Strange how the red state retrogrades

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Whine about socialism, when their peckerwood ancestors where on the receiving end of the TVA to bring those crackas into the 20th century

With the country reeling from the Great Depression, President Roosevelt created his “New Deal” to help America recover. The Tennessee Valley Authority was founded to help the hard-hit Tennessee Valley, where it was tasked with improving the quality of life in the region.......

Whine about socialism, when their peckerwood ancestors where on the receiving end of the TVA to bring those crackas into the 20th century

With the country reeling from the Great Depression, President Roosevelt created his “New Deal” to help America recover. The Tennessee Valley Authority was founded to help the hard-hit Tennessee Valley, where it was tasked with improving the quality of life in the region.......


Left wing "NOISE".
Was the New Deal good for America?

You mean the NEW "communist" Deal of King Roosevelt that implemented portions of the Communist Manifesto via stacking the Supreme Court? The New Deal that was implemented to reside over a decade long GREAT DEPRESSION....the New Deal that saw the rise of a fake credit economy in the form of Keynesian Economics which are:bigthink: imploding around us as we speak? That NEW DEAL?

If the power of US MANUFACTURING would not have been mandated by a GLOBAL war......the US would have never recovered from a GREAT DEPRESSION that was prolonged by the left sticking its communist nose about a foot up the ass of our Free Market Society.

Let me think about it...…..HELL NO.....the NEW DEAL was not good for the United States of America as self professed by Roosevelts' own Sec. of the Treasury (Henry Morgenthau).

His own words about the reign of Roosevelts NEW DEAL. "...…….We (the FDR administration) tried spending money. We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and IT DOES NOT WORK. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong.....somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. WE HAVE NEVER MADE GOOD ON OUR PROMISES (wink, wink, NEW DEAL PROMISES)….I say after 8 years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started.....and an ENORMOUS DEBT TO BOOT." -- Henry Morgenthau.

So….no the communist manifesto NEW DEAL never worked in the least.....all it brought to the US was more and more DEBT while poverty remained. Until....the war carried our sorry asses out of a decade long NEW COMMUNIST DEAL great depression....caused by BIG GOVERNMENT attempting to control a free market economy.
No, I consider it a part of living. As long as you exist in a country, you are dependent on government.

If you live desiring to be dependent and controlled by the government, that's not living. It's existing. You may as well have strings tied to you like a puppet.
If you live desiring to be dependent and controlled by the government, that's not living. It's existing. You may as well have strings tied to you like a puppet.

Well I don't want to be dependent on government, I'm just an adult so I accept reality. Unless you live on international waters, you're dependent on government.
Well I don't want to be dependent on government, I'm just an adult so I accept reality. Unless you live on international waters, you're dependent on government.

As an adult, you should accept you've chosen to be controlled by the government.
I have? How did I say the government controls me?
I do agree that we're controlled in that we have to follow laws, but I never personally chose which things were illegal.

You sure did. "I do agree that we're controlled in that we have to follow laws . . " Were you lying?

I make the choice to follow laws. You admitted you were controlled into doing so.
You mean the NEW "communist" Deal of King Roosevelt that implemented portions of the Communist Manifesto via stacking the Supreme Court? The New Deal that was implemented to reside over a decade long GREAT DEPRESSION....the New Deal that saw the rise of a fake credit economy in the form of Keynesian Economics which are:bigthink: imploding around us as we speak? That NEW DEAL?

If the power of US MANUFACTURING would not have been mandated by a GLOBAL war......the US would have never recovered from a GREAT DEPRESSION that was prolonged by the left sticking its communist nose about a foot up the ass of our Free Market Society.

Let me think about it...…..HELL NO.....the NEW DEAL was not good for the United States of America as self professed by Roosevelts' own Sec. of the Treasury (Henry Morgenthau).

His own words about the reign of Roosevelts NEW DEAL. "...…….We (the FDR administration) tried spending money. We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and IT DOES NOT WORK. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong.....somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. WE HAVE NEVER MADE GOOD ON OUR PROMISES (wink, wink, NEW DEAL PROMISES)….I say after 8 years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started.....and an ENORMOUS DEBT TO BOOT." -- Henry Morgenthau.

So….no the communist manifesto NEW DEAL never worked in the least.....all it brought to the US was more and more DEBT while poverty remained. Until....the war carried our sorry asses out of a decade long NEW COMMUNIST DEAL great depression....caused by BIG GOVERNMENT attempting to control a free market economy.

