stream of conscious thread

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
hello hello hello hello hello. NEVERMIND.

you are all idiots just please stfu omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

need a break way too stressed i need to go far far far far far far farrrrr away.

holy shit. breathe breathe breathe holy shit i really have to calm down what the fuck.
Ahahahaha, the unknown comic, or whatever the guys stage name was when he did stand up. He was obnoxious!
Ahahahaha, the unknown comic, or whatever the guys stage name was when he did stand up. He was obnoxious!

Oh, fyi, on this forum, you can post under that screen name by clicking "Go Advanced" (instead of posting a quick reply) and check the box in the upper right hand corner, accross from the "title" bar...
Stream of consciousness, stream of urine. Old men are conscious of their stream of urine and their prostrate prostate. Erratic prostatic, are there any amateur statics? Who knows, who cares... I now command my subconscious mind. Subconscious or unconscious? I am conscious of both. Why do some people have an unconscious consciousness? Filling their heads with American Idol, Biggest Loser, Dancing with the (putative) Stars. A slack jawed living death, Madame Toussaude's in your own living(?) room! That's not living, turn off the brain killing box and laugh with your children, create magic memories of simple things. To a little kid going to the drive through car wash is just as much fun as anything Disney has to offer. Swimming in the creek is free, but the water is liquid ice! I saw crawdads in the swimming hole for the first time last summer. I had never seen them there before. getting water from a well using a bucket and rope, old school, you have to know how to drop the bucket. None of the rope on a crank crap either. Haul it up, boy, build your shoulders. Use a pole saw and put some arms on you. I need to pray for my Grandfathers more often, I truly miss them. I wonder if I can ever live up to legacy of my American revolutionary ancestors. One, a seventeen year old enlistee, fought at Saratoga, and the other, a captain of the local militia, at Brooklyn Heights; the former battle one of 'our' greatest victories and the other our greatest defeat. The Captain was my age - full grown man - when he told his wife and kids that putting down the plow and picking up arms against the professional army was something he need to do. I wonder what terror and fear she felt. And there they are laid, to eternal rest beside each other in the old family cemetery, died 1810 and 1815. Did they marry for love or were times more practical then? Did you seek a soulmate or rather a work partner and someone who could provide for the children or bear strong babies? Life without regular bathing or indoor plumbing. Thank god for both. What would I have been back then, who would i have been back then? All of their children, even girls, were taught to read and write. Something my family has done since the 1500 - teach the girls to read and write, too. Thank You Old Queen Bess.
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hello hello hello hello hello. NEVERMIND.

you are all idiots just please stfu omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

need a break way too stressed i need to go far far far far far far farrrrr away.

holy shit. breathe breathe breathe holy shit i really have to calm down what the fuck.

