stagnation from regulation, is a pathway to a socialism


New member
Now every kind of profession requires more licenses, with a license comes regulations, enforcement, auditors, CE you name it, its a whole economy of both government and compliance whores right smack in the middle. All with the full faith and support of Republican's just look at Rick Perry's record for example. i think they are all socialist but that's not the point here.

The little businesses are always picked on the hardest by the regulators (pick any industry), Big businesses are allowed to put on a charade that they are “self-regulating”. Also big businesses have lawyers on staff that can drain a state regulators program budget. In fact, one lawyer making $250,000 a year working full time for a big business can cost a State 10-20 million in legal cost should they try to mess with them. On the other side, all a small business can afford is a not so loyal contract lawyer that will drain the small business out of existence. If a small business is totally in the right, expect they pay legal about 350,000 on the low side, trying not to get on a tangent here but it is not possible for small business to fight a state regulator innocent or guilty. The regulators/auditors know its impossible for any small business to be completely compliant, particularly to new rules. I don’t think people understand that auditors expect us to maintain reports that give them the ammunition to fine us, Industries like plastic manufacturing, food, financial, medical/dental, workforce, and chemical supply to name just a few, all have to do this. These state and fed auditors walk in and walk out with fines that no one can afford to not pay. It’s more than unfair, it’s actually a gradual process to a socialist society.

Soon only large corporations will rule the economy. Large businesses “self-regulate” and small businesses are dropping cock roaches under Obama’s spray nozzle. The figurative nozzle would be in the form of explosion of new regulators and auditors employed by state and federal government. I call these new employees (could be the fastest growing sec in the economy). Soon only large businesses will control all industries. No one will be able to start a new business since compliance to the unclear defined laws would be impossible. No one could be allowed to compete and undermine the large corporations. Next step, Obama will seize the absolute power and control over all that remains (just all large employers/ public companies) Now I don’t think that’s going to happen but look at the wreck left behind as it tries to happen