States with strict gun laws have fewer firearms deaths. Here's how your state stacks

Wilhelm Zenz

Verified User
As gun control advocates call for tougher state and federal laws, much of the debate centers on the effectiveness of regulation designed to minimize deaths caused by firearms.

Proponents of gun control argue that common sense calls for tougher laws to stop gun violence. Gun rights advocates counter by noting that gun laws don't stop someone intent on breaking those laws from killing people.
While research on the subject is limited, the answer seems to be that states with stricter gun regulation have fewer firearms deaths — in some cases dramatically fewer — than those that don't.

But while the correlation is clear, there is little hard evidence of cause and effect.

The relationship between gun laws and firearms deaths is compelling. In states like Alabama,. Alaska and Louisiana, where guns are lightly regulated, the rate of deaths by firearms (per 100,000 people) is more than four times higher than in New York, Connecticut, Hawaii or Massachusetts, which have some of the strictest gun laws in the country.
As gun control advocates call for tougher state and federal laws, much of the debate centers on the effectiveness of regulation designed to minimize deaths caused by firearms.

Proponents of gun control argue that common sense calls for tougher laws to stop gun violence. Gun rights advocates counter by noting that gun laws don't stop someone intent on breaking those laws from killing people.
While research on the subject is limited, the answer seems to be that states with stricter gun regulation have fewer firearms deaths — in some cases dramatically fewer — than those that don't.

But while the correlation is clear, there is little hard evidence of cause and effect.

The relationship between gun laws and firearms deaths is compelling. In states like Alabama,. Alaska and Louisiana, where guns are lightly regulated, the rate of deaths by firearms (per 100,000 people) is more than four times higher than in New York, Connecticut, Hawaii or Massachusetts, which have some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

"But while the correlation is clear, there is little hard evidence of cause and effect."