APP - Stop and frisk:What are the benefits vs drawbacks?

Sun Devil

Death and Taxes
Even if you believe Stop and Frisk to be unconstitutional, for arguments sake, what hypothetical benefit do you see? Or if you believe Stop and Frisk is beneficial, provide and argument substantiated by some real examples of those benefits
Even if you believe Stop and Frisk to be unconstitutional, for arguments sake, what hypothetical benefit do you see? Or if you believe Stop and Frisk is beneficial, provide and argument substantiated by some real examples of those benefits

Instead of asking what others think, why don't you post yours?
And please stop from profiling and being a racist.
stop and frisk IS unconstitutional, so there is zero benefit other than forcing the citizenry to become accustomed to being assaulted by law enforcement on a whim.
Even if you believe Stop and Frisk to be unconstitutional, for arguments sake, what hypothetical benefit do you see? Or if you believe Stop and Frisk is beneficial, provide and argument substantiated by some real examples of those benefits

The benefits are quite simply that it keeps the gangs on their toes: literally. On the other hand it opens an ugly door for red states.
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Even if you believe Stop and Frisk to be unconstitutional, for arguments sake, what hypothetical benefit do you see? Or if you believe Stop and Frisk is beneficial, provide and argument substantiated by some real examples of those benefits

stop and frisk is unconstitutional so any argument for it is moot - having said that, it got a lot of illegal firearms off the streets illegally

if you could walk into anyone's home and search it, you could find a lot of illegal items, but said searches would be illegal and must remain that way
Other than you, Jan Brewer and Sherrif Arapio?

I take your ability to comprehend is becoming more and more challenged; because the discussion was about States and not your perceived individuals.

Now that you've once again been publically humiliated; did you have anything to contribute, or did you just enjoy seeing your name on the screen?
I take your ability to comprehend is becoming more and more challenged; because the discussion was about States and not your perceived individuals.

Now that you've once again been publically humiliated; did you have anything to contribute, or did you just enjoy seeing your name on the screen?

Dipshit; SMY:stupid shit
Jet 57:Take Arizona for example.
Your dumbass self:Care to cite examples?
Dune: you, Jan Brewer and Sherrif Arapio?

If you Jan Brewer and Sherrif Arapio are not examples of stupid shit, then nothing is.
Dipshit; SMY:stupid shit
Jet 57:Take Arizona for example.
Your dumbass self:Care to cite examples?
Dune: you, Jan Brewer and Sherrif Arapio?

If you Jan Brewer and Sherrif Arapio are not examples of stupid shit, then nothing is.

Gee; you started off so good and then unfortunately, you once again allowed your cognitive abilities to take an unwarranted and undeserved vacation.
The discussion was about States and not individuals, so could you please try again and this time think real hard and I'm sure you'll get it.
You can even take your time, because I have things to do this morning; so I won't be back till later, to hopefully see an intelligent response from you.
Good luck. :good4u:
Dipshit; SMY:stupid shit
Jet 57:Take Arizona for example.
Your dumbass self:Care to cite examples?
Dune: you, Jan Brewer and Sherrif Arapio?

If you Jan Brewer and Sherrif Arapio are not examples of stupid shit, then nothing is.

Gee; you started off so good and then unfortunately, you once again allowed your cognitive abilities to take an unwarranted and undeserved vacation.
The discussion was about States and not individuals, so could you please try again and this time think real hard and I'm sure you'll get it.
You can even take your time, because I have things to do this morning; so I won't be back till later, to hopefully see an intelligent response from you.
Good luck. :good4u:

Dipshit; SMY:stupid shit
Jet 57:Take Arizona for example.
Your dumbass self:Care to cite examples?
Dune: you, Jan Brewer and Sherrif Arapio?

If you Jan Brewer and Sherrif Arapio are not examples of stupid shit, then nothing is.

Gee; you started off so good and then unfortunately, you once again allowed your cognitive abilities to take an unwarranted and undeserved vacation.
The discussion was about States and not individuals, so could you please try again and this time think real hard and I'm sure you'll get it.
You can even take your time, because I have things to do this morning; so I won't be back till later, to hopefully see an intelligent response from you.
Good luck. :good4u:

Im not going to argue the constitutionality of stop and frisk, im not sure I even like it. People cant have their cake and eat it too. You cant expect security, if you dont want to allow the tools to be used.
Prevention is what saves lives, not arrests after the fact. People have to decide whether they want the tools used to enhance prevention or not. Thats what stop and frisk is about, prevention and I realize the problems that go along with it.