Stick With The Charge Of Treason Against Democrats


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Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or rebellion

Treason is considered more serious than sedition. It is a concept that overlaps with sedition. It refers to acts of brazen against, established authority.
defiance against one’s own government in a bid to bring harm or to overthrow the government in place.


That the Democrat Party, a major political party in the United States, is capable and willing to silence millions of American voices, to take on an operation of cyber-warfare against the United States of this magnitude during a presidential election is beyond disturbing, comprehension and beyond sedition. It is treason.

Release The Kraken
By Ray DiLorenzo
November 28, 2020

Forget sedition for one reason. Never charge traitors of a lesser crime.

Charging John Kerry with a violation of the Logan Act has long been bandied about. Charging Kerry with the lesser crime of violating the Logan Act will only provide him with a television microphone so he can sound like a patriotic American exercising his free speech Rights. Kerry’s more recent activities are just as treasonous as his activities when he was secretary of state:

Apparatchik John Kerry, Climate Czar
Lisa Schiffren
25 Nov, 2020

Were Democrat Senators guilty of sedition when they gave John Kerry a platform to commit treason during the Vietnam War? ANSWER: NO —— because they were only talking and allowing Kerry to talk.

Were Democrat Senators guilty of treason along with private citizen John Kerry because he committed an act of treason when he met with North Vietnamese Communists in 1970?

ANSWER: YES —— because John Kerry did more than advocate the violent overthrow of the government —— his act of treason got thousands of Americans killed in a prolonged war. Defeating the U.S. military fighting a war surely qualified as treason.

The same reasoning that scraps the Logan Act also applies to sedition and Biden & Company:

Here is a more detailed definition of:


A revolt or an incitement to revolt against established authority, usually in the form of Treason or Defamation against government.

Sedition is the crime of revolting or inciting revolt against government. However, because of the broad protection of free speech under the First Amendment, prosecutions for sedition are rare. Nevertheless, sedition remains a crime in the United States under 18 U.S.C.A. § 2384 (2000), a federal statute that punishes seditious conspiracy, and 18 U.S.C.A. § 2385 (2000), which outlaws advocating the overthrow of the federal government by force. Generally, a person may be punished for sedition only when he or she makes statements that create a Clear and Present Danger to rights that the government may lawfully protect (schenck v. united states, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S. Ct. 247, 63 L. Ed. 470 [1919]).

The crime of seditious conspiracy is committed when two or more persons in any state or U.S. territory conspire to levy war against the U.S. government. A person commits the crime of advocating the violent overthrow of the federal government when she willfully advocates or teaches the overthrow of the government by force, publishes material that advocates the overthrow of the government by force, or organizes persons to overthrow the government by force. A person found guilty of seditious conspiracy or advocating the overthrow of the government may be fined and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison. States also maintain laws that punish similar advocacy and conspiracy against the state government.

Governments have made sedition illegal since time immemorial. The precise acts that constitute sedition have varied. In the United States, Congress in the late eighteenth century believed that government should be protected from "false, scandalous and malicious" criticisms. Toward this end, Congress passed the Sedition Act of 1798, which authorized the criminal prosecution of persons who wrote or spoke falsehoods about the government, Congress, the president, or the vice president. The act was to expire with the term of President John Adams.

The Sedition Act failed miserably. Thomas Jefferson opposed the act, and after he was narrowly elected president in 1800, public opposition to the act grew. The act expired in 1801, but not before it was used by President Adams to prosecute numerous public supporters of Jefferson, his challenger in the presidential election of 1800. One writer, Matthew Lyon, a congressman from Vermont, was found guilty of seditious libel for stating, in part, that he would not be the "humble advocate" of the Adams administration when he saw "every consideration of the public welfare swallowed up in a continual grasp for power, in an unbounded thirst for ridiculous pomp, foolish adulation, and selfish avarice" (Lyon's Case, 15 F. Cas. 1183 [D. Vermont 1798] [No. 8646]). Vermont voters reelected Lyon while he was in jail.

As usual, Thomas Jefferson got it right.

Jefferson, after winning the election and assuming office, pardoned all persons convicted under the act.

In the 1820s and 1830s, as the movement to abolish Slavery grew in size and force in the South, Southern states began to enact seditious libel laws. Most of these laws were used to prosecute persons critical of slavery, and they were abolished after the Civil War. The federal government was no less defensive; Congress enacted seditious conspiracy laws before the Civil War aimed at persons advocating secession from the United States. These laws were the precursors to the present-day federal seditious conspiracy statutes.

