start wearing purple

Start Wearing Purple
by Gogol Bordello

Start wearing purple wearing purple
Start wearing purple for me now
All your sanity and wits they will all vanish
I promise, it's just a matter of time...

So yeah, ha

Start wearing purple wearing purple (da da da da da)
Start wearing purple for me now
All your sanity and wits they will all vanish
I promise, it's just a matter of time...

I've known you since you were a twenty, and I was twenty,
and thought that some years from now
a purple little little lady will be perfect
for dirty old and useless clown...

So yeah, ha

Start wearing purple wearing purple (da da da da da)
Start wearing purple for me now
All your sanity and wits they will all vanish
I promise, it's just a matter of time...

So yeah, I know it all from Diogenes to Foucault
from Lozgechkin to Passepartout
I ja kljanus obostzav dva paltza
schto muziko poshla ot Zzukov Mu!...

Start wearing purple wearing purple (da da da da da)
Start wearing purple for me now

Start wearing purple for me now!

All your sanity and wits they will all vanish
I promise, it's just a matter of time...

So Vio-Vio-Violetta! Etta! Va-va-va-vaja dama ti moja!
Eh podayte nam karetu, vot etu, i mi poedem k ebenjam!

So yeah, ah start wearing purple wearing purple
Start wearing purple for me now
All your sanity and wits, they will all vanish
I promise, it's just a matter of time!...
Start wearing purple wearing purple (da da da da da)
Start wearing purple for me now
All your sanity and wits they will all vanish
I promise, it's just a matter of time...

I've known you since you were a twenty, and I was twenty,
and thought that some years from now
a purple little little lady will be perfect
for dirty old and useless clown...

This is dedecated to Sarah Palin and the republican party.

Sarah should start wearing purple for them now.
Oh by the way this band is called Gogol Bordello and you will be hearing more about them soon.

They are about to take the nation by storm.
One of my best friends got married last month. She is the quintessential hippie flower child. All of her wedding decorations were hand made, down to her wedding dress... all of the cakes and food was hand made, even the flowers and corsages were hand picked and designed. The actual ceremony was very traditional and tasteful, performed by a traditional Catholic priest, with the traditional vows, etc. When she came down the aisle on her fathers arm, the traditional brides march played... the end was phenomenal.

As the groom kissed the bride, and they turned to face the guests and walk up the aisle together, Gogol Bordello begins singing 'Start Wearing Purple' as they did this little Gypsy dance up the aisle. It was absolutely perfect!
One of my best friends got married last month. She is the quintessential hippie flower child. All of her wedding decorations were hand made, down to her wedding dress... all of the cakes and food was hand made, even the flowers and corsages were hand picked and designed. The actual ceremony was very traditional and tasteful, performed by a traditional Catholic priest, with the traditional vows, etc. When she came down the aisle on her fathers arm, the traditional brides march played... the end was phenomenal.

As the groom kissed the bride, and they turned to face the guests and walk up the aisle together, Gogol Bordello begins singing 'Start Wearing Purple' as they did this little Gypsy dance up the aisle. It was absolutely perfect!

Gogol Bordello is not a person
Gogol Bordello is not a person

Oh... I get it now... You assumed when I said "Gogol Bordello begins singing..." I meant that Gogol Bordello was an individual. Kind of like, if I said "Pink Floyd begins singing..." you'd think I thought Pink Floyd was a person?

Let me ask you Desh, just how far up your ass is that stick anyway? I mean, I share a personal story from my personal life, relating to the awesome Gypsy Punk song by the awesome Gypsy Punk Band, Gogol Bordello, and instead of appreciating that we just might have some commonality in musical taste, you decide to "disagree" with me about something trivial and insignificant. That stick must be mighty far up your ass to make you act like such a hateful bitch.

Crashk posted the other day, regarding 'racial divisiveness', how 'music' could be a unifying factor between racial groups, to bring us together in commonality. I thought he made a very good point, but after this, I don't know about that... If you're attitude is so hateful you can't share mutual appreciation of music with others, you are beyond hope. I didn't believe hate could outweigh love of music, but apparently, it can.
I thought you were suggesting that the band was at her wedding?

Dixie long ago you posted pictures of you in a costume protesing a prochoice rally.

When I metioned it later you claimed I was lying about it. Since then I have considered you a liar.

If I recall you had a snorkel on your head and were wearing some kind of house dress.

I think you just posted and picture you found and then lied and said it was you and that is why you did not remember the incident.

When you lie like that people tend not to believe what you say.
I thought you were suggesting that the band was at her wedding?

Dixie long ago you posted pictures of you in a costume protesing a prochoice rally.

When I metioned it later you claimed I was lying about it. Since then I have considered you a liar.

If I recall you had a snorkel on your head and were wearing some kind of house dress.

I think you just posted and picture you found and then lied and said it was you and that is why you did not remember the incident.

When you lie like that people tend not to believe what you say.

I have no idea of what you are talking about, I have never been to a pro-choice rally or worn a house dress with a snorkel. Me and a friend did dress up like alQeada terrorists and crash an anti-war rally once. I posted a thread about that. I wish I had pictures of it, I would have posted them.

No, the band was not at her wedding, it was a recording. Still, I thought it was a very fitting song to end the wedding with, especially for her. I actually like Gypsy Punk, and needless to say, I'm a pretty big fan of Gogol. I just wanted to share that story with you, I thought you might appreciate it, why the fuck would I lie about it?