State of Denial


Has anyone here actually read it? I was given a copy as a gift . . . by a friend who got tired of hearing me grouse about Woodward. I'm about a hundred pages in. It's rather good, in some ways, though I find his ongoing obsession with the height of all his characters to be both amusing and annoying by turns.

Rummy don't come off looking too good.
Rummy doesn't look too good in RL, why would he look better in the book?
LOL! Fair enough.

I won't go so far as to say that Woodward casts him as the villain of the piece, but his portrait of the man is about as far from flattering as it's possible to get without saying "and, oh yeah, he eats babies."

One thing Woodward is unequivocal on is the timing of the decision to go to war with Iraq. He claims that it was not only tacit but explict within the administration by the end of 2002. He has it that Bush was consciously leading the public and the U.N. on about his intentions by November of that year.