Stories4u Never died


on indefiniate mod break
I remember, on april fools day in 2005/2006, (can't remember the exact year) when stories4u's "wife" came to the board saying he was finally pwned. I was one of the very few at first to immediately get the suspicious face on (-_-). My theory had always been that he meant to play an april fools joke, and then once the outpouring of support happened, he couldn't go back on what he did.

Recently, members of the holy trinity have uncovered some evidence that he is in fact still alive. I forgot what the specifics are, maybe someone else will enlighten. The main moral of the story is though, that I was right, most people were wrong, and my cynicism once again proves valiant and worthy, a sight to be seen.
Quote from my post in the Holy Trinity group:

The fucker is alive and well. He's posting over at under the moniker "Palerider." This was the username he used when we debated commies over at CheLives/RevLeft, and his avatar is the same as when he posted on and I were both mods there. His most recent activity was in April.

He even mentions politicalsoup in this thread: