Stop the Holocaust and save your health

Prior to the Second World War, the corpses of murdered animals were expensive and most people only ate the corpses of murdered animals on "special" occasions or on weekends (if they could afford it).

Now, some people eat the corpses of murdered animals several times a week. Sometimes, several times a day.

Mr Richard McDonald and Ray Kroc have probably killed more people than were killed during the Second World War by introducing their fast food restaurants exploiting the corpses of murdered animals.

Should we really eat the corpses of murdered animals?

To answer this question, let's consider the following facts:

* What we call "meat" is the corpse of a murdered animal who was bred in cruel captivity, was tortured and died in pain and fear to satiate your bloodlust.

* Our teeth tell us that we should not eat the corpses of murdered animals. Our molars and premolars are for grinding and crushing. Animal carnivores have teeth that are sharp and pointed, made to tear the flesh of other animals.

* Our saliva contains ptyalin and is alkaline for the digestion of starches. Carnivore's saliva is acid for the digestion of animal food.

* Our digestive system is 30 feet in length to allow the slow absorption of all the nutrients we eat. A carnivore's digestive system is short (only about 3 times the length of their trunk), the corpses of other animals do not get a chance to stagnate and stick to the walls.

* A carnivore's stomach generates ten times as much hydrochloric acid as ours does for the digestion of the corpses of animals.

* The digestion of meat generates uric acid. Our liver cannot easily eliminate uric acid. A carnivore's liver can eliminate ten to fifteen times more uric acid than ours can.

But, you may ask, where will I get my protein?

This is a standard question asked when people realize that meat is murder.

First, you do not just absorb protein from the corpses of murdered animals. In order for your body to create protein from the corpses of murdered animals, it must first break the animal protein down into amino acids and then manufacture human protein with these. This procedure is very wearing on your body and extremely inefficient.

Where do you think horses, elephants, cows, and sheep get their protein from? Yes, from the grass, vegetation and the plants they eat.

Second, let's clear the misconception about the importance of protein in our diet. The information originates from tests that were conducted on rats. Rats need up to eleven times as much protein as we need in our diet as is illustrated by analyzing rat mother's milk.

So, relax, you are not going to die from lack of protein if you stop eating the corpses of murdered animals.

The human body manufactures protein from just about any food and that we could not be lacking protein unless we stop eating or are malnourished.

This is confirmed by research done in 1957 (Rose, W. "The amino acid requirements of adult man" - Nutritional abstracts and reviews) confirming that nearly all complex carbohydrates such as those in whole grains, beans or potatoes, have amino acid profile adequate for human protein needs.

It is important to learn that cancers feed on protein and that doctors often restrict the amount of protein in a cancer patient's diet.

Some will argue that fat is necessary because it is a source of linoleic acid. As this acid is also contained in brown rice, the body will get an ample supply by following a diet devoid of the corpses of murdered animals and this will not be a problem.

Where else can you get protein from?

If you are still worried about protein, the following foods have a high content of easily absorbed amino acid suitable for the production of human protein: peas, lentils, chick peas, kidney beans, fish, tofu, green grapes, iceberg lettuce, collards and kale.

What is the effect of consuming the corpses of murdered animals on the human body?

These days the corpses of murdered animals are usually frozen, overcooked and stripped of nutrients.

Eating the corpses of murdered animals will cause accumulation of matter in your system: clogged vessels and organs, putrefaction and infection. As soon as an animal is murdered, its corpse starts to putrefy. This process is slowed by the widespread use of freezing so humans often eat corpses killed several days, weeks, months or years ago, and the body parts are ofetn subjected to multiple thaws and refreezing as well as unhygenic storage.

Rapid putrefaction resumes when the corpse of the mudered animal is thawed i.e. just before you start eating it. To properly digest an animal's rotting corpse takes 3 to 5 days and as much as two weeks in elderly humans. This is compared with a proper digestion time of one to one and half day for vegan eaters.s

Should you eat the corpses of murdered animals on a regular basis, your intestines are never clear and the corpse putrefies in your digestive track.

