striesand gets ghetto

NEW YORK -- Comedians are used to hecklers -- but apparently not Barbra Streisand.

The legendary entertainer dropped an F-bomb when chiding a man who didn't like the President George W. Bush impersonator that she brought out for a sketch during her concert Monday night.

The show -- at Madison Square Garden in New York -- was the third stop in Streisand's 20-city concert tour

After the sketch, a few people in the crowd jeered and told Streisand to stick to singing.

She told them, "Come on, be polite."

But one heckler wouldn't let up and Streisand let him have it.

In response, Streisand told him to "Shut the (expletive) up!"

The crowd applauded, and Streisand added, "Shut up if you can't take a joke!"

Streisand later apologized to the audience for using the F-word.

As for the Bush impersonator, Streisand pointed out that "the artist's role is to disturb."

Streisand's concert tour is her first one in 12 years.
figures, someone would have to pay me a lot to go to a striesand show and give me some ludes so I would not care where I was ;)
You'd probably want to avoid the ludes, at least so many you wouldn't care what was happening to you... You know, with all the queens.
You'd probably want to avoid the ludes, at least so many you wouldn't care what was happening to you... You know, with all the queens.
OOPS! you have a very good point :eek: Perhaps earplugs and dark shades, if I was Paid a LOT of money.