Son, yer more annoying then a booger you can't thumb off.
Son, yer more annoying then a booger you can't thumb off.
Thumbing off a booger, polyester pants, an impossible task. Consider the humble Kleenex, just a few cents for all that absorbent and useful goodness. A real bargain. All the little things that cost such small sums but make life better: the plastic spoon, straws, scotch tape, paper clips. Writing paper - once solely available to Kings for the King's important things, now cheap and readily available. A paper airplane, a child's toy - even the most impoverished child can have a paper airplane, just don't let the teacher catch you! Chewing gum, first made commercially successful by Santa Anna(sp), the Mexican General who defeated the Texans at the Alamo. Odd history, we are such a young nation - talk to some friends from INdia an ancient culture for a sense of perspective. BUt the youthfulness is what makes us special our roots have never fully set, we can and do change. No age-old system of castes, which though outlawed are still effective on the periphery of that society. Don't eat the cow, it is too expensive. You lose your polwing equipment your fertilzer spreader and your cheese machine, just for a steak - bad deal and stupid. meat based protien is the most expensive type. If you want to really help the environment and stop global warming, don't run out and buy a Prius, go vegetarian. It takes 50 lbs of vegatable protien to produce one pund of animal protein. It takes 5 acres of grassland to feed one cow, which will provide one big barbeque, butthat same acrage can feed a person for eternity. Di you ever notice just how nasty a 'meat' turd smells? Defintiley a differenet odor than veggie poops. Cow manure really does not stink bad, it does now becasue the hormones and crap that it stuffed into it to make the cows more 'productive' screw up the cow's system. I've been out on the wide open prairie watching bison. Their patties, even fresh ones, have an odor but not that commercial feedlot stench. You should avoid milk too. It aggravtes allergies and creates mucus that you can't thumb off.
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Thumbing off a booger, polyester pants, an impossible task. Consider the humble Kleenex, just a few cents for all that absorbent and useful goodness. A real bargain. All the little things that cost such small sums but make life better: the plastic spoon, straws, scotch tape, paper clips. Writing paper - once solely available to Kings for the King's important things, now cheap and readily available. A paper airplane, a child's toy - even the most impoverished child can have a paper airplane, just don't let the teacher catch you! Chewing gum, first made commercially successful by Santa Anna(sp), the Mexican General who defeated the Texans at the Alamo. Odd history, we are such a young nation - talk to some friends from INdia an ancient culture for a sense of perspective. BUt the youthfulness is what makes us special our roots have never fully set, we can and do change. No age-old system of castes, which though outlawed are still effective on the periphery of that society. Don't eat the cow, it is too expensive. You lose your polwing equipment your fertilzer spreader and your cheese machine, just for a steak - bad deal and stupid. meat based protien is the most expensive type. If you want to really help the environment and stop global warming, don't run out and buy a Prius, go vegetarian. It takes 50 lbs of vegatable protien to produce one pund of animal protein. It takes 5 acres of grassland to feed one cow, which will provide one big barbeque, butthat same acrage can feed a person for eternity. Di you ever notice just how nasty a 'meat' turd smells? Defintiley a differenet odor than veggie poops. Cow manure really does not stink bad, it does now becasue the hormones and crap that it stuffed into it to make the cows more 'productive' screw up the cow's system. I've been out on the wide open prairie watching bison. Their patties, even fresh ones, have an odor but not that commercial feedlot stench. You should avoid milk too. It aggravtes allergies and creates mucus that you can't thumb off.
Which reminds me of tree sap, which you also cannot thumb off. Why do people use the thumb for hitchhiking? It seems that signs would always do better and give people an idea of where you are going. Do you think signs could possibly change a person's vote? Local elections always have jillions of signs that just have a name on them. Jillions, does that sound like a big number? Why did it take so long for the Romans to figure out zero? Roman candles are cool on the fourth of July, which reminds me of climbing trees to watch the fireworks, I always got tree sap on my hands, and I couldn't seem to get it off. Talk about something impossible to thumb off your finger, worse than sticky mucus...
Why do people use the thumb for hitchhiking? It seems that signs would always do better and give people an idea of where you are going.

I usually just flip everyone off as they're driving by. Eventually a hot chick usually pulls over, rolls down her window and says, "okay, lets go for it!"

I've never had a one night stand, some random bit of trash. Sex has GOT to be a lot more 'personal' for a girl...

But I do wonder if I've ever broken a heart. Was anyone ever madly in unrequited 'love' with me and I never knew? I hope not, I'd hate to think I was the cause of that type of pain having been in that type of pain myself at times - once to the point of contemplating suicide. Billy Joel's song "(Don't forget) your Second Wind" - well, if that miserable piece of crap had come on the radio at that critical moment, that would have pushed me over the edge, I'd be dead. Thankfully, my friends came along with a big fat spliff - a little while later, all was right with the world again, at least long enough to stay alive and try to get it right the next day.

I'm the type that when anyone needs something, I'm the one they ask for help. I have this ugly feeling that if I ever needed the same, I'd hear crickets. Maybe I'll stop being helpful, but just as the old story tells us it is the nature of the scorpion to sting, it is in the nature of the Trog to help. Me the idiot, I stop the car and rescue turtles that are trying to cross the road. You know you can get salmonella from turtles? Me the idiot, I make sure the rain sewer drain is unclogged. It's downhill of me, but if it clogs, the water runs into my neighbors yard and screws things up. She's old. M'eh.