In the late nineteenth century, Congress and the states began to enact new limits on speech, most notably statutes prohibiting Obscenity. At the outset of World War I, Congress passed legislation designed to suppress antiwar speech. The Espionage Act of 1917 (ch. 30, tit. 1, § 3, 40 Stat. 219), as amended by ch. 75, § 1, 40 Stat 553, put a number of pacifists into prison. Socialist leader eugene v. debs was convicted for making an antiwar speech in Canton, Ohio (Debs v. United States, 249 U.S. 211, 39 S. Ct. 252, 63 L. Ed. 566 [1919]). Charles T. Schenck and Elizabeth Baer were convicted for circulating to military recruits a leaflet that advocated opposition to the draft and suggested that the draft violated the Thirteenth Amendment's ban on Involuntary Servitude (Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S. Ct. 247, 63 L. Ed. 470 [1919]).

The U.S. Supreme Court did little to protect the right to criticize the government until after 1927. That year, Justice louis d. brandeis wrote an influential concurring opinion in Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357, 47 S. Ct. 641, 71 L. Ed. 1095 (1927), that was to guide First Amendment Jurisprudence for years to come. In Whitney the High Court upheld the convictions of political activists for violation of federal anti-syndicalism laws, or laws that prohibit the teaching of crime. In his concurring opinion, Brandeis maintained that even if a person advocates violation of the law, "it is not a justification for denying free speech where the advocacy falls short of incitement and there is nothing to indicate that the advocacy would be immediately acted on." Beginning in the 1930s, the Court became more protective of political free speech rights.

The High Court has protected the speech of racial supremacists and separatists, labor organizers, advocates of racial Integration, and opponents of the draft for the Vietnam War. However, it has refused to declare unconstitutional all sedition statutes and prosecutions. In 1940, to silence radicals and quell Nazi or communist subversion during the burgeoning Second World War, Congress enacted the Smith Act (18 U.S.C.A. §§ 2385, 2387), which outlawed sedition and seditious conspiracy. The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the act in Dennis v. United States, 341 U.S. 494, 71 S. Ct. 857, 95 L. Ed. 1137 (1951).

Sedition prosecutions are extremely rare, but they do occur. Shortly after the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City, the federal government prosecuted Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, a blind Egyptian cleric living in New Jersey, and nine codefendants on charges of seditious conspiracy. Rahman and the other defendants were convicted of violating the seditious conspiracy statute by engaging in an extensive plot to wage a war of Terrorism against the United States. With the exception of Rahman, they all were arrested while mixing explosives in a garage in Queens, New York, on June 24, 1993.

The defendants committed no overt acts of war, but all were found to have taken substantial steps toward carrying out a plot to levy war against the United States. The government did not have sufficient evidence that Rahman participated in the actual plotting against the government or any other activities to prepare for terrorism. He was instead prosecuted for pro viding religious encouragement to his cocon spirators. Rahman argued that he only performed the function of a cleric and advised followers about the rules of Islam. He and the others were convicted, and on January 17, 1996, Rahman was sentenced to life imprisonment by Judge Michael Mukasey.

Following the September 11th Attacks of 2001, the federal government feared that terrorist networks were very real threats, and that if left unchecked, would lead to further insurrection. As a result, Congress enacted the Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001, Pub. L. No. 107-56, 115 Stat. 272. Among other things, the act increases the president's authority to seize the property of individuals and organizations that the president determines have planned, authorized, aided, or engaged in hostilities or attacks against the United States.

The events of September 11 also led to the conviction of at least one American. In 2001, U.S. officials captured John Philip Walker Lindh, a U.S. citizen who had trained with terrorist organizations in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Lindh, who became known as the "American Taliban," was indicted on ten counts, including conspiracy to murder U.S. nationals. In October 2002, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

The distinction between the crimes of sedition and treason is the difference between life and death. The former ‘might’ get you jail time. The latter used to get a traitor hanged —— today the method of execution lies in a state’s purview:

The Justice Department is changing its execution protocols, so that federal executions are no longer required to be done by lethal injection only.

The amended rule, as reported by the AP, allows the government to use lethal injection or “any other manner prescribed by the law of the state in which the sentence was imposed.” The rule was published in the Federal Register on Friday.