Putrefaction produces toxins and amines that accumulate in your liver, kidneys and large intestines, destroys bacterial cultures (especially those that synthesise vitamin B complex) and causes degeneration of the villi of the small intestine.

Saturated fatty acid accumulates in and around vital organs and blood vessels, often leading to cysts, tumours, and hardening of the arteries.

Saturated fat also raises the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Over a period of several years, the slime from putrefied animal corpses is going to adhere to the lining of your intestines and cause various problems such as IBS, stomach cramps, prolapsed colons, haemorrhoids, constipation, diverticulosis, appendicitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis and colon cancer etc...

It makes the muscles slack and the joints stiff. Daily consumption of animals and dairy food, is at the core of excessive protein intake, which has been associated with de-hydration and heat-stroke in athletes, fatal exacerbation of kidney and liver malfunctions, increased acidity of body fluids, infant deaths, premature ageing, heart disease, and cancer.

A high protein intake creates toxic by-products in the form of unused nitrogen; excreting these can seriously overtax the kidneys, unless large amounts of water are taken to flush them out.

The saturated fat content of animals' corpses will then start circulating in your blood stream and start coating your arteries and eventually various organs, leading to the development of serious disease such as cancer or heart problems.

In the United states these days, 2 out of every 3 persons suffers some form of serious problems related to their very high intake of fat.

The average American intestine carries within it over 5 pounds of putrid, half digested animal matter, plus another 5-10 pounds of foul toxic mucous waste impacted over years in the folds of the colon and small intestines.

When the actor John Wayne died, an autopsy revealed that his intestines had grown to 12" in diameter, with only a small opening in the middle to allow the digestive process to painfully carry on.

What else is in the corpses of murdered animals that you eat?

This is one of the problems. The corpses of murdered animals contain a lot of chemicals that you end up absorbing:

Factory farmns and feedlots put antibiotics and steroids in the feed to prevent infections and increase the weight of their victims quickly.

This has the effect of causing the development of new disease-breeding bacteria, resistant to many forms of antibiotics.

Sex hormones such as androgens, progestogens and estrogens are force-fed to animal victims to promote faster growth.

The long term effects associated with the consumption of these hormones are:

Obesity, infertility, diabetes, dwarfism, gigantism, kidney disease, hypertension, precocious puberty, hypoglycaemia, masculinization of females, feminization of males and cancer.

Stop the animal Holocaust and save your own health!
Prior to the Second World War, the corpses of murdered animals were expensive and most people only ate the corpses of murdered animals on "special" occasions or on weekends (if they could afford it).

Now, some people eat the corpses of murdered animals several times a week. Sometimes, several times a day.

Mr Richard McDonald and Ray Kroc have probably killed more people than were killed during the Second World War by introducing their fast food restaurants exploiting the corpses of murdered animals.

Should we really eat the corpses of murdered animals?

To answer this question, let's consider the following facts:

* What we call "meat" is the corpse of a murdered animal who was bred in cruel captivity, was tortured and died in pain and fear to satiate your bloodlust.

* Our teeth tell us that we should not eat the corpses of murdered animals. Our molars and premolars are for grinding and crushing. Animal carnivores have teeth that are sharp and pointed, made to tear the flesh of other animals.

* Our saliva contains ptyalin and is alkaline for the digestion of starches. Carnivore's saliva is acid for the digestion of animal food.

* Our digestive system is 30 feet in length to allow the slow absorption of all the nutrients we eat. A carnivore's digestive system is short (only about 3 times the length of their trunk), the corpses of other animals do not get a chance to stagnate and stick to the walls.

* A carnivore's stomach generates ten times as much hydrochloric acid as ours does for the digestion of the corpses of animals.

* The digestion of meat generates uric acid. Our liver cannot easily eliminate uric acid. A carnivore's liver can eliminate ten to fifteen times more uric acid than ours can.

But, you may ask, where will I get my protein?

This is a standard question asked when people realize that meat is murder.

First, you do not just absorb protein from the corpses of murdered animals. In order for your body to create protein from the corpses of murdered animals, it must first break the animal protein down into amino acids and then manufacture human protein with these. This procedure is very wearing on your body and extremely inefficient.

