Squirrel Hill man's obituary offers one unusual request, gains national attention


Nothing like leaving your survivors with a good laugh. :)

"Squirrel Hill chiropractor Jeffrey H. Cohen loved making a good joke during his 70 years of a fun-loving life. His sons assured a measure of fame and immortality for that sense of humor by finishing his highly personalized, entertaining obituary with a wise-cracking anti-endorsement of one of his least favorite presidential candidates.

“Jeffrey would ask that in lieu of flowers, please do not vote for Donald Trump,” said the newspaper obituary that began appearing in the Post-Gazette Wednesday, three days after Mr. Cohen’s unexpected death from an apparent heart attack at age 70.

As the week progressed, those unusual last wishes were publicized by national media including Time, USA Today and The Associated Press, among others. Somewhere, Mr. Cohen must be smiling about it, including the irony of his actually having nothing to do with the obituary or the request.

“My brother had found a similar request online about Hillary Clinton,” said one of his sons, New York City screenwriter Jason Brown, who wrote the obituary as part of the funeral arrangements handled by McCabe Brothers Funeral Home in Shadyside. “We said we knew what we should put for dad. … To him, it would be the perfect joke.”

Ironically, Mr. Brown didn’t even know if his father was a Democrat or independent — he was just pretty certain he wasn’t Republican. And certainly not in favor of Mr. Trump, the billionaire real estate mogul whose bold, blunt statements during the campaign have mystified a number of Americans while attracting many others, And he’s not the only one in the current crop of Iowa contenders who made Mr. Cohen recoil.

“He felt a lot of the candidates this year were pretty [far] out there with the things they’re saying and the strategies they’re putting forth, and so silly,” Mr. Brown noted. “He would read articles about the candidates and just laugh.”


He knew his father hated Trump.



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