Those other manners include “electrocution, inhaling nitrogen gas or death by firing squad.” The amended rule goes into effect on Dec. 24 and comes as the DOJ has scheduled five executions during this lame-duck period.

New federal rule to allow other methods of execution besides lethal injection
By Just the News staff
Updated: November 27, 2020 - 6:53pm

I assume that the federal government has an exclusive patent on a list of death penalty crimes. Where the trial is held, and carrying out the verdict are questionable.

Trials for the crimes I highlighted in blue would not be held in the U.S. In addition, the death penalty is not possible if left to the United Nations World Court.

Only people that are convicted of committing capital crimes and offenses are eligible to receive the death penalty. Crimes that fall into this category include murder, espionage, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, and treason.​


So if I assumed correctly I have to ask —— Do traitors die natural deaths in those U.S. states that prohibit the death penalty?

Finally, see what triggered today’s doubts about who tries and executes in number 2 permalink:

It was the Nuremberg Trials that established the concept of international crime —— quickly followed by non-existent International law —— meaning U.N. law. It was the Nuremberg Trials that gave the infant U.N. the on-going agenda that all future war crimes trials would be judged by an International panel in The Hague.
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As Bill and Ted may have characterized Biden's unrealistic vote totals on election night, "strange things are afoot at the Circle K." But these are strange things Biden himself brought up while speaking to former Obama staffers on Pod Save America on October 24, 2020, saying, "[W]e're in a situation where we have put together — and you guys did it for our...president Obama's...administration, before this — we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." Perhaps it would have been wise for the former vice president to have remained mum and in his basement that day, especially in light of his follow-up comment, while speaking to Michigan voters on November 1, 2020: "I don't need you to get me elected; I need you once I'm elected." Taken together, Biden's comments paint the picture of a candidate with no need of voters to get elected, instead relying on election fraud to win — the same plan, it would seem, that worked for Barack Obama.

November 29, 2020
Did President Trump Spring a Trap on Treasonous Democrats on Election Night?
By Paul Dowling

Notice the difference between China Joe Biden:

"I don't need you to get me elected; I need you once I'm elected."

and T. R.
"I don't need you to get me elected; I need you once I'm elected."

China Joe also said:

“Duty, honor, country — those are the values that drive our service members,” he said in a statement Thursday night, adding that if he is elected president, “I will ensure that our American heroes know that I will have their back and honor their sacrifice — always.”

Report: Trump disparaged US war dead as ‘losers’
By JAMES LAPORTA Associated Press 19 hrs ago

NOTE: China Joe hit rock bottom when he dared to cite a phrase coined by General MacArthur in his farewell address to West Point —— Duty, honor, country. Those three words should never be associated with Joe Biden, John Kerry, or any U.N.-loving Democrat traitor for that matter.

Every soldier and government official who upholds their oath of office has the Right to say “Duty, honor, country.” There is not one Democrat defending Joe Biden who can say those three words without choking on them. Every one of them is without honor. In their sick philosophy their oath of office means betraying the country is a scared duty.

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney is one soldier who served the country with honor earned the Right to say “The oath must be fulfilled.”

By Leo Hohmann

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney [U.S. Air Force Retired] said in a no-holds-barred interview that he doesn't believe the courts are likely to come through for President Trump.

Despite massive amounts of evidence of widespread irregularities, many judges appear either unable or unwilling to sort through allegations of rigged voting machines and dozens of affidavits from eyewitnesses to ballot stuffing, denial of Republican poll watchers from observing the process, evidence of more votes cast in hundreds of precincts than were registered to vote, and a host of other irregularities.

The general placed the burden squarely on President Trump to use the emergency powers at his disposal and put down what he described as a coup d'état in progress.

"When you coordinate six to ten states, using cyber warfare, to change the outcome of the election in favor of whoever you want, these are treasonous acts," McInerney said in a Nov. 29 interview with Brannon Howse of Worldview Weekend TV.

Not just fraudulent acts

"These are not just fraudulent acts, they are treasonous acts, because it means changing the government," the general said. "And then when you add Russia, China and Iran, foreigners into it, you complicate it and make it even more treasonous. So, cyber warfare, and the Dominion Voting Systems, which we're talking about in Georgia, Michigan and several other states, Pennsylvania as well, using Hammer and Scorecard [ballot manipulation software attacks]. Plus, has anyone seen the Justice Department or FBI in any of this? That is very worrisome."