Where do you think horses, elephants, cows, and sheep get their protein from? Yes, from the grass, vegetation and the plants they eat.

Second, let's clear the misconception about the importance of protein in our diet. The information originates from tests that were conducted on rats. Rats need up to eleven times as much protein as we need in our diet as is illustrated by analyzing rat mother's milk.

So, relax, you are not going to die from lack of protein if you stop eating the corpses of murdered animals.

The human body manufactures protein from just about any food and that we could not be lacking protein unless we stop eating or are malnourished.

This is confirmed by research done in 1957 (Rose, W. "The amino acid requirements of adult man" - Nutritional abstracts and reviews) confirming that nearly all complex carbohydrates such as those in whole grains, beans or potatoes, have amino acid profile adequate for human protein needs.

It is important to learn that cancers feed on protein and that doctors often restrict the amount of protein in a cancer patient's diet.

Some will argue that fat is necessary because it is a source of linoleic acid. As this acid is also contained in brown rice, the body will get an ample supply by following a diet devoid of the corpses of murdered animals and this will not be a problem.

Where else can you get protein from?

If you are still worried about protein, the following foods have a high content of easily absorbed amino acid suitable for the production of human protein: peas, lentils, chick peas, kidney beans, fish, tofu, green grapes, iceberg lettuce, collards and kale.

What is the effect of consuming the corpses of murdered animals on the human body?

These days the corpses of murdered animals are usually frozen, overcooked and stripped of nutrients.

Eating the corpses of murdered animals will cause accumulation of matter in your system: clogged vessels and organs, putrefaction and infection. As soon as an animal is murdered, its corpse starts to putrefy. This process is slowed by the widespread use of freezing so humans often eat corpses killed several days, weeks, months or years ago, and the body parts are ofetn subjected to multiple thaws and refreezing as well as unhygenic storage.

Rapid putrefaction resumes when the corpse of the mudered animal is thawed i.e. just before you start eating it. To properly digest an animal's rotting corpse takes 3 to 5 days and as much as two weeks in elderly humans. This is compared with a proper digestion time of one to one and half day for vegan eaters.s

Should you eat the corpses of murdered animals on a regular basis, your intestines are never clear and the corpse putrefies in your digestive track.

Putrefaction produces toxins and amines that accumulate in your liver, kidneys and large intestines, destroys bacterial cultures (especially those that synthesise vitamin B complex) and causes degeneration of the villi of the small intestine.

Saturated fatty acid accumulates in and around vital organs and blood vessels, often leading to cysts, tumours, and hardening of the arteries.

Saturated fat also raises the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Over a period of several years, the slime from putrefied animal corpses is going to adhere to the lining of your intestines and cause various problems such as IBS, stomach cramps, prolapsed colons, haemorrhoids, constipation, diverticulosis, appendicitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis and colon cancer etc...

It makes the muscles slack and the joints stiff. Daily consumption of animals and dairy food, is at the core of excessive protein intake, which has been associated with de-hydration and heat-stroke in athletes, fatal exacerbation of kidney and liver malfunctions, increased acidity of body fluids, infant deaths, premature ageing, heart disease, and cancer.

A high protein intake creates toxic by-products in the form of unused nitrogen; excreting these can seriously overtax the kidneys, unless large amounts of water are taken to flush them out.

The saturated fat content of animals' corpses will then start circulating in your blood stream and start coating your arteries and eventually various organs, leading to the development of serious disease such as cancer or heart problems.

In the United states these days, 2 out of every 3 persons suffers some form of serious problems related to their very high intake of fat.

The average American intestine carries within it over 5 pounds of putrid, half digested animal matter, plus another 5-10 pounds of foul toxic mucous waste impacted over years in the folds of the colon and small intestines.

When the actor John Wayne died, an autopsy revealed that his intestines had grown to 12" in diameter, with only a small opening in the middle to allow the digestive process to painfully carry on.

What else is in the corpses of murdered animals that you eat?

