Stay the Course or Not! Bush Says He Never Was Stay The Course!


Senior Member
In an interview with George Stephanoplous, broadcast on This Week this Sunday Bush made the surprising statement that "We, have never been stay the course, George!," President Bush on This Week, October 21, 2006.

But that is simply not true. Here is what Bush himself said in Gaberone, Botswana on July 10, 2003. "A free Iraq will mean a peaceful world. And it's very important for us to stay the course, and we will stay the course."

As reported by The United States Department of Defense.

Full Armed Forces New Service Story
From what I saw a parody couldn't do justice to the real thing. Bush is so screwed up that no exaggeration or characture is necessary; he doesn't need a parody. He's too tragic to be comic...until you realize how much it must really take to be president.

I have always said any monkey could do the jobs I've had, but I didn't think it was also true of the presidency but Bush has proven me wrong. Evidently any monkey can do that job as well. Perhpas not well, but evidently a baboon can handle most duties.
Besides Bush saying he didin't say it there is Don Bartlett out there saying that Bush never said it. Then Tony Snow is saying that Bush used to say it, but he he hasn't said it recently. But a reporter claimed that he said it in August. But incredibly according to Snow it is not Bush's fault that people think he once said it.

NEW YORK--Much was made on Monday, in and out of the blogosphere, concerning top White House aide Donald Bartlett stating on TV this morning that President Bush really did not believe in "stay the course" in Iraq, but actually was quite flexible in his views. This surprised many observers, since the president had often used this phrase to describe our Iraq policy, in press or public meetings, as recently as Aug. 30.

Naturally, at press briefing today, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow was asked about this. One exchange follows.

Q Tony, it seems what you have is not "stay the course." Has anybody told the President he should stop calling it "stay the course" then?

MR. SNOW: I don't think he's used that term in a while.

Q Oh, yes, he has, repeatedly.

MR. SNOW: When?

Q Well, in August, because I wrote a story saying he didn't use it -- and I was quite sternly corrected.

MR. SNOW: No, he stopped using it.

Q Why would he stop using it?

MR. SNOW: Because it left the wrong impression about what was going on. And it allowed critics to say, well, here's an administration that's just embarked upon a policy and not looking at what the situation is, when, in fact, it's just the opposite. The President is determined not to leave Iraq short of victory, but he also understands that it's important to capture the dynamism of the efforts that have been ongoing to try to make Iraq more secure, and therefore, enhance the clarification -- or the greater precision.

Q Is the President responsible for the fact people think it's stay the course since he's, in fact, described it that way himself?


Complete Lying Snow Job

I think they are willing to say anything at this point to take people's mind's off the plain fact that the deaths today makes October 2006, the month with the most deaths in Iraq since the war started, and there is a full week left. The White House would rather people see Bush as a liar than a failure in Iraq!!!!!
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Well, as you pinheads have proven with me, you don't have the slightest clue of what "context" means. You somehow think that things simply mean whatever you deem them to mean in your heads, and then it's set in concrete forever, no one can convince you that you've misunderstood, or taken something out of context, these concepts seem completely greek to you. I've never seen a more myopic and stubborn attitude in discourse. It's like you people don't believe you are able to misinterpret or be wrong.

Some of you pinheads have literally argued with me about what I meant by what I said, as if I am incapable of knowing what I meant. If I am ever successful at convincing you that what I meant wasn't what you thought, it's only because you categorize it as a flip-flop, or changing of my view. You never admit that you misunderstood or misinterpreted something, it's always turned into something you were right about all along, and I have simply changed my mind after being called on it or something.

The thing about "stay the course" that you goofs have never understood, is that it never meant what you assumed it meant, and that is what Bush told Stephanie. "Stay the course" never meant that we are intent on continuing to do the same thing over and over, regardless of circumstance, like a bunch of idiots. If the ship captain says "stay the course, I am retiring for the evening." and you are left with those orders to keep the ship on course, later in the night, when you spot an iceberg, do you think the captain meant to stay the course through the iceberg, or perhaps, go around it, then continue staying the course to your destination? Pinheads would send Stephie to wake him up after the crash, and ask him why he ordered them to "stay the course" through the iceberg....and.... if he had read Woodward's book!