McInerney is not just any retired general making these claims.

He is highly decorated, having flown 400 combat missions over Vietnam. He was in charge of NORAD for Alaska and had a top security clearance with responsibility for the U.S. nuclear arsenal. He spent 16 years as a military analyst with Fox News.

"He is not only a patriot he is a historian and he understands the massive threat now faced by America," Howse said.

McInerney said the fraud seen on Election Day could easily be repeated in Georgia to steal the two U.S. Senate seats up for election there on Jan. 5, giving Democrats full control of the government.

McInerney said that after listening to President Trump talk with Fox News' Maria Bartiromo on Sunday morning, he was concerned that the president "sounded kind of down."

"What startled me was, he kept talking about fraudulent votes, and then I heard Rudy Giuliani talking about fraudulent votes. It's not fraudulent votes. The American people must understand, we are talking about treason."

The oath must be fulfilled

McInerney said President Trump must be compelled by his supporters to "honor his oath of office" and employ the tools available to him to quash the insurrection that he believes is in progress.

He said U.S. Marshals should have immediately seized the voting machines in Georgia and every battleground state as soon as it became apparent that ballot numbers were skewed in favor of Joe Biden.

According to attorney Sidney Powell, speaking in an interview with Lou Dobbs, the Dominion Systems machines were set to give Biden a weighted count of 1.25 votes for every one vote he received, while Trump's votes were set at 0.75 percent of each vote he received. This means that 2.7 percent of the votes were switched from Trump to Biden in multiple battleground states.

Massive fraud was also reported with the mail-in ballots in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada and now Arizona.

At a public hearing Monday held by state legislators in Arizona, witnesses reported their state had 1.9 million mail-in ballots that were separated from envelopes without any signatures that could be verified. Similar reports dripped out of Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

"We had the director of the CISA, the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency, Chris Krebs, who was fired two weeks ago by President Trump say this was a perfect election. Please," said McInerney. "This was the worst election in the history of any democracy, and he comes out and says everything was perfect. So you can see the work of the deep state, which is complicit in this treason."

The retired three-star general was very specific in what he said Trump must do to put down the coup. He must invoke the executive order that Trump signed on Sept. 12, 2018, allowing the president to declare a state of emergency related to foreign intervention in U.S. elections.

"He has got to declare a national emergency …He should also use the Insurrection Act because we have an insurrection right now in this country when you look at Antifa and BLM, plus other groups. He must suspend habeas corpus as President Lincoln did in 1861 and Franklin Roosevelt did in 1942 when World War II started."

McInerney said a silent coup is being perpetrated in plain view. It could turn violent but so far it remains bloodless.

The Chinese military doctrine of warfare includes six stages, the first five of which are focused on informational warfare tactics. If those asymetrical tactics should fail, the sixth and final stage involves traditional kinetic warfare.

Americans not falling for the propaganda

It's becoming more evident with each passing day that the psychological warfare tactics are failing, as more Americans are waking up to the fact that the 2020 election was neither free nor fair.

According to a Rasmussen poll conducted Nov. 17-18, 75 percent of Republicans believe the election is being stolen. But a surprising number of Democrats, 47 percent, believe it is either likely or very likely that their own party won by cheating.

"The Democratic perpetrators of this, plus the Russians, Chinese and Iran, have not disguised this cyber warfare on America," McInerney said. "As a matter of fact, they have been blatant about it and open about it, cocky about it, in all the things they've done and all the people they've employed."

He said he has personally seen pictures of people unloading truckloads of mail-in ballots that hadn't even been folded and put in an envelope.

"It's a printing press operation. And yet we have judges that are challenging that, saying that's not enough. And so that's why it's so important that this national emergency be declared and the president start arresting these people right away; this is a national emergency. I would declare martial law."

McInerney said the decisions made to allow massive numbers of mail-in ballots were made by secretaries of state and courts, not by state legislatures as required by the U.S. Constitution.

"And then on election night they decided to cease ballot counting in five states," he said.

In Atlanta, a supposed water-main break was cited as the reason to stop the counting at 10:30 p.m., only to continue once all observers were gone. The broken water pipe has since been found to have never occurred.