This is one of the problems. The corpses of murdered animals contain a lot of chemicals that you end up absorbing:

Factory farmns and feedlots put antibiotics and steroids in the feed to prevent infections and increase the weight of their victims quickly.

This has the effect of causing the development of new disease-breeding bacteria, resistant to many forms of antibiotics.

Sex hormones such as androgens, progestogens and estrogens are force-fed to animal victims to promote faster growth.

The long term effects associated with the consumption of these hormones are:

Obesity, infertility, diabetes, dwarfism, gigantism, kidney disease, hypertension, precocious puberty, hypoglycaemia, masculinization of females, feminization of males and cancer.

Stop the animal Holocaust and save your own health!

Lies abound.

Human saliva is acidic, just as ANY other animals, carnivore, herbivore or omnivore.
SOME, (not all) carnivore stomach acid is stronger because they eat bones, hide and other things humans (and other carnivores) do not.

Human teeth are perfectly formed for the diet of an omnivore - which is what we are. We have canines and meat-eating type incisors in addition to molars and pre-molars. Our teeth, even our molars, are significantly different from herbivores. The cusps are similar in form to the cutting ridges of a carnivore while also having the flat grinding surface for handling plant matter.

Comparing human digestive systems ot carnivores is apples to oranges - both fruit, but still different. Humans are OMNIVORES. that means our systems are designed to handle BOTH meat and plants. And while out digestive tracts are longer than the average carnivore, they are much shorter than that of herbivores. In fact a lot of grass-eating herbivores have two stomachs as weell ass longer digestive tracts. The digestive tracts of plat eaters, including omnivores, are longer because digestion of plant material is HARDER, not easier.

Human dietary needs are best met with a diet that includes meat. Plant protein sources have the wrong ratio of amino acids, so we have to eat too much of some amino acids in order to get enough of others. Additionally, human digestive systems do not easily absorb plant sources of minerals, (our digestive systems are too short.) forcing vegetarians to compensate by eating more, or supplementing artificially. Iron is a perfect example of this. Dark green leafy vegetables are high in iron, but it is bound to cellulose so very little is actually absorbed by the human body. The most common ailment in vegetarians is mild anemia. Conversely, meat derived iron is in a form readily absorbed, as the human body breaks down and rebuild its own hemoglobin all the time. Breaking down animal hemoglobin and rebuilding it into human hemoglobin is a perfect fit for the system already in place.

Humans need protein. All animals need protein. It's what we build and repair our muscles and other systems with. While the description of breaking proteins down to amino acids before rebuilding the specific proteins of the human body is correct, the claim that breaking down animal proteins is more difficult is an outright lie. We can use animal proteins more readily than plant proteins because they are in forms more similar to the human body, while taking advantage of the fact that animal proteins have the correct amino acid balance since we, too, are animals.

Insecticides and herbicides used to keep farmlands production high are every bit as bad as anything added to animal feed, with the added factor that animal digestive and waste systems eliminate at least some of the nasty chemicals put in their feed - plants just absorb it and pass it on to us unaltered.

FACT: vegetarians need to be far more careful in assuring their dietary cchoice meets their nutritional needs than do omnivores. As for the health drawbacks of too much meat - ANYTHING in excess is bad for us. Even lentils.

And about the "murder" of meat animals - they are butchered in far more humanitarian conditions than being chased down, clawed, and, if caught, suffocated by a carnivore chomping down on their throats as happens with wild animals. So much for that dumb assed emo argument.

And finally, why the fuck am I taking a useless piece of flaming shit seriously like this? Must be bored.
Yes, I don't need my filthy, rotten, unhealthy B-Vitamins!! Fuck you riboflavin and dozens more, I don't need meat in my life!!!
Yes, I don't need my filthy, rotten, unhealthy B-Vitamins!! Fuck you riboflavin and dozens more, I don't need meat in my life!!!
You can get all of those from eggs and milk. It's why octo-lacto vegetarians don't have the same health problems as vegans.
God should take the B-Vitimins out, just like Dr. Woo took the lysine glands out of his dinosaurs. That would teach them a lesson!!