Stevie Nicks is actually a goat who can shape shift.

You can tell it by her voice.

It's definitely a goat in disguise.

You can't hide this.

That would have been fucking hilarious if they had intermittently inserted the sound of a goat bleating at the same pitch as her voice in between her holding long vibrato notes.

"To the gypsy that remaaaaiiiins...." "BAAAAAAAAHHHHH"

"I have no feeeaaarrrr!!!!" "BAAAAAAAAHHHHH"

I was waiting for it, but it never came.

I always admired the shape she shifted to.......
Yep, she was hot...but VERY witchy. Literally. Wouldnt touch her with a ten foot pole. They all were mixed up in that crap. Mick Fleetwood was the old warlock from way back.

Had to help all her 5' up the stairs in a restaurant while she was slightly inebriated as couldn't walk & climb very well with a drink in hand while reeked of cigarettes after a concert....