In my opinion, you people are too myopic and stupid to run the country!
stay the course never meant stay the course....


1984 is just came 22 years later than anticipated
Dixie, you really must be doing schtick here. Blind worship of God, I can understand, not embrace, but understand. But to a politician?
The thing of it is I'd applaud if Bush would "flip-flop" on this one. Working in a better plan in Iraq would not be a bad thing.

A temporary flood of troops to add real security, an insistence of Iraqis standing up for their own. And then a direct ratio-intensive withdrawal as each of them are brought online. A faster-draw plan with actual victory in it, with measurable results....

Man, I miss Powell.
A temporary flood of troops to add real security, an insistence of Iraqis standing up for their own. And then a direct ratio-intensive withdrawal as each of them are brought online. A faster-draw plan with actual victory in it, with measurable results....

I think you speak for many, including myself, and again, I think pinheads don't get it. The majority of people pissed off at Bush about Iraq, are pissed off that we aren't doing enough to prevail victoriously, not that we won't get out!
Wrong again Dixie, the latest polls show a striking majority want a time frame for withdrawal. Only a handful of Bush loyalists are still intent on "staying the course," and that is at least one reason why Bush is changing his rhetoric, not because people don't understand but because in all the argument/rhetoric about "tactics" and "strategy" and which "word" means what the real costs of this war for nothing are becoming more and more clear and it is becoming more clear that what Bush really means by stay the course is keep getting more and more Americans killed in a war fought for nothing by a President who had no idea waht he was getting The United States Armed Forces into. Now his politicos and handlers are struggling to have the lone Ranger re-appear, after a dramatic make-over as Mr. Listening to others, Mr. Interested in Other Presepectives, Mr. Seeking New Input, too bad this awakening didn't occur before he went off half cocked in the early months of 2003 and decided he needed to attack Iraq because "he tried to kill my Daddy." Bush is a Buffoon, his supporters can be nothing more.
Well, as you pinheads have proven with me, you don't have the slightest clue of what "context" means. You somehow think that things simply mean whatever you deem them to mean in your heads, and then it's set in concrete forever, no one can convince you that you've misunderstood, or taken something out of context, these concepts seem completely greek to you. I've never seen a more myopic and stubborn attitude in discourse. It's like you people don't believe you are able to misinterpret or be wrong.

Some of you pinheads have literally argued with me about what I meant by what I said, as if I am incapable of knowing what I meant. If I am ever successful at convincing you that what I meant wasn't what you thought, it's only because you categorize it as a flip-flop, or changing of my view. You never admit that you misunderstood or misinterpreted something, it's always turned into something you were right about all along, and I have simply changed my mind after being called on it or something.

The thing about "stay the course" that you goofs have never understood, is that it never meant what you assumed it meant, and that is what Bush told Stephanie. "Stay the course" never meant that we are intent on continuing to do the same thing over and over, regardless of circumstance, like a bunch of idiots. If the ship captain says "stay the course, I am retiring for the evening." and you are left with those orders to keep the ship on course, later in the night, when you spot an iceberg, do you think the captain meant to stay the course through the iceberg, or perhaps, go around it, then continue staying the course to your destination? Pinheads would send Stephie to wake him up after the crash, and ask him why he ordered them to "stay the course" through the iceberg....and.... if he had read Woodward's book!

In my opinion, you people are too myopic and stupid to run the country!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Look at Dixie squirming.....

Trying to spin the fact that Bush HAS continued without any change in tact despite the obvious failing of his ridiculously poor strategy, despite the fact that Bush has steered the ship into an iceberg and despite the calls from many to change.

Bush and Dixie are so slow that it takes heads of Armies and former secretary of states to get it through to them that their clusterfuck is just that.

It would be comedy if it all weren't so serious.....
Did anyone see Dixie, I mean O'Reilly interview Bush? It was all about Dixie, I mean O'Reilly. He was nearly as important as Bush.