"This has never happened before, it's unprecedented, and shows there was pre-planning across several states to do these treasonous acts. That's why it's not fraudulent voting, it's treason. They are trying to overturn this government," McInerney said.

He said the new acting secretary of defense, Chris Miller, should make use of the National Guard as well as active-duty military personnel to crush the insurrection.

"Until this gets cleaned up, until we have all the facts, the president should suspend the Electoral College meeting on the 14th of December and the inauguration on the 20th of January."

The general said that because the courts have shown themselves "unable to figure out what is going on" the use of military tribunals will be necessary to deal with the coup plotters and participants.

"That's why martial law is so important," he said. "We need to set up military tribunals because the judiciary has shown us they're not capable of figuring this out.

"In Pennsylvania the local judges couldn't figure it out because the state sent out 1.8 million ballots and they got 2.5 million mailed back in. My goodness, someone had to have a printing press that was printing all these votes, yet the judiciary couldn't figure it out and stop them. That's why we need military tribunals and have these people arrested and charged, and the evidence should be presented there."

A historical perspective

If America doesn't "wake up" and realize what's happening it will soon be too late, he said.

This is corroborated by people who in earlier decades lived through the socialist revolutions that took over Cuba, Venezuela, China, Germany, Russia, Vietnam and Cambodia.

When asked "how did this happen" and "did you see it coming," almost to a person, they will tell you that, yes, they saw it and they knew their country was heading in a bad direction. But, at the end, confusion reigned as events transpired so fast that the people felt paralyzed and unable to stop the fall of their government.

Some Trump voters are already hanging their heads and posting memes on social media that say, essentially, "Trump 2024: We'll get them next time."

But what if Gen. McInerney is right? What if there is no next time?

"The president has got to start having rallies, talking to the people primarily in these six states. He must use the executive orders and suspend all action of the Electoral College," McInerney said, with a sense of urgency in his voice. "And the 85 million people must demand that you, Mr. President, clean this up, make it happen."

If the courts fail to act, and Trump fails to act, he said the election in Georgia will simply be a repeat of the fraud, allowing the Democrats to take the two senate seats and total control of the government.

"They're going to win that election in Georgia, using Hammer and Scorecard and the Dominion voting machines," he said. "I heard a prominent Republican say ‘we really need a large turnout.' It doesn't matter what your turnout is when they're using cyber warfare. They always beat it by three percent. That's why it's important we suspend even those votes down in Georgia until we clean this up."

McInerney said the Founding Fathers had no way of anticipating the concept of cyber warfare.

"But they did have the oath that the president and all the people like myself took to support the Constitution of United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic. These are domestic enemies and they must be treated as such. This is hybrid warfare in the 21 century, this is how it's done. That's how you destabilize. You don't have to have combat troops. You do it through a country's own democratic processes. Like Stalin said, it doesn't matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes."

He said the perpetrators knew their massive assault on the voting process would confuse the American people, including judges in the judicial system.

With Fox News, for years the only large mainstream news outlet that served a conservative audience, now flipped to the other side, the only way Americans can hear the truth is through small independent news providers.

The FBI and DOJ have been missing in action, as the president himself noted on Sunday.

Trump sits in a lonely place, all by himself in the valley of decision.

"I sensed he was down and I want him to know that the American people are demanding his leadership; he's the only person in America today who can turn this around, and win it. It's bigger than Lincoln had, and if he turns this around it will rank him right up next to George Washington if he saves this union by taking the emergency action that he needs to take."

Not only are federal law-enforcement agencies standing down, but so are many Republican politicians.

"GOP leaders, where are they? Mitch [McConnell], we haven't heard from you. Let's hear from you senators, let's hear from you House members. Let's stand up and be counted," McInerney pleaded. "Wake up America. Let's demand our representatives, let's send messages to each one of them and tell them, wake up. We want a full investigation on this. This is so obvious."

McInerney is recommending that people email or tweet to the president a message asking him to invoke the Insurrection Act and the September 2018 executive order, declare a national emergency and suspend the meeting of the Electoral College on Dec. 14 until a full investigation by military tribunals can be conducted into the many election irregularities that, if found to be true, would constitute a blatant act of treason against the republic.

"It's important for every America citizen to understand that you are now facing, for the first time, hybrid modern warfare, where the enemy is unseen, it's stealthy. Be aware America, be afraid, be concerned, rise up. We cannot let this election, these treasonous acts, this coup d'état, to stand."

