Students fill garbage cans with Michelle mandated foods


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Are kids smarter than the Washington bureaucrats that are forcing foods on them that look awful, taste awful and are thrown into garbage cans in response?

School administrations continue to hang posters in cafeterias trying to convince students that what is being fed to them is "fun food" which is healthier for them than the foods they enjoy eating.

Meanwhile schools are having to purchase more garbage cans to contain the Michelle mandated foods that kids are dumping, some preferring to go hungry rather than eat "required" foods. Students just throw away the food being forced on them by the US Government.

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Are kids smarter than the Washington bureaucrats that are forcing foods on them that look awful, taste awful and are thrown into garbage cans in response?

School administrations continue to hang posters in cafeterias trying to convince students that what is being fed to them is "fun food" which is healthier for them than the foods they enjoy eating.

Meanwhile schools are having to purchase more garbage cans to contain the Michelle mandated foods that kids are dumping, some preferring to go hungry rather than eat "required" foods. Students just throw away the food being forced on them by the US Government.

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Your article is real long on rhetoric and real short on facts or even information.

Do you have anything substantive?

Otherwise I an going to have to label this a thread fail, and a very poor effort at that.

In fact, embarrassingly so.