Stormfront/david duke article critiscizing Ron Paul's support of MLK



One person called me and suggested a small protest to Ron Paul's MONEY BOMB DAY in honor of Martin Luther King.

On Martin Luther King's Birthday celebrated on January 21, he says we should have a:


In response my staff at prepared the following:

in support of the distribution of the newly updated, 2008 edition of My Awakening which will be officially published on the same day!

Statement of purpose:

Although many of us will vote for Ron Paul simply because he is the only candidate unequivocally opposed the the Iraq War and the destruction of American civil liberties, we must take the strongest exception to his recent praise of Martin Luther King on national television.

We cannot understand how a supposed libertarian and patriot could call King his hero. King referred to himself as a Marxist and had an open communist, Stanley Levinson, as his closest adviser and speech writer. King stood for bigger government, and an even more massive welfare state and he stood for onerous government coercion over the lives of the American people.

Martin Luther King stood against property rights, rights of association, state's rights, local rights, and individual rights. Supposedly a man of the cloth, King was also a moral disgrace and hypocrite. He was guilty of clear plagiarism in his doctoral thesis in Divinity school, and who was even cited by civil rights leaders such Rev. Ralph Abernathy for his bisexual habits, repeated liaisons with prostitutes and his vicious beatings and other physical attacks against women. His FBI surveillance record was so disgusting and damning that it was sealed by the government for 50 years to hide his despicable character. (see

That these facts are kept from the consciousness of the American is one more proof of the controlled media in America.

The fact that he is the most honored American, more honored than even the Father of Our Country, George Washington, with his own national holiday is a travesty. There is no national holiday for any single American president including George Washington or Thomas Jefferson(all Presidents share President's day).

The fact that Ron Paul would call King his hero and promote a Ron Paul money bomb on Martin Luther King Day is disgraceful, and we call on all past Ron Paul supporters to protest this by donating to on Martin Luther King's birthday!

Why a David Duke Money Bomb?

Campaigns will come and go, but all of us must realize that there is no more important thing we can do than support those who tell the whole truth on the vital issues facing us. David Duke is the best known person in the world who stands up for the heritage and freedom of the European-American people.

The fact is that our people in America, Canada, Europe, Australia, face a crisis of existence. Massive non-White immigration, differential birthrates and racial intermarriage will wipe our people, heritage, traditions, freedom and culture off the face of the earth -- unless our people become educated, motivated and organized. The truth is that millions of our people are victims of non-White crime and brutality, horrible crime not exposed by the controlled media while people are given the false impression that it is Black people who are the victims of White violence.

Millions of our people who work harder and smarter, who are better-qualified, face racial discrimination in so-called affirmative action programs. Our people also face a racist media that collectively attacks and denigrates our people and heritage.

David Duke and also dare to tell the truth about the main reason that these pernicious programs exist, the Jewish extremist domination of our media, financial structure and government. Jewish extremists such as Wolfowitz and Perle (accompanied by the Jewish-supremacist media have led us into the catastrophe of the Iraq War, but their influence doesn't end with this illegal, immoral and anti-American war. They have been the driving force behind massive immigration, anti-White propaganda, and a host of other factors contributing to our destruction.

My Awakening

My Awakening is the most influential, convincing and popular book in the world outlining the truth on racial realities and the Jewish extremist threat. The new, updated 2008 edition will be officially released on Monday, January 21st. With the support of contributors, each new edition goes to selected highly influential leaders and thinkers in the Western World. In addition your support helps maintain our website outreach, publications, and the ability of David Duke to tirelessly speak and travel across America and the world awakening our people.

On Monday, January 21st, we will send a message to Ron Paul by not supporting his Martin Luther King, Money Bomb for Ron Paul, and instead will send a donation by mail or credit card for the work of Dr. David Duke and the increased distribution of My Awakening!

We will demand that Ron Paul stand up honestly on the same powerful issues that David Duke and Patrick Buchanan used to get far bigger percentages of votes in major elections (and with far less money). And we demand that those of us who donated significantly to the Ron Paul campaign have their money used to support the principles of the traditional American majority and not cater to the likes of Wolf Blitzer or for that matter, Martin Luther King!

On Ron Paul's Martin Luther King Money Bomb Day

Let every one of us make a generous contribution to the

David Duke "My Awakening" Money Bomb Day! STAFF

Mailing address for mail in contributions.

Box 188 Mandeville, LA 70470

All the contributions will be tallied at 9 am on January 22nd and posted for the information of contributors on and

We will also start a new thread for this purpose!