Once a dump truck lost it's brakes, and careened down the hill. The driver tried to catch it and climb in - it did not end well - DOA. The bloodstains on the pavement lasted about six weeks.

Maybe my expectations are unrealistic. Maybe my life is unrealistic, am I real? Yeah, real fucked in the head.
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I've never had a one night stand, some random bit of trash. Sex has GOT to be a lot more 'personal' for a girl...

But I do wonder if I've ever broken a heart. Was anyone ever madly in unrequited 'love' with me and I never knew? I hope not, I'd hate to think I was the cause of that type of pain having been in that type of pain myself at times - once to the point of contemplating suicide. Billy Joel's song "(Don't forget) your Second Wind" - well, if that miserable piece of crap had come on the radio at that critical moment, that would have pushed me over the edge, I'd be dead. Thankfully, my friends came along with a big fat spliff - a little while later, all was right with the world again, at least long enough to stay alive and try to get it right the next day.

I'm the type that when anyone needs something, I'm the one they ask for help. I have this ugly feeling that if I ever needed the same, I'd hear crickets. Maybe I'll stop being helpful, but just as the old story tells us it is the nature of the scorpion to sting, it is in the nature of the Trog to help. Me the idiot, I stop the car and rescue turtles that are trying to cross the road. You know you can get salmonella from turtles? Me the idiot, I make sure the rain sewer drain is unclogged. It's downhill of me, but if it clogs, the water runs into my neighbors yard and screws things up. She's old. M'eh.

Once a dump truck lost it's brakes, and careened down the hill. The driver tried to catch it and climb in - it did not end well - DOA. The bloodstains on the pavement lasted about six weeks.

Maybe my expectations are unrealistic. Maybe my life is unrealistic, am I real? Yeah, real fucked in the head.

What brought on this bit of negative inner-reflection??
I've never had a one night stand, some random bit of trash. Sex has GOT to be a lot more 'personal' for a girl...

But I do wonder if I've ever broken a heart. Was anyone ever madly in unrequited 'love' with me and I never knew? I hope not, I'd hate to think I was the cause of that type of pain having been in that type of pain myself at times - once to the point of contemplating suicide. Billy Joel's song "(Don't forget) your Second Wind" - well, if that miserable piece of crap had come on the radio at that critical moment, that would have pushed me over the edge, I'd be dead. Thankfully, my friends came along with a big fat spliff - a little while later, all was right with the world again, at least long enough to stay alive and try to get it right the next day.

I'm the type that when anyone needs something, I'm the one they ask for help. I have this ugly feeling that if I ever needed the same, I'd hear crickets. Maybe I'll stop being helpful, but just as the old story tells us it is the nature of the scorpion to sting, it is in the nature of the Trog to help. Me the idiot, I stop the car and rescue turtles that are trying to cross the road. You know you can get salmonella from turtles? Me the idiot, I make sure the rain sewer drain is unclogged. It's downhill of me, but if it clogs, the water runs into my neighbors yard and screws things up. She's old. M'eh.

Once a dump truck lost it's brakes, and careened down the hill. The driver tried to catch it and climb in - it did not end well - DOA. The bloodstains on the pavement lasted about six weeks.

Maybe my expectations are unrealistic. Maybe my life is unrealistic, am I real? Yeah, real fucked in the head.

It is always a mistake to think an interesting style will compensate for a lack of content.
What brought on this bit of negative inner-reflection??

You might recall from a previous community that I have a medical condition that can lead to serious consequences, if I am not constantly vigilant. Sometimes the weight of vigilance is heavy and drags me down. It puts me in a very negative state of mind.
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No architectural invention has been so indispensable to shopping as the escalator. The escalator is present... silent, and unnoticed. Ponder the humble escalator, carrier of many ungrateful souls and dirt-filled soles. Its monotonous task - circling endlessly, infinitely, like the shoppers themselves. They, exhibiting no more thought than it, seek solace in the latest glitter or bauble. Perhaps there is something 'better' around the next corner or curve or where the vanishing point meets the horizon. THAT is where Oz lies. When do we get to meet the Wizard? Ruby colored slippers, second level, past the Food Court, 50% off today only. Run Toto, Run!
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