Strange... he does not seem to be French....


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Texas Trader Admits Guilt in Iraq Oil-for-Food Fraud

A Houston oil trader pleaded guilty yesterday in New York to federal fraud charges in connection with illegal profits and kickbacks involving the United Nations oil-for-food program in Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s rule.
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The trader, David B. Chalmers Jr., admitted that he and two companies he ran, Bayoil USA and Bayoil Supply and Trading, made millions of dollars in kickbacks to the Iraqi government — as well as huge profits — while trading oil under the $65 billion aid program.

In April 2005, Bayoil USA became the first American company to be indicted in the wide-ranging criminal investigation of the program, which was established by the United Nations in 1995 to ease some aspects of the sanctions imposed on Iraq after it invaded Kuwait in 1990. Under it, Mr. Hussein’s government could use the money from limited oil sales to buy supplies like food and medicine.

The authorities said Bayoil and Mr. Chalmers not only made illegal payments to get Iraqi oil but also conspired to artificially lower its price, thus depriving the Iraqis of money for items they sorely needed. A man described by the authorities as an associate of Bayoil, Ludmil Dionissiev, a Bulgarian oil trader living in Houston, also pleaded guilty yesterday to charges of fraud and conspiracy in the case.

“Motivated by greed, they flouted the law, made a mockery of the stated aims of the oil-for-food program and willingly conspired with a foreign government with whom our country was on the brink of war,” John A. Klochan Jr., an F.B.I. official in New York, said in 2005 when Mr. Chalmers was arrested.

Mr. Klochan also said Mr. Chalmers and others had turned the United Nations program into a “cash cow masquerading as a humanitarian venture.”

The proceeding yesterday in Federal District Court in Manhattan followed the established pattern for guilty pleas. Mr. Chalmers, 53, appeared in court with his lawyer, Andrew Weissmann, and told the judge, Denny Chin, that he was pleading guilty of his own free will. He said he had recently been treated for stress by a doctor who was also treating him for alcohol abuse.

He then told the court that in the early 2000s, he had made deals to trade Iraqi oil, even though he knew the trades were outside the legal boundaries of the oil-for-food program and in violation of sanctions on Iraq. He also said he had sent an unspecified amount of money to an agent of Bayoil who then passed it on as a kickback to the Iraqi government.

Mr. Chalmers admitted as well that he had faxed letters to the United Nations headquarters in Manhattan related to his legal dealings with Iraq, but he never mentioned the illegal ones. The kickbacks, he admitted, allowed him and his companies to export oil from Iraq.

Mr. Chalmers faced 20 years in prison, but under an agreement with federal prosecutors, his recommended sentence is 37 to 46 months. He also agreed to forfeit $9.1 million in profits.

Another Texas oil man, Oscar S. Wyatt Jr., has also been charged in the case, accused of paying kickbacks to Mr. Hussein’s government.
We'd best invade Texas.

Conservos are now saying that one of the big reasons this war is justified is because Saddam was milking the oil-for-food program for cash. This seems like justification to bomb Texas's infrastructure too. That's a war I'd enlist for.
We'd best invade Texas.

Conservos are now saying that one of the big reasons this war is justified is because Saddam was milking the oil-for-food program for cash. This seems like justification to bomb Texas's infrastructure too. That's a war I'd enlist for.
Joking about killing Americans really isn't as cool as you think it makes you look.
I read that the military is having trouble getting volunteers from PR due to their anti war attitude down there...
The land of milk and honey. Home of wonderfully popular folks like Ron Paul, Tom Delay, George W. Bush, and David Koresh.
The land of milk and honey. Home of wonderfully popular folks like Ron Paul, Tom Delay, George W. Bush, and David Koresh.
I notice you fail to mention such people such as LBJ... Of course that doesn't change my sentiment one iota.
I notice you fail to mention such people such as LBJ... Of course that doesn't change my sentiment one iota.

Umm I was working on that was trying to think of others besides LBJ :)

Anyway TX used to be another country...
They only became a part of the USA so we would bail them out of the war with Mexico and their debt.
hmmm come to think of it sounds kinda familiar for texicans,,,,
I notice you fail to mention such people such as LBJ... Of course that doesn't change my sentiment one iota.

Didn't occur to me since I had no idea he was from there. His belonging to the worst state in the union only helps to make my case.
I wonder if BMW's sell well in TX ?

Was in Christiansburg VA today, pulled up to intersection, light was red, cop pulled into intersection and started directing traffic. Lady in new BMW behind me started honking horn. Now we were 1 and 2 at the light, with a cop directing a funeral procession thru. Well anyway that got over and I went thru the intersection to the Ihop just past the intersection and she pulled in there at Ihop and promptly got in line with the others backed up out the door.

All BMW's might not have pricks in them, but they are prick magnets.