrel went into the 72-year-old man's garden and massively attacked him on the arms, hand and thigh," the spokesman said. "Then he killed it with his crutch."


This doesn't surprise me at all. I have never trusted squirrels. I've always been waiting the day that one of them, watching me from the trees, was going to pounce. I'm totally serious.

I like the part about the 72 year old guy. Never f with a senior citizen who has a crutch in his hand. Cranky people.
This doesn't surprise me at all. I have never trusted squirrels. I've always been waiting the day that one of them, watching me from the trees, was going to pounce. I'm totally serious.

I like the part about the 72 year old guy. Never f with a senior citizen who has a crutch in his hand. Cranky people.
You don't like squirrels? I'm crushed. How could anyone not like squirrels? :(

Well, okay; so I'm an animal patsy. ;)

We have a huge colony of squirrels in my little corner of Berkeley-ized American dreamville. I love 'em but in part because they're totally fearless. They taunt the cats and dogs mercilessly and I've no doubt that if one of them got seriously pissed off he'd run right into one of the houses and start biting. The only things they won't mess with are the racoons.

OTOH, the only run in I've had yet with the HOA is that they had to ask me to stop leaving peanuts out for the squirrels. They still line up at my screen door though.
Racoons are an animal that needs to be mistrusted. With their opposable thumbs, their genetic masks, and their penchant to wet their bread down before eating it. Add to all of that their drive to mess around in my garbage....
Racoons are all Republicans.
It is against the Republican Platform to wet your bread down before eating it. In fact, they have used this as an incentive in past elections by proposing Constitutional Amendments not allowing bread-wetters to marry or adopt children. I am surprised you don't remember!
Oh Yes, I forgot about the Republicans fighting their bread wetters problem.

But some slipped thru because all racoons do not wet their breads.
Oh Yes, I forgot about the Republicans fighting their bread wetters problem.

But some slipped thru because all racoons do not wet their breads.
Those Water-Cabin republicans are often not accepted by the mainstream republican. The candidates usually return any donations sent by them.
This story is pretty funny. But now I have this picture of the 72 year old guy taking his crutch in a perfect golf swing at the squirrel stuck in my head and can't stop laughing.
This story is pretty funny. But now I have this picture of the 72 year old guy taking his crutch in a perfect golf swing at the squirrel stuck in my head and can't stop laughing.
Oh, I am so reporting you to PETA. Next thing you know, your car's going to be bathed in rabbit blood. :eek:
You don't like squirrels? I'm crushed. How could anyone not like squirrels? :(

Well, okay; so I'm an animal patsy. ;)

We have a huge colony of squirrels in my little corner of Berkeley-ized American dreamville. I love 'em but in part because they're totally fearless. They taunt the cats and dogs mercilessly and I've no doubt that if one of them got seriously pissed off he'd run right into one of the houses and start biting. The only things they won't mess with are the racoons.

OTOH, the only run in I've had yet with the HOA is that they had to ask me to stop leaving peanuts out for the squirrels. They still line up at my screen door though.

I don't trust them, but I don't try to run them over with my car or anything. Who knows how many times I've had to slam on my brakes, and then my handbag goes flying off my front seat, upside down and emptying out invariably all over the floor of my car, just to avoid hitting one of those little bastards.

I keep my eyes on them when they're around, that's all.
You don't like squirrels? I'm crushed. How could anyone not like squirrels? :(

Well, okay; so I'm an animal patsy. ;)

We have a huge colony of squirrels in my little corner of Berkeley-ized American dreamville. I love 'em but in part because they're totally fearless. They taunt the cats and dogs mercilessly and I've no doubt that if one of them got seriously pissed off he'd run right into one of the houses and start biting. The only things they won't mess with are the racoons.

OTOH, the only run in I've had yet with the HOA is that they had to ask me to stop leaving peanuts out for the squirrels. They still line up at my screen door though.

***sigh*** you are the perfect example of what is wrong...In my little world we have a problemo with animal lovers...They leave food out for the 'Wild Horses' Then these horses trash their gardens and walk out in front of cars on the grade(because they lost their natural fear)...to their ultimate demise...Y'all cause the problem then blame the real animal rights activist for their demise...enough said!
I don't trust them, but I don't try to run them over with my car or anything. Who knows how many times I've had to slam on my brakes, and then my handbag goes flying off my front seat, upside down and emptying out invariably all over the floor of my car, just to avoid hitting one of those little bastards.

I keep my eyes on them when they're around, that's all.
They laugh at you when that happens. Sneaky little creatures.
The article didn't say if the squirrel's corpse (brain) had been tested for rabies. With such spontaneous aggressive behavior that's the first concern they should have had (after removing the immediate threat, that is!). Squirrels are one of the primary vectors for rabies, along with skunks, possums and raccoons; shouldn't be taken lightly.

Sorry to be such a wet blanket, but really this should have been considered. The rabies shots have to be initiated immediately. If they wait until after symptoms have appeared in the people bitten, there's no effective treatment for them and they'll die.