Status Quo


What a joke.

LONDON, Sept. 18 — The two top American military and diplomatic officials in Iraq are in London today, setting out their vision for the continued American troop presence in Iraq to the British prime minister, Gordon Brown, amid concerns that a British withdrawal from the south of the country could leave American forces and a major supply route at greater risk of attack.

In testimony on Capitol Hill last week, the ambassador to Iraq, Ryan C. Crocker, and the American commander in Iraq, Gen. David H. Petraeus, made clear that the Bush administration’s overall strategy in Iraq would remain largely unchanged after the temporary increase in American forces, known as the surge, is over next summer. And they made clear their view that the United States would need a major troop presence in Iraq for years to come.

But Britain, the United States’ chief ally in the war in Iraq, has already begun a transition to an “over-watch” stance in Iraq, a reference to a process begun under the former prime minister, Tony Blair, for turning over control of the areas where British troops are in charge to Iraqis.
Its amazing how everything that "leftys" predicted would come true, did. And the media barely notices.

Now, according to pro-adminstration hacks, its no big deal if we are there to protect the oil, and of course we need to have a long term permanent troop presence there.

I can't even tell you how many times I was called a loon for suggesting those things. Now, mainstream DC punditry acts like - well, that was the plan all along...what's the big deal?
This is almost too much to bear for me, because deep down, I know it probably doesn't matter who is President, or who controls Congress: we're in Iraq for many years to come - perhaps more than a decade. The argument will ALWAYS be that things will fall apart if we leave, and Iran will take over, and Al Qaida will have a safe haven...Republicans will carry that torch, and Dems will be too afraid of messing it up & getting blamed.

Who supports the troops NOW, America? Is it the sub-humans who treated them like cannon fodder, trying to paste together any excuse FOR war instead of looking for any excuse not to go? Or the "whacked our lefties", who - even though they call the troops Nazis every other day (according to Hannity) - told you that this is exactly what was going to happen, and that we'd never be able to get out once we got in?

Bush is a criminal. If his legacy isn't "worst President ever," something is seriously wrong...
This is almost too much to bear for me, because deep down, I know it probably doesn't matter who is President, or who controls Congress: we're in Iraq for many years to come - perhaps more than a decade. The argument will ALWAYS be that things will fall apart if we leave, and Iran will take over, and Al Qaida will have a safe haven...Republicans will carry that torch, and Dems will be too afraid of messing it up & getting blamed.

Who supports the troops NOW, America? Is it the sub-humans who treated them like cannon fodder, trying to paste together any excuse FOR war instead of looking for any excuse not to go? Or the "whacked our lefties", who - even though they call the troops Nazis every other day (according to Hannity) - told you that this is exactly what was going to happen, and that we'd never be able to get out once we got in?

Bush is a criminal. If his legacy isn't "worst President ever," something is seriously wrong...

I know, everything you wrote is true. I don't think we're getting out no matter who is President either. I'm sorry to say it.
Jeez...just came across this article on Fox. They're treating it as a "victory" that sentiment is turning toward staying in Iraq longer:,2933,297071,00.html

I guess a permanent presence in Iraq with mounting casualty figures would be like nirvana for them...

"Petraeus capitalized on that. He opened his testimony by knocking down a Democratic canard. He would not be giving a "Bush report" or a "Bush-Petraeus report," as Democrats had alleged. His testimony hadn't been drafted at the White House or the Pentagon. It was his and his alone. In fact, Petraeus didn't hear from Bush last week until he'd finished two days on Capitol Hill and a day of Q&A with the press. And the president called merely to commiserate."

Outright lie.

JON STEWART: The general raises a key point. We keep hearing from President Bush how the surge is meeting its military objectives, but we need more time. Well, yesterday, the good general was whistling a different tune.

GEN. DAVID PETRAEUS: The military objectives of the surge are, in large measure, being met. It will take time.

JON STEWART: My god! The President’s been right the whole time! Even down to the details.

PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: US Marines and Special Operation forces have been striking terrible blows against al-Qaeda.

GEN. DAVID PETRAEUS: Coalition and Iraqi forces have dealt significant blows to al-Qaeda.

PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: Anbar province was al-Qaeda's base in Iraq and was written off by many as lost.

GEN. DAVID PETRAEUS: A year ago the province was assessed as lost.

PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: The consequences of withdrawal would be disastrous.

GEN. DAVID PETRAEUS: A premature drawdown of our forces would likely have devastating consequences.

JON STEWART: Wow! I bet they’re friends on MySpace.
Wow, that article is really something. If there are three true words in it, that's a lot. No wonder people who get their news from FOX are borderline retards.
Wow, that article is really something. If there are three true words in it, that's a lot. No wonder people who get their news from FOX are borderline retards.

It's on their news page, but it reads like a total editorial.

Fox really sucks...
Well, I guess it's pretty telling when only two people even give enough of a crap to bother with Iraq issues. Hardly anyone posts about this. It's avoided like the plague.
"Iraq fatigue" is a very real phenomenon. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the admin was aware of it & in fact counted on it, so they'd be able to pursue whatever course they wanted without the public caring anymore...
"Iraq fatigue" is a very real phenomenon. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the admin was aware of it & in fact counted on it, so they'd be able to pursue whatever course they wanted without the public caring anymore...

Oh. I really hadn't considered that. Very probable.
Wow, that article is really something. If there are three true words in it, that's a lot. No wonder people who get their news from FOX are borderline retards.

"It was inevitable that we would invade Iraq. There was nothing that could be done" -- Superfreak

"Democrats would have done the same" -- Dano

"I'd rather talk about marginal tax rates, and school curriculum in Venezuela" - Rstringfield.

"It was inevitable that we would invade Iraq. There was nothing that could be done" -- Superfreak

"Democrats would have done the same" -- Dano

"I'd rather talk about marginal tax rates, and school curriculum in Venezuela" - Rstringfield.


"Iraq fatigue" is a very real phenomenon. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the admin was aware of it & in fact counted on it, so they'd be able to pursue whatever course they wanted without the public caring anymore...

Screw fatigue. This is the most important facing america in a generation. At a minimum, at the foreign policy end of things. Nobody here seems to get tired about talking about taxes, Ron Paul, or socialist universal healthcare.
Also the draft will be back. All you young people who voted for Bush and have not yet enlisted. Or you older ones with draft age children. You will pay for your vote.
I see you are sold on it very well. So were the USSR citizens :)
Do you still believe in the WMD fairy as well ?