'Treasonous' enemies within: 3-star general pushes Trump to use emergency powers
Calls on president to 'honor your oath of office' to defeat Deep-State coup
By WND News Services
Published December 1, 2020 at 4:25pm

Finally, press barons dared not glorify the enemy during WWII because they knew the public would put them out of business. After WWII ended the press wasted no time slanting Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to make liberals look like compassionate pacifists.

Those same press barons remained silent during the Korean War for the wrong reason instead of telling the public that the Korea ‘police action’ was fought for the United Nations —— not stopping Communism for the country.

By the time the Vietnam War came along television was the press making billions in tax deductible advertising dollars . That war was the first time the press openly supported the enemy.

NOTE: Television icon Walter Cronkite (1916 – 2009) is still the man every government journalist emulates because he was not fired for telling the American people the war was lost even though the U.S. the military was months away from winning. Contrary to Cronkite’s opinion, North Korea’s Communists realized they were a step away from losing militarily and politically. So:

Do not hold your breath until Retired Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney gets as much coverage as General Flynn got in the almost four years he was crucified by government media:

NOTE: Television icon Walter Cronkite (1916 – 2009) is still the man every government journalist emulates because he was not fired for telling the American people the war was lost even though the U.S. the military was months away from winning. Contrary to Cronkite’s opinion, North VIETNAM's Communists realized they were a step away from losing militarily and politically.

The quickest way to learn what today’s Democrats are doing to the country is to understand their icons.
Walter Cronkite is their most revered icon among an army of terra cotta television mouths:

Some conservatives may believe that the Fourth Estate lost its luster in the ‘90s and signed its integrity over to the Democrat Party, but the death throes came much earlier during the Vietnam War.

We lost over 58k casualties in that war and it is the only military conflict that we walked away from. Yet the truth is that we never lost a major battle in Vietnam, even Barack Obama admitted that fact. We lost the war over here, thanks to the fake news spread here by the most trusted man in America, Walter Cronkite.

Cronkite got that reputation because we all saw how moved he was when he had to report the assassination of JFK. He choked up as he gave us all the drastic news and most us who were grieving for our young president felt that he could be trusted. Don't know much about his personal beliefs but he blatantly lied about the war and the Tet offensive. Until Cronkite's public verdict that the 1968 Tet offensive was a "defeat" for the U.S. the majority of Americans supported our nation's involvement.

Cronkite falsely claimed that the Vietcong had held the American embassy for six hours and that the offensive "went on for two months." The facts show that Tet was actually a major defeat for the communist enemy, In fact, according to an interview in the Wall Street Journal with Bui Tin, a Viet Cong colonel explained how the war was won:

Q: Was the American antiwar movement important to Hanoi's victory?

A: It was essential to our strategy. Support for the war from our rear was completely secure while the American rear was vulnerable. Every day our leadership would listen to world news over the radio at 9 a.m. to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement. Visits to Hanoi by people like Jane Fonda and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and ministers gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses. We were elated when Jane Fonda, wearing a red Vietnamese dress, said at a press conference that she was ashamed of American actions in the war and that she would struggle along with us.

Is it a stretch to suggest that the media played a big party in our defeat? I don't believe so and one must question why formerly respected figures in journalism would do such a thing. A look into the politics of Walter Cronkite provides a significant clue to why so much of the Fourth Estate has drifted so far left, After he retired, Cronkite revealed his true agenda. In speech after speech, he left no doubt he was a One Worlder, a globalist. That explains a lot because to me, a globalist means one thing-it's anti American. Globalists do not think this country is all that special and certainly we're not that great. The Obamas were globalists and who can forgot what Michelle Obama said after Barack was nominated: "For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country." I guess for the previous 44 years, she loathed being an American. Her husband, President Obama went around the world, bowing and scrapping before global leaders and making sure he didn't think America was special.

But Vietnam was not the key turning point that made journalists lose their self respect and enter into their vainglory period. It was Watergate.

