stack overflow


Anyone else getting stack overflow here? Ive noticed it here and a couple of other sites cbssportsline ... Is it me or the websites?
Change the stacks level in your config.sys

use these values:

STACKS=64,512 ;(this is the maximum allowed)

How old is your operating system?
Check those values:

Make sure they match these:

STACKS=64,512 ;(this is the maximum allowed)
I haven't seen a stack error since Windows 95...

You know what..come to think of it either have I... this is really strange.., I get it when I click on your search.. and I also get a Java script error at the top of cbsporstline... along with a windows pop giving me a stack over flow message. again..this a month old PC ...
Make sure you've downloaded all your service packs, the Windows XP OS needs them desperately, and it's likely your problem if you have a new system with XP. Other than that, check your Java and make sure it is updated, it had some serious problems with ver. 8 or 6... Check your virus definitions, because this sounds a little like a worm. Empty your cookies, because it also sounds like a corrupt cookie.

Here is a site you can go to with the exact text of your error message, and the computer geeks will decipher it for you and tell you what's wrong. I haven't used it since Win98, but they really know their stuff...
You know what..come to think of it either have I... this is really strange.., I get it when I click on your search.. and I also get a Java script error at the top of cbsporstline... along with a windows pop giving me a stack over flow message. again..this a month old PC ...
Is it a Windows popup or a browser popup?

No joke: you may have a spyware problem. What's the exact error message you're getting? Not just the wording but the appearance of the popup and the circumstances.

After racking my brains running Spyware removals, Trojan Removals, reg Cleaners .. I finally figured it out ..

Thinking about Dixies suggestion to check out Java... I noticed my New PC was running an out dated version and it wasnt being allowed to update.. thanks to my firewall... so I shutdown my firewall and downloaded the latest Java ... and PRESTO!! No more Stack Overflow Error!!