APP - **Stock market observation**


Well we are entering some interesting territory in the stock market right now

We are officially testing the 2800 mark. For those who don't pay much attention to technical analysis this is a quadruple top. The market has tested this range three other times since October and has fallen every time.

So what happens here? Well, if I could predict I would be placing all my bets now wouldn't I?

I think the most likely path is sideways trading until something comes along to shake the market, mostly trade news with China. If we rise from here, there isn't much to stop us from retracing last years highs. If we drop then 2600 becomes new support.

I will make one prediction with 100% accuracy that you can take to the bank

If the stock market declines at all, you can rest assured that JPP leftists will flock to the board screaming the sky is falling and blaming President Trump
I was pretty dead on with my analysis

2800 is definitely resistance. Is this consolidation before another leg higher? Guess we will find out