Strapped for cash, Trump yanks TV ads in key states as Biden spending surges

Trump's retreat from Ohio, Iowa and New Hampshire reflects his struggle to change the dynamics of a race that polls suggest he is on track to lose.

trumps new campaign song

No one is giving money to a loser

Trump stopped all of his television and radio advertising in three states and substantially reduced it in four others in recent weeks after his lackluster fundraising left him unable to match a surge in spending by his Democratic challenger, Joe Biden.

More "propaganda".......Trump is so far ahead in these states he's shifting this campaign funds to be spent in BLUE STATES like Nevada, Minn., NY and even California. Look for a campaign add blitz over the next few weeks in BLUE STATES concentrating on minority and the black voting blocks...that the left has taken for granted since FDR was POTUS.
That figures, considering the lawlessly hacked in COVID-45 fake so-called president in the devil's favor at having his soul yanked away after selling out to the on the down low devil and his Russian pimps, etc., decades ago. This includes to go on a hell bound journey at pissing on humanity and looting its money and its soul, and to dance around like a fool among a bunch of old dragon NY broads of that day who have likely died a long time ago for their bodies and souls to reap what they have sown while on Earth at socializing with the devil's flunky tRump.
I keep getting pleading emails for money from Trump. Sometimes Trump jr says they will match by donation by 800 percent.Sorry Trump said he was seld funding. I do not want to make him a liar.