Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Will work for Scooby snacks
I give it 4 out of 5 stars and I maintain it is the best Star Wars movie in the Disney trilogy. I am not going to provide spoilers.

I was there at the beginning, as a adolescent boy in 1977 when the first movie came out - so with 42 years of water having flowed under the bridge, a decent Star Wars movie is a bit like a homecoming for me. May the force be with you!

The Critics Must Be Crazy: ‘The Rise Of Skywalker’ Is The Best ‘Star Wars’ Movie In The New Trilogy
I give it 4 out of 5 stars and I maintain it is the best Star Wars movie in the Disney trilogy. I am not going to provide spoilers.

I was there at the beginning, as a adolescent boy in 1977 when the first movie came out - so with 42 years of water having flowed under the bridge, a decent Star Wars movie is a bit like a homecoming for me. May the force be with you!

Star Wars died when they were sold to Disney. Seriously, they literally killed off quite a few things because they were too expensive for their money grab. Lucasarts and Han Solo are the two big ones.
Star Wars died when they were sold to Disney. Seriously, they literally killed off quite a few things because they were too expensive for their money grab. Lucasarts and Han Solo are the two big ones.

I know that die hard star wars fans do not like the Disney trilogy, and I can respect that point of view.
I'll probably take the granddaughter to Jumanji II before going to a Star Wars movie.

I like Jumanji and I would not even need a little kid to see it. Stuff like that, Harry Potter, Marvel, Scooby Doo is right up my alley. The so dragged me to cats, and I have to admit I was expecting some pain from that one
I know that die hard star wars fans do not like the Disney trilogy, and I can respect that point of view.

I used to adore video games from Lucasarts. I was so disappointed that I yanked out an old N64 and started playing some of the old classics. I am really miffed about any sequels to The Force Unleashed saga being tossed to the wind.