Student Suspended For T-Shirt


JPP Modarater

"When Deborah Raber let her eighth-grade son wear a T-shirt to an East Brunswick school yesterday that read, "If you see the police, warn a brother," she never thought he would get suspended for nine days. "

I'm sure there is a lot more to the story, but especially given recent events in NYC, I don't think it warranted all of this.
On another note, this is why I support uniforms in public schools. They should all be the same too: Pants and Sweater/Buttondown for every body.
I think it cuts down on a lot of issues if you just make everyone wear the same thing. They can wear what they want outside of school. Kids are there to learn, not run the catwalk.
I think it cuts down on a lot of issues if you just make everyone wear the same thing. They can wear what they want outside of school. Kids are there to learn, not run the catwalk.
Not if they live at my house. When they leave the door and when they return they will not be dressed like little 'hoes' regardless of whether or not they are going to school.
I think if you're going to allow clothing with verbiage on it, you have to articulate why they can't wear it and why its offensive, which the mother claims the school didn't do. If they had uniforms this wouldn't be an issue.
Carpe Diem Chavez!

Not if they live at my house. When they leave the door and when they return they will not be dressed like little 'hoes' regardless of whether or not they are going to school.

That seem to have struck a cord.
Just so we're clear Damo, I don't think children should dress like 'hoes' either. Instituting a common dress code among students would certainly rule that out. That could also help to curb some of the problems schools have with gangs.
And help with poor self esteem and ridicule problems of the less fortunate children that cannot afford trendy clothes.
They are there to learn, not have fashion competitions.