stirfry nails a straight flush


zy folds
ihaveapair calls
crazyhorse234 calls
zaxaxax calls
stirfry raises $8,350
Ghettoman folds
Zeke02 takes a seat
blue scales calls
ihaveapair calls
crazyhorse234 folds
zaxaxax folds
Dealing flop: [4c, 7s, 8c]
blue scales bets $1,600
ihaveapair raises $4,000
blue scales calls
Dealing turn: [9s]
blue scales checks
ihaveapair bets $3,000
blue scales calls
Dealing river: [8s]
blue scales checks
ihaveapair checks
ihaveapair shows [Kc, Qc] for a pair of eights
stirfry shows [Ts, Js] for a straight flush Jack high
blue scales shows [Ac, As] for two pair, Aces and eights
stirfry wins main pot $26,650
blue scales wins side pot $14,000
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8h, 3d]
Zeke02 calls
blue scales raises $400
Sweetheart fox calls
chratzy calls
ihaveapair folds
crazyhorse234 calls
zaxaxax folds
stirfry folds
Ghettoman calls
Zeke02 calls
Dealing flop: [5d, Qs, 8c]
Ghettoman checks
ihaveapair stands up
Zeke02 checks
blue scales checks
Sweetheart fox checks
chratzy checks
crazyhorse234 checks
Dealing turn: [Jh]
Ghettoman checks
Bluescales should have reraised and bet you off the hand, especially with 2 callers and a raiser before him. He should have pushed. Slow playing rockets with a miltiplayer pot is risky and stupid.
Uhhh the chips didn't magically build up for me. I certainly fold when the hand aint good. Belittle it all you want, I doubt you guys could reach 25K at Gpokr

I was saying that Blue made a mistake by slow playing aces after 2 calls and a big raise. If he had pushed all in, would you have called?
Oh, Ok, he still should have pushed to edge out the others.

But this being said, if it was real money, would you have pushed with a j10 suited?

Yeah, given the chance, i'd play that hand for real cash. I understand you point about it not being for real, but it's pretty close to the same strategery.

If I had a smll stack like i had, remember i was playing with 8500 chips against dudes with 700K, I'd have gone all in since any bluffing would have been a joke. that's why they all called my bet. I tried to make it look like a bluff. I said right before I bet, ''Well, here we go!

It wa awesome
Yeah, given the chance, i'd play that hand for real cash. I understand you point about it not being for real, but it's pretty close to the same strategery.

If I had a smll stack like i had, remember i was playing with 8500 chips against dudes with 700K, I'd have gone all in since any bluffing would have been a joke. that's why they all called my bet. I tried to make it look like a bluff. I said right before I bet, ''Well, here we go!

It wa awesome

Oh. Yeah, if they have you outchipped by 75 to 1 then its different. You have to play everything because doubling up enough times to be meaningful diminishes with each round.

If you're outchipped by that amount, an all in is as safe as a fold.

How's Portland?
Loving these dirty hippies! LOL

You seem more pissed off out there than before. You should move out here. Its hard to get mad. If you do, alls you've got to do is remember, you're in Hawaii. I'm serious. This place is good for the soul.
LOL check out this hand from 1500 chip refill which is what you start with.

I'm playing chimpy

Chimpy stands up
Chimpy takes a seat
poppy_pete folds
medozmaj22 takes a seat
FidoPlaya folds

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6s, Ks]
Chimpy raises $100
thegod3126 takes a seat
Sir Bluffs A Lot folds
romeo915 calls
mattkanata calls
medozmaj22 calls
poppy_pete folds
FidoPlaya calls
ozjack folds
Dealing flop: [5d, Ts, 8s]
FidoPlaya bets $50
Chimpy raises $300
romeo915 calls
mattkanata folds
medozmaj22 calls
FidoPlaya calls
Dealing turn: [5s]
FidoPlaya checks
Chimpy checks
romeo915 bets $1,000
ozjack sits in
medozmaj22 raises $1,100
FidoPlaya folds
Chimpy calls
romeo915 calls
Dealing river: [5c]
Chimpy shows [6s, Ks] for a flush King high
romeo915 shows [Js, 3s] for a flush Jack high
medozmaj22 shows [6c, 2s] for three fives
Chimpy wins main pot $5,050
medozmaj22 stands up
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9c, 2d]
Chimpy folds
Sir Bluffs A Lot folds
romeo915 calls
mattkanata calls
Uhhh the chips didn't magically build up for me. I certainly fold when the hand aint good. Belittle it all you want, I doubt you guys could reach 25K at Gpokr
No, I was making a point that play is different, not that it is worthless or something. A bluff is more difficult when people are playing differently. You went all in pre-flop. There are few who would do that with cash. This makes it difficult to push somebody off the hand.