Star Wars: The Final Rankings

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
Now that Disney has finished-off the Palpatine Saga, it's time for the final ranking of the twelve theatrical films. Feel free to disagree.

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Solo
7. The Phantom Menace
8. Attack of the Clones
9. The Last Jedi
10. The Rise of Palpatine
11. The Clone Wars
12. The Force Awakens
I pretty much lost interest in Star Wars after watching the Phantom Menace. Nothing after that won me back. The first two star wars movies ever made were the best, no doubt about that. I am looking forward to the Obi-Wan origin story.
I pretty much lost interest in Star Wars after watching the Phantom Menace. Nothing after that won me back. The first two star wars movies ever made were the best, no doubt about that. I am looking forward to the Obi-Wan origin story.

I was 13 when TPM came out. I really liked Liam Neeson as the heroic philosopher and Ray Park as the menacing assassin. Also, I enjoyed the politics of the prequels, which was basically part of what everyone had been waiting for (what was the Old Republic, and why did it fail?) along with the story of Anakin. Most people who hate the movie claim Jar Jar and politics as the top reasons, rather than the bad script and dialogue. I admit that my age probably makes me enjoy watching it more than if it came out today. But, The Force Awakens just made me mad. It's one thing for the prequels to suck, but, to utterly waste the first third of a perported sequel trilogy is just insulting.
Now that Disney has finished-off the Palpatine Saga, it's time for the final ranking of the twelve theatrical films. Feel free to disagree.

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. Revenge of the Sith
6. Solo
7. The Phantom Menace
8. Attack of the Clones
9. The Last Jedi
10. The Rise of Palpatine
11. The Clone Wars
12. The Force Awakens

I'm big into Star Wars outside just the movies. We're the ones that hate the Disney Wars movies the most. Kind of have a mild encyclopedic knowledge up until recently. Of course with it not even being written our sanctioned by Lucas I don't even consider the new stuff canon. Way too much Hollywood pc crap in it that Lucas would have kept under control since he normally only ever answered to himself on the movies. So, onto the list. You got the first 3 right and you got the prequels in order at least. I would have put them at 4, 5, 6 instead. Then I'd put the Clone Wars at 7 since it was the start of a great series. Rogue One and Solo seem more tolerable as they stay in the original guise with only so many changes, so 8, 9. After watching The Force Awakens, I never wanted to see another Disney Wars again. I wouldn't even put them on the list. Outside the movies, this Mandalorian thing seems intriguing but that's because of the Baby Yoda mostly.
I'm big into Star Wars outside just the movies. We're the ones that hate the Disney Wars movies the most. Kind of have a mild encyclopedic knowledge up until recently. Of course with it not even being written our sanctioned by Lucas I don't even consider the new stuff canon. Way too much Hollywood pc crap in it that Lucas would have kept under control since he normally only ever answered to himself on the movies. So, onto the list. You got the first 3 right and you got the prequels in order at least. I would have put them at 4, 5, 6 instead. Then I'd put the Clone Wars at 7 since it was the start of a great series. Rogue One and Solo seem more tolerable as they stay in the original guise with only so many changes, so 8, 9. After watching The Force Awakens, I never wanted to see another Disney Wars again. I wouldn't even put them on the list. Outside the movies, this Mandalorian thing seems intriguing but that's because of the Baby Yoda mostly.

I'm more intrigued by Mandalorian for the Boba Fett reference. Baby Yoda seems lame to me. When I was a kid, I read all of what would call the "required reading:"

Shadows of the Empire
Tales of the Bounty Hunters
Heir to the Empire trilogy
Han Solo trilogy
Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy

I also read the Lando Calrissian trilogy, but found it boring. Also, when I was 12, Goosebumps books were all the rage, so, I read a series of books called Star Wars: Galaxy of Fear.

Never got around to Rogue Squadron, Jedi Academy, or any of the series that were longer than a few books.
I'm more intrigued by Mandalorian for the Boba Fett reference. Baby Yoda seems lame to me. When I was a kid, I read all of what would call the "required reading:"

Shadows of the Empire
Tales of the Bounty Hunters
Heir to the Empire trilogy
Han Solo trilogy
Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy

I also read the Lando Calrissian trilogy, but found it boring. Also, when I was 12, Goosebumps books were all the rage, so, I read a series of books called Star Wars: Galaxy of Fear.

Never got around to Rogue Squadron, Jedi Academy, or any of the series that were longer than a few books.

Rogue Squadron were awesome stories but it was the video games that were the real star. When I was getting pissed over the Star Wars movies, video game cancellations, and the new Battlefronts sucking, I dug out my old N64 and started playing Rogue Squadron.
Rogue Squadron were awesome stories but it was the video games that were the real star. When I was getting pissed over the Star Wars movies, video game cancellations, and the new Battlefronts sucking, I dug out my old N64 and started playing Rogue Squadron.