Explain to is there "ralphie," if FDR hadn't been elected and Hoover won another term with his "rugged individualism" and Smoot-Hawley Tariff how would the US have pulled itself out of the Depression?
Whine about socialism, when their peckerwood ancestors where on the receiving end of the TVA to bring those crackas into the 20th century

With the country reeling from the Great Depression, President Roosevelt created his “New Deal” to help America recover. The Tennessee Valley Authority was founded to help the hard-hit Tennessee Valley, where it was tasked with improving the quality of life in the region.......


You don't have to go back to the 1930's, the Red States today are still living off of the Gov't tit at the expense of several of the Blue States they love to criticize

Comes back to the Tea Party crashing some Congressman's town hall meeting with one guy shouting that he hated socialism and Obama better keep his hands off of his Medicare
Explain to is there "ralphie," if FDR hadn't been elected and Hoover won another term with his "rugged individualism" and Smoot-Hawley Tariff how would the US have pulled itself out of the Depression?

So...that is the answer for HISTORY ACTUAL.....a made up "hypothetical" make believe question that can't be addressed with "objectivity", but we should play the What if game? In other words your answer is a straw man question that was never asked? What IF? :dunno: "QUICK....LOOK....A RABIT......go ahead and chase it down its hole? Really? That's for simple minded LIBERALS with ADD.:laugh:

Reality is what any conservative with a logical and reasoned thought process deals in. The reality was presented in documented facts.....the NEW DEAL did nothing but bring enormous debt to the tax payers of the United States of America because of the implementation of a Keynesian format of attempting to "borrow" from Peter to pay Paul. This debt has became so enormous since its implementation that the taxpayers of the U.S. have trouble paying the interest on borrowed wealth. The tax payers of the U.S. are over 22 trillion.....soon to be 24 Trillion in debt today....thanks to the implementation of a great portion of the Communist Manifesto by FDR.

What you are witnessing today is the collapse of a supposed WORLD ECONOMY based upon the Keynesian model of economics where credit is used instead of real property and wealth such as being on a precious metal standard......this system is doomed from the beginning. Look at all the nations around the globe that have attempted this COMMUNIST FORMAT of economics......the Former USSR (crashed and burnt)…..Cuba...(its people stuck in a 3rd world shithole still having to use 50s technology)…...the Nation of Venezuela (once one of the richest and most productive free market nations on earth)…..this type of economy has brought this once great economy to its knees.

These are FACTS.....documented/reproducible, consistent FACTS. If you want to play games and construct straw man arguments I suggest finding another LIBERAL to play with.....but I can stop the WHAT IFs....the republicans did this...or did that...…

Find another historical example of a similar crash or market adjustment...….take the stock market crash of've never heard of such a crash? EXACTLY. There was a severe market adjustment in the U.S. when the war ended.....Stocks fell quickly by 47% with a market adjustment (void of Big Brother sticking his nose up the free market economies ass) that took about 18 months to recover ….during this time there was a 12 year span of conservative rule (hands off)….the result? A decade long GREAT DEPRESSION such as existed with FDR (who also saw a 2nd major stock market crash in 1937)…...or THE ROARING 20s?

How's that OBJECTIVE REAL ANSWER to your straw man (an argument never made) WHAT IF that never can be addressed with objectivity because IT NEVER REALLY HAPPENED? :bigthink:

The way a true free market economy works is simple...…...if you fail, you deserve to buried and sold off to the highest bidder.....not rewarded in using the same inept corporate heads that caused the failure in the first place. There have been many economic adjustments in the history of the U.S......the one's that recovered faster where the one's that did not have BIG BROTHER sticking his nose up the ass of the free market place. In a real free market economy.....its the consumer that rules and dictates who succeeds and who fails.....not the GOVERNMENT.

I believe in Occam's Razor...… want to find success in business....give the people what they need (build a better mouse trap)….and the world will come knocking at your door. What we have today is FAKE WEALTH based upon a CREDIT CARD SYSTEM reflecting fake wealth that does not really exist...the one's who profit.....the one's who make the credit cards and the rules of use. AKA.....the WORLD BANKING FAMILIES....consisting of just 3 major familiar origins....i.e., the corrupt elite families that make up the DEEP STATE (an ingrained system of placing people within the REAL GOVERNMENTS around the world in order to control the wealth of the world.

That's what we are about...brining these cockroaches out into the open and exposing their evil methods of control. This latest CRASH is their doing......they don't care about real people.....they are attempting to crash the economies around the world to bring down ONE MAN...….Donald John Trump (what they failed to realize......Trump was placed into power by our great military minds who have a coup of their own planned...…………………...
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