Status Update: Still Living In A Tent In Collingwood Thanks To WEF Conspiracies Unfol

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Status Update: Still Living In A Tent In Collingwood Thanks To WEF Conspiracies Unfolding

Well since my computer and cart etc. was stolen on the 19th of July I have reported it to the OPP and still not anything has turned up. If you are in the Collingwood area, my computer is a laptop called a Lenovo. It, when closed, is about an inch thick, the topside is silver and underneath is grey. It is fairly new as I bought it around May 2021. It has 8 gigs of ram and almost a terabyte of disc space and was purchased for around $700.00. It has all of my videos I made over the years since I started making videos for youtube uploads in 2008, it has tens of thousands of elected, appointed and designated official contacts of almost 200 countries along with updated versions. It also has my previous contact information going back to the early 2000's. It has tonnes of my released compositions over the years along with my text photo's I create. It has lots of other cool things on it and I would love to get it back. While in Ottawa, just as I was leaving for Collingwood by way of hitch hiking, my monitor got squished in my cart and needed to be fixed of which I could have done (scraped up the cash) but it doesn't look like I'll be getting the cash for another computer any time soon. I had back up on a USB that was stolen which had allot of that information on it as well. I have another USB which might have some of it but am not sure as I have had that one for a couple of years so it likely has some of it but not all. Oh and I also had a piece of cardboard taped over the mouse as the built-in mouse was very glitchy so there might be some tape marks on under the keyboard on the face over the built in mouse.

I have moved on, retrieved my contacts of Canada and most of the UK and have been hitting hard again but I would love to have my computer back.

At the beginning of this month I bought a cart, packed my tent and everything and went to check out a site that a woman was telling me about. I go there and I saw a bunch of tents that looked sacked so I immediately ruled that site out. I looked around for other sites before deciding to come back to where I got stranded and re set up my tent etc there where I seem to be concealed enough not to get bothered and it is on the outskirts of town so there aren't usually many people walking or riding by etc.

I put my shoulder out a couple of days ago trying to find bait and pulling a log to check underneath it of which in the forest I am in there are a few termite mounds of which dominate all logs in the area so not much bait to be found.

Still the rent listings in Collingwood are around 800.00 or more per month just to rent a room and what people get on subsidy these days only amounts to 730.00 per month. So basically if people on subsidy don't get a 500 dollar per month raise, I am likely to starve or freeze out in the cold during winter but am happy to make a stand for all of the people on subsidy across the country and if it costs me my life so be it, my pleasure. Unless Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau want to kill me, they had better make up for our economy being screwed over while out country was illegally loaded with illegal immigrants past the point where there are more people than there are places to live with a 2.5 million population increase since 2015 when the borders were illegally opened by tyrants and traitors. I see Doug ford is giving Mayors power to build residentials in their distracts but for those of us barely scraping by right now without a roof over our head something needs to be done ASAP. Hopefully soon the 500 dollar or more monthly increase per person on subsidy will be passed or I will not have time to even find a place to live without the money to afford even a little basic room.

There are allot of people living in tents because there is little or no housing let alone affordable housing. Then we have people who like to report people living in tents so you got to usually be on the move from site to site which is both fatiguing and can be exhausting and leaves little time to do much else other than to collect provisions along the way. We have primarily as I see the World Economic Forum Greed Bags to thank for this along with tyrants and traitors conspiring against Canadians with this sickly World Economic Forum and should be charged and convicted for it along with every other country The WEF is conspiring against the citizens to try and take over several countries simultaneously in modern day. Oh and Trudeau you can take the WEF's digital microchips and personally stuff them up Schwab's back side (along with the back side of everyone else in the WEF) and see how that works out for them because Canadians are not WEF slaves you sick and demented punk and I mean who better for the job since you are already use to the stench of the asses you kiss anyway tyrant Trudeau. Canada is way to good for the WEF and it's Greed Supremacists.

This is ridiculous but make the most of your days for now people while the weather still is nice. How many of us will die including possibly myself by years end due to tyrants conspiring with the WEF against Canadians I wonder?! This rhetoric must be stopped.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good be strong
Collingwood Ontario Canada