When Journalism started to die
Alicia Colon
By Alicia Colon
Published Dec. 14, 2020
The Vietnam War gave us the two best known traitors —— John Kerry and Jane Fonda. Neither one was ever charged with anything:

A tip of the Hatlo Hat to Alicia Colon for this article about treason:

Now that we know that the Supreme Court includes seven weak lily-livered cowards, we can’t expect it to recognize the full impact of the Deep State machinations. To many Americans, what is happening today smacks of high treason with a coup in place to remove a sitting president. They regard the definition of treason as giving aid and comfort to the enemy, but it is way more complicated than that. At the time of the founding of our nation and the drafting of the Constitution, we were at war with England and there was no doubt exactly who our enemy was. But the United States has only declared war five times, the last being in WWII.

In my last column, I quoted an interview in the Wall Street Journal with a Viet Cong colonel who admitted that people like Jane Fonda gave the Cong the confidence to keep fighting: “We were elated when Jane Fonda, wearing a red Vietnamese dress, said at a press conference that she was ashamed of American actions in the war and that she would struggle along with us.”

So why wasn’t Fonda tried for treason for giving aid and comfort to our enemy? Since we have never declared war on Vietnam, Iraq, Iran or China, it would be much more difficult to charge her than it was for convicting Iva Toguri D'Aquino aka Toyko Rose who was pardoned by President Ford. In addition, the Constitution requires at least two witnesses or a confession to proceed.

Right now, however, it is quite clear that we are battling a most cunning and malicious enemy -- the Deep State. Our freedoms given to us in the Constitution have been targeted by an enemy within. Marcus Tullius Cicero said it best:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”

The Deep State has many accomplices against the United States in the mainstream media, and the social media organizations that censor truth and spew out lies to a public too gullible to recognize it’s been had.

Donald Trump was never fooled and in the 2016 campaign, he vowed to clean out the swamp. What no one expected was the level of extreme and unwarranted hatred that has followed him ever since he came down that escalator to announce his entry to the presidency race. The Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) has infected Hollywood celebrities so badly that former favorites have been reduced to blithering, noxious, foul-mouthed spewers who seem unconcerned that they have lost a very wide audience.

Most of Trump supporters, myself included, did not have him as our first choice when the primaries began. We all had our favorites. Mine was former Texas governor, Rick Perry. Most of us, however, were definitely against Hillary Clinton and the idea of Bill Clinton ever being in the Oval office again. Clinton was the first president I’ve ever regarded as treasonous. It was very clever of the Democrats to frame his impeachment as due to an improper sexual incident rather than one of high treason.

According to David Horowitz of Front Page Magazine, as president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China. His administration took in millions from the military and intelligence services of at least one hostile foreign power. All of this was done in exchange for illegal campaign contributions from a massive totalitarian country determined to eclipse the U.S. as a world superpower. Don’t take my word for it. Google the word China Gate 1996 or read about Johnny Chung and his many visits to the White House. “One of the key technological breaks China received, without having to spy to get it, was the deliverance of supercomputers once banned from export for security reasons,” writes Horowitz.

What about our global warming expert V.P. Al Gore who oversaw the Clinton amnesty program, Citizen USA which naturalized 986,000 immigrants bypassing regular security checks? Consequently about 50,000 were later found to have criminal records but they were naturalized just in time to vote for the Clinton/Gore 1996 reelection. Didn’t matter since the DOJ was headed by Democrat Janet Reno.

So what? Now Clinton is an elder statesman befriended by the Bush family and his wife Hillary Rodham, we find, is just as crooked and venal as he is. Ho Hum.

The Trump supporters or the Deplorables as we are called, love our president for what he has achieved in the last four years and we don’t give a whit for what he was before. What we do know is that everything he has done has been for all Americans and to save our great nation from the enemy within. What we all believe is that Trump won reelection in a landslide. This is the only fact that makes sense. Compare the millions that attended all his rallies to the empty parking lot Biden events that were held when he infrequently left his basement. What happened on November 3rd, Election Day was that the counting stopped and the Deep State minions had to switch to Plan B. Why? The original theft was supposed to be confined to the Dominion computer program switching Trump votes to Biden but the algorithm was set to handle fewer votes than the Trump landslide. Plan B depended on the phony mail in ballots that would be counted as valid because Democrat election officials had unconstitutionally changed the rules to allow massive voter fraud. We know this because there are videos, hundreds of signed affidavits by witnesses, many patriotic whistleblowers and yet the Never Trumpers, Rinos, the SCOTUS and the lamestream media are “the none so blind, they will not see.”

December 20, 2020
In Our Hearts We Know Trump Won
By Alicia Colon