Loved it as well as Shadows of the Empire.
I was 13 when TPM came out. I really liked Liam Neeson as the heroic philosopher and Ray Park as the menacing assassin. Also, I enjoyed the politics of the prequels, which was basically part of what everyone had been waiting for (what was the Old Republic, and why did it fail?) along with the story of Anakin. Most people who hate the movie claim Jar Jar and politics as the top reasons, rather than the bad script and dialogue. I admit that my age probably makes me enjoy watching it more than if it came out today. But, The Force Awakens just made me mad. It's one thing for the prequels to suck, but, to utterly waste the first third of a perported sequel trilogy is just insulting.

The Phantom Menace was destined to be a blockbuster, yet it was only filmed with only a modest budget. The whole movie was shot in front of green screen, back when computer backgrounds weren't nearly as good as now. The cool villain with the double lightsaber was mostly wasted. Anakin was hard to root for, knowing he'd turn turn evil (Obi-Wan should have been the big hero of the Phantom Menace). Etc. I didn't mind Jar Jar.

I liked the movie Solo, but it felt inauthentic. Solo was a total non-heroic mercenary until he joined the Resistance, but that's not how the movie Solo made him to be.

Both Lucas and Disney are too obsessed with Political Correctness to make anything very interesting. When Solo shot first, that's when Lucas could make something interesting.
Loved it as well as Shadows of the Empire.

Now Dash Rendar, there is a character I would have loved to see more of. I still have the Outrider and his figure sitting around somewhere. Was going to try and sell some of the stuff off before we moved. Well except for all the AT-AT stuff and my more serious collectibles like statues, busts, and FX lightsabres.
The Phantom Menace was destined to be a blockbuster, yet it was only filmed with only a modest budget. The whole movie was shot in front of green screen, back when computer backgrounds weren't nearly as good as now. The cool villain with the double lightsaber was mostly wasted. Anakin was hard to root for, knowing he'd turn turn evil (Obi-Wan should have been the big hero of the Phantom Menace). Etc. I didn't mind Jar Jar.

I liked the movie Solo, but it felt inauthentic. Solo was a total non-heroic mercenary until he joined the Resistance, but that's not how the movie Solo made him to be.

Both Lucas and Disney are too obsessed with Political Correctness to make anything very interesting. When Solo shot first, that's when Lucas could make something interesting.

I think a lot of people feared the worst about Solo and were pleasantly surprised.

Darth Maul wasn't really wasted. Lucas needed him to kill off the father figure to Anakin, and then have Obi-Wan take him down, in order for the battle to be won.

Jar Jar kills the movie for everyone, no matter how forgiving you are of the film.
I think a lot of people feared the worst about Solo and were pleasantly surprised.

Darth Maul wasn't really wasted. Lucas needed him to kill off the father figure to Anakin, and then have Obi-Wan take him down, in order for the battle to be won.

Jar Jar kills the movie for everyone, no matter how forgiving you are of the film.

Darth Maul was like Boba Fett in it's beloved but underutilized role. I'm glad that was rectified slightly in The Clone Wars saga. Jar Jar was forgivable as a character. Despite being the sagas first special needs character he wasn't enough to ruin things. The podracing made up for him being there, as did Darth Maul and Qui-Gon. The problem was the next movie might have been better off as two maybe. Way too much storytelling squeezed in and not enough action. That's the problem with prequels is the A to Z stories they have to convey and still carry an audience.
none of them hold a candle to.....SPACE TRUCKERS!!!!

Darth Maul was like Boba Fett in it's beloved but underutilized role. I'm glad that was rectified slightly in The Clone Wars saga. Jar Jar was forgivable as a character. Despite being the sagas first special needs character he wasn't enough to ruin things. The podracing made up for him being there, as did Darth Maul and Qui-Gon. The problem was the next movie might have been better off as two maybe. Way too much storytelling squeezed in and not enough action. That's the problem with prequels is the A to Z stories they have to convey and still carry an audience.

Yeah, in the case of a story where we know the endgame will be Anakin as Darth Vader, Palpatine as Emperor, Luke & Leia as orphans, and Obi-Wan & Yoda as the last surviving Jedi, it was on George Lucas to produce great storytelling. We were all genuinely eager to see the Old Republic and the Clone Wars. But, the storytelling was incredibly weak. He probably could have made the second movie occur at a faster pace so that we could already be engrossed in the Clone Wars at the outset of the third film, instead of having the situation explained to us in the title crawl.