stalker is nuts

well i tried to be friendly w/ the guy who called me out at work in the elevator about seeingme out in march... we hung out a few times, but then he was a BIG liar and story teller, he would try to start a riff w/ me and my other friends here. it got out of control... in the short time he

1. told me my resume sucked
2. told him to not talk about guys at work to me or checking people out while im aroudn and talking about it

3 kept talkingabout his salary and how mcuh he made and how he was in w/ all the big wigs here

its really not professional but i let that go
this was what really did it

one time we went out for happy hour, and after 5 hrs (it was from 4-9) i had enough but he wanted to go out more and i didn't want to, he wanted to go to this g. bar i didn't want to go b/c i didn't want to run into nick.

so he went then he comes in on monday and told me that nick was there... i was all upset about him telling me b/c what good does it do?? it just makes me upset... so that

so i stopped talking to him and he would come by and be like are you mad at me, and i didn't have the B@lls to say no im not mad at you i just don't like you and think your an idiot, i just said no im not mad im just very busy....

he kept coming around and coming around then finally i think he got it... now my friend linda and i make jokes he's always on this floor its kinda stalker since he don't even work on this floor so ill send an email to my friend linda when i hear him b/c he is loud saying "red alert"

so i heard him one day and sent her the email and she got it but he was there when she got it so she knew what it was and he was all like open it... open it... and she was like no im not going to do that

so then today he told her that he isn't friends w/ her anymore and has no more of a need to be friends w/ her...

LOL now i wish i just told him off and be all like i think your an idiot and a loser

the happy hour we went out on, he was so drunk that he sat down w/ people at a restaurnat that he didn't know and made em so po'ed that they left... i was so embarrased and i was drunk

lady t this beats the trans post. LOL
Isn't this an old story Dawg? Why bring it back up? Okay you are sooo hot that they can't leave you alone. LOL
Yeah. It definitely does! That guy elliots posts are way better though ;)

About your stalker, yeah. I knew he was trouble from the get go. You should have listened to me :p